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This webpage reproduces a chapter of
The Life of Miranda

William Spence Robertson

The University of North Carolina Press

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[image ALT: A framed portrait in oils, three-quarters left, of a man in late middle age, wearing an early‑19c military uniform: a heavy coat or jacket with wide lapels richly embroidered in gold, and a heavy epaulet on each shoulder. He is Francisco de Miranda, Venezuelan adventurer and patriot.]

General Francisco de Miranda. Portrait by an unknown artist. In the Suárez-Costa-Miranda Collection, Villa Selva e Guasto, Florence, Italy. Reproduced by courtesy of Signor Diego Suárez Costa y Miranda.​a

Vol. II


Some secondary accounts contain source material. On Miranda's career as a revolutionary promoter useful sources are quoted in Robertson, W. S., Francisco de Miranda and the Revolutionizing of Spanish America, American Historical Association Report, 1907, vol. I, pp491‑510, Washington, 1909 (abbreviated in the footnotes of the present work as Robertson, Miranda). The abbreviations used for manuscript sources in the footnotes of the present work are given below.

A. Sources

a. Manuscripts

Adams MSS. General Correspondence of John Adams, Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston.
Add. MSS. Additional MSS., British Museum, London.
Am. MSS. American MSS., Royal Institution of Great Britain, London.
A. A. E. Archives du ministère des affaires étrangères, correspondance politique, Paris.
A. C. Archivo de la catedral, Caracas, Venezuela.
A. G. Archives du ministère de la guerre, Paris.
A. G. I. Archivo general de Indias, Seville, Spain.
A. G. N. Archivo general de la nación, city of Mexico.
A. G. S. Archivo general de Simancas, Simancas, Spain.
A. H. N. Archivo histórico nacional, Madrid, Spain.
A. N. Archives nationales, Paris.
A. U. Archivo de la universidad central, Caracas.
Ch. MSS. Chatham MSS., Public Record Office, London.
Cub. MSS. Cuban MSS., Library of Congress, Washington.
Eg. MSS. Egerton MSS., British Museum, London.
Ham. MSS. Hamilton MSS., Library of Congress.
Henry Adams' Transcripts, Library of Congress.
I. & A. Bureau of Indexes and Archives, Department of State, Washington.
Jeff. MSS. Jefferson MSS., Library of Congress.
Knox MSS. Knox MSS., New England Historic Genealogical Society, Boston.
Lavater Collection of Portraits, National Bibliotek, Vienna.
 p258  Mad. MSS. Madison MSS., Library of Congress.
Mel. MSS. Melville MSS., Papers of Earl Bathurst, Pinbury Park.
Mir. MSS. Miranda MSS., Academia nacional de la historia, Caracas. 63 volumes here cited as a continuous series in the order listed in the Indice del archivo del general Miranda.
Mon. MSS. Monroe MSS., Library of Congress.
Pick. MSS. Pickering MSS., Massachusetts Historical Society.
Prerogative Court of Canterbury Records. In the Principal Registry of the Probate, Divorce, and Admiralty Division of the High Court of Justice, Somerset House, London.

Public Record Office, London:

Ad. R.

Admiralty Records,

A. M. Admiralty Musters,
A. O. Auditor's Office,
C. O. Colonial Office,
F. O. Foreign Office,
S. L. Ships' Logs,
T. Treasury Records,
W. O. War Office.
Sp. MSS. Sparks MSS., Widener Memorial Library, Cambridge, Mass.
Stiles' MS. Stiles' MS. Diary, Library of Yale University, New Haven, Conn.

b. Published Material

I. Books and Pamphlets

Abrantès, Duchesse d', Mémoires de Madame la Duchesse d'Abrantès, vol. I. Paris, 1831.

Adams, J., The Works of John Adams, Second President of the United States, edited by C. F. Adams, vols. I, VIII, and X. Boston, 1856.

American State Papers; Foreign Relations, vol. III. Washington, 1832.

Annals of the Congress of the United States, ninth, tenth, and eleventh congresses. Washington, 1852‑53.

Annual Report of the American Historical Association, 1896, vol. I. Washington, 1897.

Antepara, J. M. [and Miranda, F. de], editors. South American Emancipation: Documents Historical and Explanatory, shewing  p259 the designs which have been in progress, and the exertions made by General Miranda for the attainment of that object during the last twenty-five years. London, 1810.

Aulard, F. A., La société des Jacobins : recueil de documents pour l'histoire du club des Jacobins de Paris, vol. V. Paris, 1895.

Austria, J. de, Bosquejo de la historia militar de Venezuela en la guerra de su independencia. Caracas, 1855.

Baggsen, J., Timoleon und Immanuel. Documente einer Freundschaft, edited by J. C. Baggsen. Leipzig, 1910.

Barras, P. F. J. N. de, Mémoires de Barras, membre du directoire, edited by G. Drury, vol. II. Paris, 1895.

Bartenev, P. I., editor. Archiv knjaza Voroncova, vols. IXXXX. Moscow, 1876, 1884.

Bentham, J., The Works of Jeremy Bentham, edited by J. Bowring, vol. X. Edinburgh, 1843.

[Biggs, J.], The History of Don Francisco de Miranda's Attempt to effect a Revolution in South America, in a series of letters. Boston, 1808.

Biographical Anecdotes of the Founders of the French Republic, and of Other Eminent Characters who have distinguished themselves during the Progress of the Revolution, vol. I. London, 1799.

Blanco, J. F. (and Azpurúa, R.), editors. Documentos para la historia de la vida pública del libertador de Colombia, Perú y Bolivia, 14 vols. Caracas, 1873‑77.

Bolívar, S., Cartas de Bolívar, 1799 á 1822, edited by R. Blanco-Fombona. Paris (1912).

Bolívar, S., Papeles de Bolívar publicados por Vicente Lecuna. Caracas, 1917.

Boussingault, J. B. J. D., Mémoires de J. B. Boussingault, vol. III. Paris, 1900.

Brissot, J. P. . . . . Correspondance et papiers, edited by C. Perroud. Paris, 1911.

British and Foreign State Papers, vol. I, pt. II. London, 1841.

Browning, O., editor. England and Napoleon in 1803, being the Despatches of Lord Whitworth and Others. London, 1887.

Bulletin du tribunal criminel révolutionnaire, nos. 30‑37, and suppléments. Paris, 1793.

Burke, W., Additional Reasons for our Immediately Emancipating Spanish America. London, 1808.

––––– Derechos de la América del Sur y México. Caracas, 1811.

––––– South American Independence, or the Emancipation of South America, the Glory and Interest of England. London, 1807.

 p260  Burr, A., The private journal of Aaron Burr, during his residence of four years in Europe, edited by M. L. Davis, 2 vols. New York, 1838.

Cartel entre la yslas de Cuba y Jamaica, 1781 [Kingston, 1781].

Casas, P. de las, and Others, Defensa documentada de la conducta del comandante de La Guaira, Sr. Manuel María de las Casas, en la prision del general Miranda y entrega de aquella plaza á los Españoles en 1812. Caracas, 1843.

Castlereagh, Viscount, Memoirs and Correspondence of Viscount Castlereagh, edited by C. Vane, vols. VI, VII, and VIII. London, 1851.

Catalogue of the Valuable and Extensive Library of the late General Miranda; Part the First. London, 1828.

Catalogue of the Second and Remaining Portion of the Valuable Library of the late General Miranda. London, 1833.

. . . Causas de infidencia: documentos inéditos relativos á la revolución de la independencia, edited by L. Valenilla Lanz. Caracas, 1916.

Champagneux, L. A., editor. Oeuvres de J. M. Ph. Roland, vol. II. Paris, 1799.

Chauveau Lagarde, C. F., Chauveau à ses concitoyens. (Paris, 1793).

––––– Plaidoyer pour le général Miranda, accusé de haute traison et de complicité avec le général en chef Dumouriez. Paris (1793).

Cochelet, A. P. B., Rapport fait au comité militaire de la convention nationale. Paris (1793).

Codazzi, A., Atlas físico é politico de la república de Venezuela. Caracas, 1840.

––––– Resumen de la geografía de Venezuela. Paris, 1841.

Colchester, Charles Abbot, The Diary and Correspondence of Charles Abbot, Lord Colchester, edited by Charles, Lord Colchester, vol. II. London, 1861.

Colección de los decretos y órdenes que han expedido las cortes generales y extraordinarias desde su instalación en 24 de setiembre de 1810 hasta igual fecha de 1811, 2 vols. Madrid, 1813.

Custine, D. de, Delphine de Custine, belle amie de Miranda. Lettres inédites . . . edited by C. Parra-Pérez. Paris, 1927.

Diario de las discusiones y actas de las cortes, vol. XV. Cadiz, 1812.

Diario de las operaciones de la expedición contra la plaza de Panzacola concluida por las armas de S. M. Católica baxo la órdenes del mariscal del campo D. Bernardo de Gálvez. Habana, 1781.​c

Díaz, J. D., Recuerdos sobre la rebelión de Caracas. Madrid, 1829.

. . . Documentos históricos sobre la vida del generalísimo Miranda. Maracaibo, 1896.

Documentos interesantes relativos á Caracas: Interesting Documents  p261 relating to Caracas. London, 1812.

Documentos relativos á los antecedentes de la independencia de la República Argentina. Buenos Aires, 1912.

Dumouriez (C. F. D.), Correspondance du général Dumourierº avec Pache, ministre de la guerre. Paris, 1793.

––––– La vie du général Dumouriez, 3 vols. Hamburg, 1795.

––––– La vie et les mémoires du général Dumouriez, 4 vols. Paris, 1822‑23.

Estados Unidos de Venezuela; acta de la independencia, MDCCCXI (Caracas, 1911).

Eustace, J. S., Le citoyen des États-Unis d'Amérique . . . à ses frères d'armes. Paris, 1793.

––––– Official and Private Correspondence of Major-General J. S. Eustace. Paris, 1796.

Extrait duº procès-verbauxº des délibérations du comité de la guerre. . . . Interrogatoire du général Miranda. Paris, 1793.

Farington, J., The Farington Diary, vols. I‑VII. London, 1923‑27.

Flinter, G. D., A History of the Revolution of Caracas. London, 1819.

García de Sena, M., translator. La independencia de la Costa Firme justificada por Thomas Paine treinta años ha. Philadelphia, 1811.

Glenbervie, Sylvester Douglas, The Diaries of Sylvester Douglas (Lord Glenbervie), edited by F. Bickley, vol. II. London, 1928.

Hamilton, A., The Works of Alexander Hamilton, edited by H. C. Lodge, 9 vols. New York, 1885‑86.

Hansard, T. C., The Parliamentary Debates, vols. I‑XI. London, 1812.

Hereida, J. F., Memorias sobre las revoluciones de Venezuela. Paris, 1885.

Junius (pseudonym, ascribed to G. Dulac, as well as to Miranda), À Jean Skei Eustace, se disant citoyen des États-Unis d'Amérique, et général de brigade des armées françoises (Paris, 1793).

––––– Reponse à une affiche signée le Baron; pour le général Labourdonnaye (Paris, 1793).

Kerner, J., Das Bilderbuch aus meiner Knabenzeit, Erinnerungen aus den Jahren 1786 bis 1804. Stuttgart, 1886.

King, R., The Life and Correspondence of Rufus King, edited by C. R. King, 6 vols. New York, 1894‑1900.

Lavater, J. K., À mes amis (Zurich), n. d.

Lettres des généraux Miranda, d'Arçon et Valence au ministre de la guerre, imprimées par ordre de la convention nationale (Paris, 1793).

 p262  El libro nacional de los Venezolanos, actas del congreso constituyente de Venezuela en 1811. Caracas, 1911.

. . . Libro 4o del supremo congreso de Venezuela en 1812. Origenes de la república. Caracas, 1926.

Louvet de Couvrai, J. B., Mémoires (in Bibliothèque des mémoires relatifs à l'histoire de France pendant le 18ème siècle, vol. XII), edited by F. Barrière. Paris, 1848.

Machado, J. E., editor. Centón Lírico. Caracas, 1920.

Madison, J., Letters and Other Writings of James Madison, Fourth President of the United States, vol. II. Philadelphia, 1865.

––––– The Writings of James Madison, edited by G. Hunt, vol. VII. New York, 1908.

Mallet du Pan (J. F.), Correspondance inédite de Mallet du Pan avec la cour de Vienne (1794‑1798), edited by A. Michel, 2 vols. Paris, 1884.

Manning, W. R., editor. Diplomatic Correspondence of the United States concerning the Independence of the Latin-American Nations, vols. III. New York, 1925.

Manuscripts of J. B. Fortescue, Esq., preserved at Dropmore, Historical Manuscripts Commission, thirteenth report, appendix, part III; fourteenth report appendix, part V; Report on the Manuscripts of J. B. Fortescue, Esq., preserved at Dropmore, vol. VI; Report on the Manuscripts of J. B. Fortescue, Esq., preserved at Dropmore, vol. VIII; Report on the Manuscripts of J. B. Fortescue, Esq., preserved at Dropmore, vol. IX. London, 1892‑1915.

Minutes of a Court Martial, holden on board His Majesty's ship Gladiator in Portsmouth Harbor, on Friday, the 6th day of March, 1807, . . . of Capt. Sir Home Popham. London, 1807.

Miranda, F. de, Copie de la lettre du général Miranda aux commissaires députés dans la Belgique (Paris, 1793).

––––– Correspondance du général Miranda avec le général Dumouriez, les ministres de la guerre, Pache et Beurnonville. Paris (1793).

––––– The Diary of Francisco de Miranda; Tour of the United States, 1783‑1784, the Spanish Text, edited by W. S. Robertson (Hispanic Society of America). New York, 1928.

––––– Discours que le général Miranda se proposait de prononcer à la convention nationale, le 29 mars dernier, le lendemain de son arrivée à Paris (Paris, 1793).

––––– Le général Miranda à la representation nationale. Paris, (1795).

––––– Indice del archivo del General Miranda. Caracas, 1927.

 p263  ––––– Lettre de Miranda au président de la convention nationale, Paris, le 4 avril, 1793, l'an 2e. de la République (Paris, 1793).

––––– Miranda à ses concitoyens. Discours que je me proposais de prononcer à la convention nationale, le 29 mars dernier (Paris, 1793).

––––– Opinion du général Miranda sur la situation actuelle de la France, et sur les remèdes convenables à ses maux. Paris, 1795.

Money, J., The History of the Campaign of 1792 between the Armies of France under Generals Dumourier,º Valence, &c., and the Allies under the Duke of Brunswick. London, 1794.

Moore, J. B., A Digest of International Law, vol. I. Washington, 1906.

Morris, G., The Diary and Letters of Gouverneur Morris, vol. II. New York, 1888.

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Pons, F. de, Travels in South America, . . . translated from the French, 2 vols. London, 1807.

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––––– Lettres sur l'enlèvement des ouvrages de l'art antique à Athenes et à Rome ècritesº les unes au célebre Canova, les autres  p264 au général Miranda. Paris, 1836.

––––– Précis pour Miranda (Paris, n. d.)

Report on Canadian Archives, 1889, 1890, by D. Brymner. Ottawa, 1889, 1890.

Report on the Petition of A. Scott, House Report No. 72, 20th Congress, 2d Session. Washington, 1829.

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Smith Papers, Historical Manuscripts Commission, twelfth report, appendix, part IX. London, 1891.

Sparks, J., editor. Diplomatic Correspondence of the United States of America, 7 vols. Washington, 1834.

Stiles, E., The Literary Diary of Ezra Stiles, edited by F. B. Dexter, vol. III. New York, 1901.

Thiébault, Baron, The Memoirs of Baron Thiébault. Translated and Condensed by A. J. Butler, vol. I. London, 1896.

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Torres Lanzas, P., editor. Independencia de América, fuentes para su estudio, primera serie, vols. I‑III. Madrid, 1912; segunda serie, vol. I. Seville, 1924.

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Urquinaona y Pardo, P. de, Memorias de Urquinaona (comisionado de la regencia española para la pacificación del Nuevo Reino de Granada). Madrid, 1917.

 p265  ––––– Resumen de las causas principales que prepararon y dieron impulso á la emancipación de la América Española. Madrid, 1835.

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Vejarano, J. R., editor. Origenes de la independencia sur‑americana. Bogotá, 1925.

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––––– Lettre aux Espagnols-Américains. Par un de leurs compatriotes. Philadelphia, 1799.

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Walton, W., An Exposé on the Dissentions of Spanish America. London, 1814.

––––– Present State of Spanish Colonies; including a particular report of Hispaniola, 2 vols. London, 1810.

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Williams, H. M., Letters containing a Sketch of the Politics of France, 3 vols. London, 1795.

––––– Souvenirs de la révolution française. Translated by C. C[oquerel]. Paris, 1827.

II. Newspapers, Periodicals, and Publications
of Learned Societies

1. Newspapers

The Aurora, Philadelphia, 1805‑7.

The Baltimore American, Baltimore, 1810.

The Baltimore Evening Post, Baltimore, 1810.

The Barbadoes Mercury and Bridgetown Gazette, Bridgetown, 1806.

The Connecticut Journal, New Haven, 1806‑8.

Chronique de Paris, 1793.

The Colombian Centinel, Boston, 1806.

The Courier, London, 1808‑10.

Courrier Universel, Paris, 1795.

The Evening Post, London, 1806.

The Examiner, London, 1808‑10.

The Federal Gazette and Baltimore Daily Advertiser, Baltimore, 1806‑8.

 p266  Journal de l'Empire, Paris, 1810‑13.

Journal de Paris, 1796.

The London Packet, London, 1810‑12.

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Le Moniteur, Paris, 1792‑98 (réimpression).

The Morning Chronicle, London, 1810.

The Morning Post, London, 1800‑10.

The National Intelligencer, Washington, 1806, 1810‑12.

Poulson's American Daily Advertiser, Philadelphia, 1811‑12.

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Le Publiciste de la République Française, Paris, 1793.

Le Rédacteur, Paris, 1796.

El Redactor General, Cadiz, 1814.

Relf's Philadelphia Gazette, Philadelphia, 1811.

The Richmond Enquirer, Richmond, 1806.

The Statesman, London, 1808‑10.

The Times, London, 1808‑10.

The Western World, Frankfort, 1806, 1807.

The United States' Gazette, Philadelphia, 1806‑8.

2. Periodicals; Publications of Learned Societies.

The American Historical Review, III, 674‑702, "Diary and Letters of Henry Ingersoll, Prisoner at Cartagena, 1806‑1809." New York, 1908.

––––VII, 706‑35, "English Policy toward America in 1790‑1791." New York, 1902.

––––VI, 508‑30, "Miranda and the British Admiralty, 1804‑1806." New York, 1901.

. . . Anales de la universidad central de Venezuela, vol. I. Caracas, 1900.

The Annual Register, 1790, 1806‑10, vols. XXXII, XLVIII‑L. London, 1802, 1808‑10.

Aurora de Chile, 1812‑13. Santiago de Chile, 1903.

Boletín de la academia nacional de la historia, XI, 21‑28, "Archivo del general Miranda." Caracas, 1928.

––––IV, 421‑60; V, 687 ff.; VI, 977 ff., "Cronica suscinta del primer congreso de Venezuela en 1811," by E. A. Yanes. Caracas, 1921‑23.

––––III, 81‑82, "Documento inédito del general Francisco de Miranda." Caracas, 1914.

––––III, 73, "Documento que informa del paradero de los restos del general Miranda." Caracas, 1914.

––––IX, 66 ff.; X, 42 ff., "Documents relativos á las actividades  p267 revolucionarias de Miranda." Caracas, 1926‑28.

––––IV, 460‑99, "Relación de Domingo de Monteverde al ministro de la guerra." Caracas, 1921.

El Cojo Ilustrado, nos. 109, 440, 469. Caracas, 1896, 1910, 1911.

El Colombiano. London, 1810.

Correio Braziliense ou armazem literario, vols. I‑IX. London, 1808‑1812.

The Edinburgh Annual Register, 1808‑11, vols. I‑IV. Edinburgh, 1810‑13.

The Edinburgh Review, or Critical Journal, XIII, 277‑311, "Emancipation of Spanish America." Edinburgh, 1809.

El Español por J. Blanco White, 8 vols. London, 1810‑14.

Gaceta de Buenos Aires, 1810. Buenos Aires, 1910.

Gaceta de Caracas (Gazeta de Caracas) scattered numbers. Caracas, 1808‑10.

The London Chronicle, 1785, 1786, 1806‑8.

The London Gazette, 1808‑13.

The Monthly Magazine, or British Register, vol. XXVII. London, 1809.

The Monthly Review, or Literary Journal, 1807, 1808, vols. LVII‑LVIII. London, 1808‑9.

The Political Herald and Review; or A Survey of Domestic and Foreign Politics, vol. I. London, 1785.

Sbornik Imperatorskogo Russkago Istoricheskago Obschestva, vol. XXVI. St. Petersburg, 1879.

The Weekly Register (edited by H. Niles), vols. I‑IV. Baltimore, 1811‑13.

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a. Books and Pamphlets

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Thayer's Notes:

a In the print edition, this portrait is placed as the frontispiece to Volume II.

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b A much updated bibliography can be found offsite, at Miranda Aventurero de la Libertad.

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c The Spanish-language original is online at the Library of Congress; an English translation is onsite.

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Page updated: 17 Dec 17