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This webpage reproduces a section of
The Geography

Claudius Ptolemy

published in English translation by
Dover Publications, 1991

The text is in the public domain.

This text has been carefully proofread
and I believe it to be free of errors.
If you find a mistake though,
please let me know!

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ΚΕΦ. ΙΑ´· Γερμανίας Μεγάλης θέσις (Εὐρώπης πίναξ δ´)
CAP. XI: Germaniae magnae situs (Europae tabula quarta)
Book II, Chapter 10: Greater Germany (Fourth Map of Europe)

[A schematic map of ancient Germany according to Ptolemy; it is indexed in the text of this webpage.]

My notes on the map:

No information has been added to Ptolemy's text as I have it: there is no topographic data and the courses of the rivers remain unmapped.


Τῆς Γερμανίας τὴν μὲν δυσμικὴν πλευρὰν ἀφορίζει ὁ Ῥῆνος ποταμὸς, τὴν δὲ ἀρκτικὴν ὁ Γερμανικὸς Ὠκεανὸς, ἧς ἡ περιγραφὴ ἔχει οὕτως.

Μετὰ τὰς τοῦ Ῥήνου ποταμοῦ ἐκβολὰς

Germaniae latus occidentale Rhenus fluvius terminat, septentrionale vero Germanicus Oceanus, cuius lateris descriptio haec est.

Post Rheni fluvii ostia

The western boundary of Germany is the river Rhine, and its northern boundary is the Germanic Ocean, of the shore of which the following is a description.

After the mouths of the Rhine river:

Οὐίδρου ποταμοῦ ἐκβολαί κζ´
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
		δʺ Vidri fluvii ostia The mouths of the Vidrus river 27*30 54°45
Μαρναμανὶς λιμήν κη´ νδ´δʺ Marnamanis portus Marnamanis, a port 28*00 54°15
ἀμισίου ποταμοῦ ἐκβολαὶ κθ´ νε´ Amisiae fluvii ostia The mouths of the Amisia river 29*00 55°00
αἰ πηγαὶ τοῦ ποταμοῦ λβ´ νγ´ fontes fluvii The sources of the river 32*00 53°00
Οὐισούργιος ποταμοῦ ἐκβολαὶ λα´ νε´ Visurgis fluvii ostia The mouths of the Visurgis river 31*00 55°00
αἰ πηγαὶ τοῦ ποταμοῦ λδ´ νβ´
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
		fontes fluvii the sources of the river 34*00 52°30
ἄλβιος ποταμοῦ ἐκβολαὶ λα´ νϡ´δʺ Albis fluvii ostia The mouths of the Albis river 31*00 56°15
αἰ πηγαὶ τοῦ ποταμοῦ λθ´ ν´ fontes fluvii the sources of the river 39*00 50°00

Κιμβρικῆς Χερσονήσου Cimbricae Chersonesi The Cimbrian peninsula
ἡ μετὰ τὸν ἄλβιν ἐξοχή λβ´ νϡ´
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
		γʺ post Albim prominentia the cape after the Albis 32*00 56°50
ἡ ἐφεξῆς ἐξοχή λε´ νη´γʺ proxima prominentia the next cape 35*00 58°20
ἡ ἔτι ἐφεξῆς καὶ ἀρκτικωτάτη λη´γΟʺ νθ´
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
		sequens maxime borealis the next one, the northernmost 38*40 59°30
ἡ μετὰ τὴν ἐπιστροφὴν πρώτη ἐξοχή λθ´γʺ νθ´γʺ prima post conversionem prominentia the first cape after the bend 39*20 59°20
τὸ ἀνατολικώτατον αὐτῆς μ´δʺ νη´
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
		pars maxime orientalis the easternmost part of it 40*15 58°30
ἡ ὑπὸ ταύτην ἐφεξῆς λζ´ νζ´ proxima infra hanc the next one below this one 37*00 57°00
ἡ πρὸς ἀνατολὰς ἐπιστροφή λε´ νϡ´ ad ortum solis inflexio a bend towards the east 35*00 56°00
Χαλούσου ποταμοῦ ἐκβολαί λζ´ νϡ´ Chalusi fluvii ostia the mouths of the Chalusus river 37*00 56°00
Συήβου ποταμοῦ ἐκβολαί λθ´
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
		νϡ´ Suevi fluvii ostia the mouths of the Suevus river 39*30 56°00
Οὐιαδούα ποταμοῦ ἐκβολαί μβ´
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
		νϡ´ Viaduae fluvii ostia the mouths of the Viadua river 42*30 56°00
Οὐστούλα ποταμοῦ ἐκβολαί με´ νϡ´ Vistulae fluvii ostia the mouths of the Vistula river 45*00 56°00
ἡ κεφαλὴ τοῦ ποταμοῦ μδ´ νβ´
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
		caput fluvii the head of the river 44*00 52°30
ἡ ἀπὸ δυσμῶν αὐτῆς καὶ ἐπὶ τὸν ἄλβιν φέρουσα μ´ϡʺ νβ´γΟʺ fons qui ab eo ad occasum est et ad Albim fertur the source which is to the west and is said to be towards the Albis 40*10 52°40
Τὴν δὲ μεσεμβρινὴν πλευρὰν ὁρίζει τοῦ Δανουβίου ποταμοῦ τὸ δυσμικὸν μέρος, ὃ θέσιν ἔχει τοιαύτην· Meridianum vero latus terminat Danubii fluminis pars occidentalis, cuius haec positio est: The south side is bounded by the western part of the Danube river, whose position is this:
ἡ κεφαλὴ τοῦ Δανουβίου ποταμοῦ λ´ μϡ´γʺ caput fluminis [Danubii] the head of the Danube river 30*00 46°20
τὸ κατὰ τὴν ἐκτροπὴν τοῦ εἰς τὴν Γερμανίαν πρώτου ποταμοῦ λβ´ μζ´δʺ ubi primus qui ex Germania decurrit in eum influit fluvius where the first river that flows into it from Germany enters 32*00 47°15
τὸ κατὰ τὴν ἐκτροπὴν τοῦ πρὸς μεσεμβρίαν φέροντος ποταμοῦ, ὄς καλεῖται αὶνος λδ´ μζ´γʺ ubi a latere meridiano fluvius in eum influit, qui appellatur Ænus where a river flows into it from the south side; it is called the Aenus 34*00 47°20
τὸ κατὰ τὴν ἐκτροπὴν τοῦ πρὸς ἄρκτους φερομένου δευτέρου ποταμοῦ ὡς ἐπὶ τὴν Γαβρήταν Ὕλην λϡ´ μϡ´γοʺ ubi secundus a septentrionali parte fluvius in eum influit ex Gabretae Silvae regione decurrens where a second river flows into it from the northern side from the region of the Forest of Gabreta 36*00 46°40
τὸ κατὰ τὴν ἐξῆς ἐκτροπὴν τοῦ παρὰ τὴν Λοῦναν Ὕλην πρὸς ἄρκτους ῥέοντος ποταμοῦ λθ´γʺ μζ´γʺ ubi proximus a septentrionibus Lunam Silvam praeterfluens fluvius in eum effunditur where next from the north a river traversing the Luna Forest throws itself into it 39*20 47°20
ἡ ἐφεξῆς ἐπιστροφὴ, ἀφ’ ἧς πρὸς μεσεμβρίαν ἐπιστρέφει μ´γΟʺ μζ´
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
		γʺ sequens inflexio, a qua meridiem versus [Danubius] inflectitur the next bend, from which the Danube turns southwards 40*40 47°50
τὸ κατὰ τὴν ἐκτροπὴν τοῦ πρὸς μεσεμβρίαν ῥέοντος ποταμοῦ, ὃς καλεῖται ἀπαβών μα´ μζ´γδ´ ubi a meridiana parte fluvius in eum influit, qui appellatur Arabo where a river flows into it from the north, which is called Arabo 41*00 47°40
ἡ κατὰ Κούρταν καμπὴ μβ´ μζ´ flexio prope Curtam a bend near Curta 42*00 47°00
ἡ ἐφεξῆς ἐπιστροφὴ κατὰ Κάρπιν καὶ ἀρκτικωτάτη πασῶν μβ´
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
		νη´ proxima inflexio prope Carpin, quae omnium est maxime septentrionalis the next bend near Carpis, which is the northernmost one of all 42*30 48°00

Τὴν δὲ ἀνατολικὴν πλευρὰν ὁρίζει ἥ τε ἀπὸ τῆς εἰρημένης ἐπιστροφῆς πρὸς τὰ ὑπερκείμενα Σαρματικὰ ὄρη διάστασις, ὧν Orientale latus terminatur eo intervallo, quod est inter hanc inflexionem et Sarmaticos montes supra eam sitos, quorum The eastern side is bounded by that interval, which is between this last bend and the abovementioned Sarmatian mountains,
τὸ μὲν νότιον πέρας ἐπέχει μοίρας μβ´
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
		australis terminus the southern boundary of which is in 42*30 48°30
τὸ δὲ βόρειον μγ´
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
		septentrionalis vero and the northern boundary of which is in 43*30 50°30
καὶ ἡ μετὰ τὰ ὄρη ἐπὶ τὴν εἰρημένην κεφαλὴν τοῦ Οὐιστούλα ποταμοῦ, καὶ ἔτι αὐτὸς ὁ ποταμὸς ἕως θαλάσσης. atque intervallo inter hos montes et Vistulae caput quod supra indicavimus; deinde mari tenus ipso flumine. and the interval between these mountains and the head of the Vistulae is that which we indicated above; then to the sea by the river itself.

Τῶν δὲ διεζωκότων τὴν Γερμανίαν ὀπρέων ὀνομαστότατα ἐστι τά τε εἰρημένα καὶ ἰδίως καλούμενα Σαρματικὰ, καὶ τὰ ὁμώνυμα τοῖς ἀλπείοις καὶ ὄντα ὑπὲρ τὴν κεφαλὴν τοῦ Δανουβίου ποταμοῦ, Montium qui Germaniam intersecant celeberrimi sunt quos modo diximus quique proprie nuncupantur Sarmatici, atque ii, qui Alpibus cognomines supra Danubii caput sunt, Of the mountains that traverse Germany the most famous are those we have mentioned and are properly called the Sarmatian Mountains, and those, which under the name of Alps are above the head of the Danube,
ὧν τὰ ἄκρα ἐπέχει μοίρας κθ´ μζ´ quorumque extremae partes sitae the farthest parts of which are at 29*00 47°00
καὶ λγ´ μη´
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
		et and 33*00 48°30
καὶ τὰ καλούμενα ἄβνοβα, ὧν τὰ ἄκρα ἐπέχει μοίρας λα´ μθ´ atque qui Abnobaei dicuntur, quorum extremae partes sitae sunt and those that are called Abnoba, the farthest parts of which are located in 31*00 49°00
καὶ λα´ νβ´ et and 31*00 52°00
καὶ τὸ Μηλίβοκον, οὗ τὰ πέρατα ἐπέχει μοίρας λγ´ νβ´
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
		et Melibocus, cuius partes extremae sitae sunt and the Melibocus, the farthest parts of which are located in 33*00 52°30
καὶ λζ´ νβ´
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
		et and 37*00 52°30
ὑφ’ ὅ ἔστιν ἡ Σημανοῦς Ὕλη· καὶ τὸ Ἀσκιβούργιον, οὗτὰ πέρατα ἐπέχει μοίρας λθ´ νδ´ infra quem est Semanus Silva; et Asciburgius mons, cuius extrema sita sunt below which is the Semanus Forest; and Mt. Asciburgius, the farthest parts of which are 39*00 54°00
καὶ μδ´ νβ´
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
		et and 44*00 52°30
καὶ ἔτι τὰ καλούμενα Σούδητα ὄρη, ὧν τὰ ἄκρα ἐπέχει μοίρας λδ´ ν´ atque qui dicuntur Sudeti montes, quorum extrema sita sunt and those mountains that are called Sudeti, the farthest parts of which are at 34*00 50°00
καὶ μ´ ν´ et and 40*00 50°00
ὑφ’ ἃ ἔστιν ἡ Γαβρήτα Ὕλη· ὧν μεταξὺ καὶ τῶν Σαρματικῶν ὁρέων ἔστιν ὁ Ὀπκύνιος Δρυμός. infra quos est Gabreta Silva; inter hos vero et Sarmaticos montes est Orcynius Saltus. below which is the Gabreta Forest; and between them and the Sarmatian mountains is the Orcynian valley.

Κατέχουσι δὲ τῆς Γερμανίας τὰ μὲν παρὰ τὸν Ῥῆνον ποταμὸν ἀρχομένοις ἀπ’ ἄρκτων οἵ τε Βρούκτεροι οἱ μικροὶ καὶ οἱ Σύγαμβροι, ὑφ’ οὓς οἱ Σύηβοι οἱ Λαγγοβάρδοι; εἶτα Τένκεροι καὶ Ἰνκρίωνοες μεταξὺ τοῦ τε Ῥήνου καὶ τῶν ἀβνοβαίων ὀρέων· καὶ ἔτι Ἰντούεργοι καὶ Οὐαργιωνες καὶ Καριτνοὶ, ὑφ’ οὓς Οὐισποὶ καὶ ἡ τῶν Ἐλουητίων Ἔπρημος μέχρι τῶν εἰρημένων ἀλπείων ὀρέων. Habitant autem Germaniam praeter Rhenum fluvium, si a septentrionibus progredimur, Bructeri minores et Sygambri, infra quos Suevi Langobardi; deinde Tencteri et Incriones inter Rhenum et Abnobaeos montes; atque deinde Intuergi et Vargiones et Caritni, infra quos Vispi et Helvetiorum Desertum usque ad eos quos diximus Alpes montes. Those that inhabit Germany on the other side of the river Rhine, if we go towards the north, are the Bructeri minores and the Sygambri, below whom the Suevi Langobardi; then the Tencteri and the Incriones between the Rhine and the Abnobaei mountains; and then the Intuergi and the Vargiones and the Caritni, below whom the Vispi and the Desert of the Helvetii until those mountains we referred to as the Alps.

Τὴν δὲ παρωκεανῖτιν κατέχουσιν ὑπὲρ μὲν τοὺς Βρουκτέρους οἱ Φρίσιοι μέχρι τοῦ Ἀμισίου ποταμοῦ, μετὰ δὲ τούτους Καῦχοι οἱ μικροὶ μέχρι τοῦ Οὐισούργιος ποταμοῦ· εἶτα Καῦχοι οἱ μείζους μέχρι τοῦ Ἄλβιος ποταμοῦ· ἐφεξῆς δὲ ἐπὶ τὸν αὐχένα τῆς Κιμβρικῆς Ξερσονήσου Σάξονες, αὐτὴν δὲ τὴν χερσόνησον ὑπὲρ μὲν τοὺς Σάξονας Σιγούλωνες ἀπὸ δυσμῶν, εἶτα Σαβαλίγγιοι, εἶτα Κοβανδοὶ, ὑπὲρ οὓς Χάλοι, καὶ ἔτι ὑπὲρ τούτους δυσμικώτεροι μὲν Φουνδούσιοι, ἀναταολικώτεροι δὲ Χαροῦδες, πάντων δ’ ἀρκτικώτεροι Κίμβροι· μετὰ δὲ τοὺς Σάξονας ἀπὸ τοῦ Χαλούσου ποταμοῦ μέχρι τοῦ Συήβου ποταμοῦ Φαροδεινοὶ, εἶτα Σειδινοὶ μέχρι τοῦ Οὐιαδούα ποταμοῦ, καὶ μετ’ αὐτοὺς Ῥουτίκλειοι μέχρι τοῦ Οὐιστούλα ποταμοῦ. Oram praeter Oceanum inhabitant supra Bructeros Frisii usque ad Amisiam fluvium; post hos Cauchi minores usque ad Visurgim fluvium; deinde Cauchi maiores usque ad Albim fluvium; inde per cervicem Cimbricae Chersonesi Saxones, ipsam autem Chersonesum supra Saxones ab occasu Sigulones, deinde Sabalingii, deinde Cobandi, supra quos Chali, et rursus supra hos ad occasum Fundusii, ad ortum Charudes, omnium vero maxime ad septentriones Cimbri; post Saxones a Chaluso fluvio ad Suevum fluvium Farodini, deinde Sidini usque ad Viaduam fluvium, et post eos Rugiclei usque ad Vistulam fluvium. The shore *praeter* the Ocean is inhabited above the Bructeri up to the Amisia river yyy most to the north the Cimbri; after the Saxons from the Chalusus river to the Suevian river the Farodini, then the Sidini up to the Viadua river, and after these the Rugiclei up to the Vistula river.

Τῶν δὲ ἐντὸς καὶ μεσογείων ἐθνῶν μέγιστα μέν ἐστι τό τε τῶν Συήβων τῶν Ἀγγειλῶν, οἵ εἰσιν ἀνατολικώτεροι τῶν Λαγγοβάρδων ἀνατείνοντες πρὸς τὰς ἂρκτους μέχρι τῶν μέσων τοῦ Ἄλβιος ποταμοῦ, καὶ τὸ τῶν Συήβων τῶν Σεμνόνων, οἵτινες διήκουσι μετὰ τὸν Ἅλβιν ἀπὸ τοῦ εἰρημένου μέρους πρὸς ἀνατολὰς μέχρι τοῦ Συήβου ποταμοῦ, καὶ τὸ τῶν Βουργουντῶν τὰ ἐφεξῆς καὶ μέχρι τοῦ Οὐιστούλα κατεχόντων. Ex gentibus introrsum et in media terra habitantibus maximae sunt gentes Suevorum Angilorum, qui ad orientem sunt a Langobardis septentriones versus extenti usque ad mediam Albis fluvii partem, et Suevorum Semnonum, quorum fines ultra Albim ab ea quam diximus parte orientem versus pertingunt usque ad Suevum fluvium, et Burguntarum, qui inde usque ad Vistulam habitant. Of the people of the interior and those wo live inland the most important are the Suevi Angili, who are to the east of the Langobardi extending towards the north and up to the central part of the Albis river, and the Suevi Semnones, whose boundaries beyond the Albis extend from the area we mentioned towards the east up to the Suevus river, and the Burguntae, who inhabit from there to the Vistula.

Ἐλάσσουσα δὲ ἔθνη (καὶ) μεταξὺ κεῖνται Καύχων μὲν τῶν μικρῶν καὶ τῶν Συήβων Βρούκτεροι οἱ μείζους, ὑφ’ οὓς Χαῖμαι· Καύχων δὲ τῶν μειζόνων καὶ τῶν Συήβων Ἀνγριουάρροι, εἶτα Λακκοβάρδοι, ὑφ’ οὓς Δουλγούμνιοι· Σαξόνων δὲ καὶ τῶν Συήβων Τευτόόαροι καὶ Οὐίρουνοι· Φαροδεινῶν δὲ καὶ Συήβων Τεύτονες καὶ αὒαρποι· Ῥουτικλείων δὲ καὶ Βουργουντῶν Αἰλουαίωνες. Minores vero etiam interiacent gentes et quidem inter Cauchos minores et Suevos Bructeri maiores, infra quos Chaemae; inter Cauchos maiores et Suevos Angrivarii, deinde Laccobardi, infra quos Dulgubnii; inter Saxones et Suevos Teutonoari atque Viruni; inter Pharodinos et Suevos Teutones atque Avarni; inter Rugicleos et Burguntas Aelvaeones. zzz

Πάλιν ὑπὸ μὲν τοὺς Σέμνονας οἰκοῦσι Σιλίγγαι, ὑπὸ δὲ τοὺς Βουργούντας Αοῦγοι οἱ Ὀμανοὶ, ὑφ’ οὓς Λοῦγοι οἱ Διδοῦνοι μέχρι τοῦ Ἀσκιβουργίου ὂρους; ὑπὸ δὲ τοὺς Σιλίγγας Καλούκωνες ἐφ’ ἑκάτερα τοῦ Ἅλβιος ποταμοῦ, ὑφ’ οὓς Χαιρουσκοὶ καὶ Καμαυοὶ μέχρι τοῦ Μηλιβόκου ὄρους, ὧν πρὸς ἀνατολὰς περὶ τὸν Ἄλβιν ποταμὸν Βαινοχαῖμαι, ὑπὲρ οὓς Βατεινοὶ, καὶ ἔτι ὑπὲρ τούτουσς ὑπὸ τῷ ἀσκιβουργίῳ ὄπει Κορκοντοὶ καὶ Λοῦγοι οἱ Βοῦποι μέχρι τῆς κεφαλῆς τοῦ Οὐιστούλα ποταμοῦ· ὑπὸ δὲ τούτους πρῶτοι Σίδωνες, εἶτα Κῶγνοι, εἶτα Οὐισβούργιοι ὑπὲρ τὸν Ὀπκύνιον Δρυμόν. Rursus infra Semnones sedes habent Silingae, et infra Burguntas Lugi Omani, infra quos Lugi Diduni usque ad Asciburgium montem; et infra Silingas Calucones ad utramque ripam Albis fluminis, infra quos Chaerusci et Camavi usque ad Melibocum montem, a quibus ad orientem circa Albim fluvium Baenochaemae, supra quos Batini, et supra hos infra Asciburgium montem Corconti et Lugi Buri usque ad Vistulae fluvii caput; infra hos autem primi Sidones, deinde Cotini, deinde Visburgii supra Orcynium Saltum. Back below the Semnones the Silingae have their seat, and below the Burguntae the Lugi Omani, below whom the Lugi Diduni up to Mt. Asciburgius; and below the Silingae the Calucones and the Camavi up to Mt. Melibocus, from whom to the east near the Albis river and above them, below Mt. Asciburgius, the Corconti and the Lugi Buri up to the head of the Vistula river; and below them first the Sidones, then the Cotini, then the Visburgii above the Orcynius valley.

Πάλιν ἀπ’ ἀνατολῶν μὲν τῶν Ἀβνοβαίων ὀρέων οἰκοῦσιν ὑπὸ τοὺς Συήβους Κασουάροι, εἶτα Νερτερεανοί, εἶτα Δανδοῦτοι, ὑφ’ οὓς Τούρνοι καὶ Μαρουίνγοι· ὑπὸ δὲ τοὺς Καμαυοὺς Χάτται καὶ Τούβαντοι, καὶ ὑπὲρ τὰ Σούδητα ὄπη Τευριοχαῖμαι, ὑπὸ δὲ τὰ ὄπη Οὐαριστοί· εἶτα ἡ Γαβρήτα Ὕλη· καὶ ὑπὸ μὲν τοὺς Μαρουίνγους Κουρίωνες, εἶτα Χαιτούωροι, καὶ μέχρι τοῦ Δανουβίου ποταμοῦ οἱ Παρμαικάμποι· ὑπὸ δὲ τὴν Γαβρήταν Ὕλην Μαρκομανοὶ, ὑφ’ οὓς Σουδινοὶ, καὶ μέχρι τοῦ Δανουβίου ποταμοῦ οἱ Ἀδραβαικάμποι· ὑπὸ δὲ τὸν Ὀρχύνιον Δρυμὸν Κούαδοι, ὑφ’ οὓς τὰ σιδηρωρυχεῖα καὶ Λοῦνα Ὓλη, ὑφ’ ἦν μέγα ἔθνος οἱ Βαῖμοι μέχρι τοῦ Δανουβίου, καὶ συνεχεῖς αὐτοῖς παρὰ τὸν ποταμὸν οἵ τε Ῥακατρίαι καὶ οἱ πρὸς ταῖς καμπαῖς Ῥακάται. Rursus ad orientem ab Abnobaeis montibus sedes habent infra Suevos Casuari, deinde Nertereani, deinde Danduti, infra quos Turoni et Marvingi; infra Camavos Chattae et Tubanti, atque supra Sudetos montes Teuriochaemae, infra montes vero Varisti; deinde Gabreta Silva; et infra Marvingos Curiones, deinde Chaetuori, atque Danubio tenus Parmaecampi; infra Gabretam Silvam Marcomani, infra quos Sudini, et usque ad Danubium fluvium Adrabaecampi; infra Orcynium Saltum Quadi, infra quos ferri fodinae et Luna Silva, infra quam magna gens Baemorum Danubio tenus, et finitimi eis iuxta fluvium Racatriae quique ad fluminis flexiones habitant Racatae. zzz

Πόλεις δὲ τίθενται κατὰ τὴν Γερμανίαν ἐν μὲν τῷ ἀρκτικῷ κλίματι αἵδε· Oppida vero per Germaniam ponuntur in climate septentrionali haec: The following towns are found in Germany in the northern climate:
Φληούμ μ´ ν´ Phleum Phleum 28*45 54°45
Σιατουτάνδα κθ´γʺ νδ´γʺ Siatutanda Siatutanda 29*20 54°20
Τεκελία λα´ νε´ Tecelia Tecelia 31*00 55°00
Φαβίρανον λα´
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
		νε´γʺ Fabiranum Fabiranum 31*30 55°20
Τρήουα λγ´ νε´γΟʺ Treva Treva 33*00 55°40
Λευφάνα λδ´δʺ νδ´γΟʺ Leufana Leufana 34*15 54°40
Λιριμιρίς λδ´
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
		Lirimiris Lirimiris 34*30 55°30
Μαριωνίς λδ´
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
		γʺ Marionis Marionis 34*30 54°50
Μαριωνίς ἑτέρα λλ´ νε´
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
		γʺ altera Marionis another Marionis 36*00 55°50
Κοινόηνον λλ´γʺ νε´
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
		Coenoënum Coenoënum 36*20 55°30
Κιστουία λζ´γʺ νδ´
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
		Cistuia Cistuia 37*20 54°30
ἀλείός λη´ νε´ Alisus Alisus 38*00 55°00
Λακιβρούργιον λθ´ νϡ´ Laciburgium Laciburgium 39*00 56°00
Βουνίτιον λθ´
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
		Bunitium Bunitium 39*30 55°30
Οὐιρουνον μ´
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
		νε´ Virunum Virunum 40*30 55°00
Οὐρίτιον μα´ νδ´
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
		Viritium Viritium 41*00 54°30
Ῥούγιον μβ´
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
		νε´γΟʺ Rugium Rugium 42*30 55°40
Σκοῦργον μγ´ νε´ Scurgum Scurgum 43*00 55°00
ἀσκαυκαλίς μδ´ νδ´δʺ Ascaucalis Ascaucalis 44*00 54°15

Ἐν δὲ τῷ ὑπὸ τοῦτο κλίματι πόλεις αἴδε· In climate infra illud sito oppida sunt haec: In the climate located below that one, there are the following towns:
ἀσκιβούργιον κζ´
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
		Asciburgium Asciburgium 27*30 52°30
Ναυάλια κζ´γʺ νδ´ Navalia Navalia 27*20 54°00
Μεδιολάνιον κη´
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
		δʺ νγ´
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
		γʺ Mediolanium Mediolanium 28*45 53°50
Τευδέριον κθ´γʺ νγ´γʺ Teuderium Teuderium 29*20 53°20
Βογάδιον λ´δʺ νβ´ Bogadium Bogadium 30*15 52°00
Στερεόντιον λα´ νβ´ϡʺ Stereontium Stereontium 31*00 52°10
ἀμισία λα´
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
		Amisia Amisia 31*30 51°30
Μουνίτιον λα´γΟʺ νβ´
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
		Munitium Munitium 31*40 52°30
Τουλίφουρδον λβ´ νδ´ Tulifurdum Tulifurdum 32*00 54°00
ἀσκαλίνγιον λβ´
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
		δʺ Ascalingium Ascalingium 32*30 53°45
Τουλισούργιον λβ´γΟʺ νγ´γʺ Tulisurgium Tulisurgium 32*40 53°20
Φεύγαρον λβ´γΟʺ νβ´δʺ Pheugarum Pheugarum 32*40 52°15
Κάνδουον λγ´ να´
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
		γʺ Canduum Canduum 33*00 51°50
Τρόπαια Δρούσου λγ´
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
		δʺ νβ´
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
		δʺ Tropaea Drusi the Trophy of Drusus 33*45 52°45
Λουππία λδ´
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
		δʺ Luppia Luppia 34*30 52°45
Μερσούιον λε´
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
		γʺ Mersovium Mersovium 35*30 53°50
ἀρεγελία λϡ´
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
		νβ´γʺ Aregelia Aregelia 36*30 52°20
Γαλαιγία λζ´
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
		νβ´γʺ Galaegia Galaegia 37*30 52°20
Λούπφουρδον λη´ϡʺ να´γΟʺ Lupfurdum Lupfurdum 38*10 51°40
Σουσουδάτα λη´
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
		γʺ Susudata Susudata 38*30 53°50
Κολάγκορον λθ´ νγ´
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
		Colancorum Colancorum 39*00 53°30
Λουγίδουνον λθ´
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
		Lugidunum Lugidunum 39*30 52°30
Στράγονα λθ´γΟʺ νβ´γʺ Stragona Stragona 39*40 52°20
Λίμιος ἄλσος μα´ νγ´
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
		Limis lucus the grove of Limis 41*00 53°30
Βουδόριγον μα´ νβ´γΟʺ Budorigum Budorigum 41*00 52°40
Λευκάριστος μα´
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
		δʺ νβ´γΟʺ Leucaristus Leucaristus 41*45 52°40
ἀρσόνιον μγ´
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
		Arsonium Arsonium 43*30 52°20
Καλισία μγ´
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
		δʺ νβ´
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
		γʺ Calisia Calisia 43*45 52°50
Σετίδαυα μδ´ νγ´
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
		Setidava Setidava 44*00 53°30

Ἐν δὲ τῷ ὑπὸ τουτο κλίματι πόλεις αἵδε· In climate infra illud sito oppida sunt haec: In the climate located below that one there are the following towns:
ἀλεισόν κη´ να´
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
		Alisum Alisum 28*00 51°30
Βουδόρις κνη´ να´ Budoris Budoris 28*00 51°00
Ματτιακόν λ´ ν´
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
		γʺ Mattiacum Mattiacum 30*00 50°50
ἄρκταυνον λ´ϡʺ ν´ Arctaunum Arctaunum 30*10 50°00
Νουαίσιον λα´
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
		να´ϡʺ Novaesium Novaesium 31*30 51°10
Μηλόκαβος λα´
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
		ν´γΟʺ Melocabus Melocabus 31*30 50°40
Γραυιονάριον λα´
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
		ν´ϡʺ Gravionarium Gravionarium 31*30 50°10
Λοκόριτον λα´
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
		μθ´γʺ Locoritum Locoritum 31*30 49°20
Σεγόδουνον λα´
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
		μθ´ Segodunum Segodunum 31*30 49°00
Δηούονα λβ´
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
		δʺ Devona Devona 32*30 48°45
Βέργιον λγ´ μθ´
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
		Bergium Bergium 33*00 49°30
Μηνόσγαδα λδ´ μθ´
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
		Menosgada Menosgada 34*00 49°30
Βικούργιον λδ´
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
		να´δʺ Bicurgium Bicurgium 34*30 51°15
Μαρόβουδον λε´ μθ´ Marobudum Marobudum 35*00 49°00
Ῥεδιντούινον λη´
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
		Redintuinum Redintuinum 38*30 50°30
Νομιστήριον λθ´ να´ Nomisterium Nomisterium 39*00 51°00
Μελιόδουνον λθ´ μθ´ Meliodunum Meliodunum 39*00 49°00
Κασουργίς λθ´δʺ ν´ϡʺ Casurgis Casurgis 39*15 50°10
Στρεουίντα λθ´δʺ μθ´
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
		Strevinta Strevinta 39*15 49°30
Ἡγητματία λθ´ψΟʺ να´ Hegetmatia Hegetmatia 39*40 51°00
Βουδοργίς μ´ ν´
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
		Budorgis Budorgis 40*00 50°30
Ἔβουρον μα´ μθ´
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
		Eburum Eburum 41*00 49°30
ἀρσικουα μα´γΟʺ μθ´ Arsicua Arsicua 41*40 49°00
Παρίεννα μβ´ μθ´γʺ Parienna Parienna 42*00 49°20
Σετουία μβ´
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
		ν´ Setovia Setovia 42*30 50°00
Καρρόδουνον μβ´ψΟʺ να´
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
		Carrodunum Carrodunum 42*40 51°30
ἀσάνκα μγ´ ν´γʺ Asanca Asanca 43*00 50°20

Ἐν δὲ τῷ λοιπῷ καὶ παρὰ τὸν Δανούβιον ποταμὸν πόλεις αἵδε· In reliquo et prope Danubium fluvium oppida sunt haec: In the remainder and near the Danube river these are the towns:
Ταρόδουνον κη´γʺ μζ´
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
		γʺ Tarodunum Tarodunum 28*20 47°50
Βωμοὶ Φλαύιοι λ´γΟʺ μη´ Arae Flaviae the Flavian Altars 30*40 48°00
Ῥιοσιαούα λα´ μζ´
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
		Riusiava Riusiava 31*00 47°30
ἀλκιμοεννίς λβ´
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
		Alcimoënnis Alcimoënnis 32*30 47°30
Καντιοιβίς λβ´γΟʺ μζ´γʺ Cantioebis Cantioebis 32*40 48°20
Βίβακον λγ´ νη´ Bibacum Bibacum 33*00 48°00
Βρονδεντία λγ´
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
		δʺ μη´ Brodentia Brodentia 33*45 48°00
Σετουάκωτον λδ´ μη´γʺ Setuacotum Setuacotum 34*00 48°20
Οὔσβιον λε´ μζ´ Usbium Usbium 35*00 47°00
ἀβίλουνον λε´γʺ μζ´γʺ Abilunum Abilunum 35*20 47°20
Φουργισατίς λϡ´ μη´ Furgisatis Furgisatis 36*00 48°00
Κοριδοργίς λζ´δʺ μη´
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
		Coridorgis Coridorgis 37*15 48°30
Μεδιολάνιον λη´ μζ´ϡʺ Mediolanium Mediolanium 38*00 47°10
Φηλικία λθ´ μη´
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
		Felicia Felicia 39*00 48°30
Ἐβουρόδουνον λθ´ μη´ Eburodunum Eburodunum 39*00 48°00
ἀνδουαίτιον μ´
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
		μζ´γΟʺ Anduaetium Anduaetium 40*30 47°40
Κελαμαντία μα´ μζ´γΟʺ Celamantia Celamantia 41*00 47°40
Σινγονή μα´
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
		μη´δʺ Singone Singone 41*30 48°15
ἄναυό μα´γʺ μζ´
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
		Anavum (Adiabum?) Anavum (Adiabum?) 41*20 47°30

Νῆσοι δὲ ὑπέρκεινται τῆς Γερμανίας κατὰ μὲν τὰς τοῦ ἄλβιος ἐκβολὰς αἱ καλούμεναι Σαξόνων τρεῖς, ὧν τὸ μεταξὺ ἐπέχει μοίρας λα´ νζ´γʺ Insulae supra Germaniam sitae sunt ad Albis ostia quae nominantur Saxonum tres, earumque medium situm est There are three islands located above Germany at the mouths of the Albis, which are called Saxon, and the one in the middle is located at 31*00 57°20
Ὑπὲρ δὲ τὴν Κιμβρικὴν Χερσόνεσον ἄλλαι τρεῖς νῆσοι ἀλοκίαι καλούμεναι, ὧν τὸ μεταξὺ ἐπέχει μοίρας λζ´ νθ´γʺ Supra Cimbricam Chersonesum aliae tres insulae quae Alociae dicuntur, quarum medium situm est Above the Cimbrian peninsula there are three other islands which are called the Alociae islands: the one in the middle is located at 37*00 59°20
Ἀπ’ ἀνατολῶν δὲ τῆς Κιμβρικῆς Χερσονήσου τέσσαρες νῆσοι αἱ καλούμεναι Σκανδίαι, τρεῖς μὲν μικραὶ, ἧν ἡ μέση ἐπέχει μοίρας μα´
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
		νη´ Orientem versus a Cimbrica Chersoneso quattuor insulae quae dicuntur Scandiae, tres minores, quarum quae media est positionem habet East of the Cimbrian peninsula there are four islands called the Scandian islands, three of them smaller, of which the one in the middle has the following position: 41*30 58°00
μία δὲ μεγίστη καὶ ἀνατολικωτάτη κατὰ τὰς ἐκβολὰς τοῦ Οὐιστούλα ποταμοῦ, ἧς una vero maxima et maxime orientem versus ad ostia Vistulae fluvii; partes eius extremae sitae sunt but one of them very large and the most eastwards at the mouth of the river Vistula; its ends are located
τὸ μὲν δυτικώτατον πέρας ἐπέχει μοίρας μγ´ νη´ ad occasum to the West 43*00 58°00
τὸ δ’ ἀνατολικώτατον μϡ´ νη´ ad ortum to the East 46*00 58°00
τὸ δ’ ἀρκτικώτατον μδ´
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
[Ancient Greek symbol for one-half]
		ad septentriones to the North 44*30 58°30
τὸ δὲ μεσημβρινόν με´ νζ´ψΟʺ ad meridiem to the south 45*00 57°40
Καλεῖται δὲ ἰδίως καὶ αὐτὴ Σκανδία, καὶ κατέχουσιν αὐτῆς τὰ μὲν δυτικὰ Χαιδείοὶ, τὰ δ’ ἀνατολικὰ Φαυόναι καὶ Φιραῖσοι, τὰ δὲ ἀρκτικὰ Φίννοι, τὰ δὲ μεσημβρίνὰ Γοῦται καὶ Δαυκίωνες, τὰ δὲ μέσαΛευῶνοι. Appellatur vero proprie et ipsa Scandia atque inhabitant partes eius occidentales Chaedini, orientales Favonae et Firaesi, septentrionales Finni, meridianas Gutae (Gautae) et Dauciones, medias Levoni. It is properly called Scandia itself; and its western region is inhabited by the Chaedini, its eastern region by the Favonae and the Firaesi, its northern region by the Finni, its southern region by the Gutae (Gautae) and the Dauciones, and its central region by the Levoni.

Page updated: 23 May 17
