Bill Thayer |
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Thayer's Note: Stevenson's "translation" of Ptolemy, to which this page belongs, is abysmally bad. It should not be used for any serious purpose. For details and correctives, see my Ptolemy homepage.
General Note on the Text:The text of this chapter was subjected in the 1932 edition to a particularly poor rendering, in which Greek, Latin and English grammar all went by the board, as well as punctuation, capitalization and consistency in translation, and with them all vestiges of common sense. To be fair, the technical difficulties of translation involved in the Geography are nowhere more evident than here. The words that appear here as placenames mix loose appellations like "sandy area" with medievally filtered Latin versions of Greek translations of original Egyptian placenames, and it is often very hard to decide past which level not to translate. The 1932 editor, however, seems not to have made any real effort. I've therefore had to massage the more glaring defects out of the text: • reducing inconsistent forms (Busiriticum river and Busiriticus river both appear because the cases were different in a Latin text; the nome appears in the Greek adjectival form Busirites — all of these rendered by me simply as Busiris; Thebarum nome — genitive of Thebae, the town we speak of in English as Thebes — rendered by me as the nome of Thebes; etc.) • miscellaneous other fixes (e.g., "tribe" makes a brief appearance to be ditched by the editor in favor of the more habitual "nome".) I've tried to keep my own emendations to a minimum, though, removing only modern errors, not medieval or Roman-period transmutations. (Much like restoring a 13c fresco but keeping the 16c graffiti on it.) Where I was in doubt, I left the text as I have it, although you may see an occasional footnote. Some oddities of the Latin, usually where it translates the Greek, are quite interesting and I've been forced to side with the 1932 editor; for example, where modern scholarly usage uses Greek forms such as Cynopolis, the Latin left in the modern edition reads Canum city; I've refrained from translating this to City of Dogs although I've added the Greek name in [brackets]. This leads to some curious results, e.g. Antinoi city, which are neither English nor Greek, but not really Latin either. (For your convenience, however, the map will follow modern usage.) |
Marmarica with Libya and Egypt is terminated on the west by Cyrenaica along that line which as is known runs from the town of Darnis southward, and by the part of Interior Libya along that meridian,
to the end, the position of which is | 51*15 | 23°00 |
on the north by the Egyptian sea. This seacoast is thus described:
In the provinces of Marmarica are:
Azilis village | 51*40 | 31°15 |
Greater Chersonesus | 52*00 | 31°40 |
Phthia harbor | 52*10 | 31°15 |
Paliurus | 52*15 | 31°15 |
Batrachus harbor | 52*30 | 31°15 |
Petras Minor harbor | 52*45 | 31°15 |
Antipyrgos harbor | 53*20 | 31°15 |
Scythranius harbor | 53*30 | 31°10 |
Cathaeonium promontory | 53*45 | 31°15 |
Ardanis promontory | 54*00 | 31°15 |
Petras Major harbor | 54*10 | 31°10 |
In the Libyan provinces on the seacoast:
Panormus harbor | 54*20 | 31°10 |
Catabathmus Major | 54*30 | 31°15 |
Aenesiphyra harbor | 55*00 | 31°10 |
Zygris village | 55*15 | 31°10 |
Chettaea village | 55*30 | 31°10 |
Zagylis village | 55*45 | 31°10 |
Selenis harbor | 56*00 | 31°10 |
Trisarchi village | 56*20 | 31°05 |
Apis | 56*40 | 31°05 |
Paraetonium | 57*00 | 31°10 |
Pythis promontory | 57*10 | 31°10 |
Graeae Genu, harbor | 57*10 | 31°05 |
Callias promontory | 57*30 | 31°10 |
Zygis harbor | 57*40 | 31°05 |
Leuce shore | 57*50 | 31°10 |
Hermaeum promontory | 58*00 | 31°15 |
Phoenicus harbor | 58*20 | 31°10 |
Antiphra village | 58*40 | 31°05 |
Derris promontory | 58*50 | 31°10 |
Leucaspis harbor | 59*00 | 31°05 |
Glaucum promontory | 59*10 | 31°10 |
On the seacoast of Mareota province:
Chimo village | 59*30 | 31°05 |
Plinthine | 59*45 | 31°00 |
Lesser Chersonesus harbor | 60*00 | 31°05 |
Alexandria the metropolis of all Egypt | 60*30 | 31°00 |
Canobus the metropolis of Menelaitae | 60*45 | 31°05 |
The seven mouths of the Nile:
the Heracleotic or Canobic mouth | 60*50 | 31°05 |
the Bolbitine mouth | 61*15 | 31°05 |
the Sebennytic mouth | 61*30 | 31°05 |
the Pineptimi false mouth | 61*45 | 31°05 |
Diolcus false mouth | 62*10 | 31°10 |
the Pathmitic mouth | 62*30 | 31°10 |
the Mendesius mouth | 62*45 | 31°10 |
the Tanitic mouth | 63*00 | 31°15 |
the Pelusiac mouth | 63*15 | 31°10 |
Pelusium city | 63*15 | 31°10 |
Gerrum terminus | 63*30 | 31°10 |
Casium | 63*45 | 31°15 |
Outlet of the Sirbonian swamps | 63*50 | 31°15 |
Ostracine | 64*15 | 31°10 |
Rhinocorura | 64*40 | 31°50 |
It is terminated on the east by a part of Judaea which runs from the city Anthedon to
the terminus which is in | 64*15 | 30°40 |
and then by Arabia Petraea as far as the recess in the Arabian bay near
the city Heroum [Heroöpolis] which is located in | 63*30 | 29°50 |
and by a part of the Arabian bay. The coast is thus described:
Next to the turn of the bay which we have said is located in | 63*30 | 29°50 |
Arsinoë | 63*20 | 28°50 |
Clysina castle | 63*20 | 28°50 |
Drepanum promontory | 64*00 | 27°50 |
Philotera harbor | 64*05 | 27°50 |
Myoshormus | 64*15 | 26°45 |
Aeas mountains | 64*20 | 26°10 |
Albus harbor | 64*30 | 26°00 |
Acabe mountains | 64*30 | 25°45 |
Nechesia | 64*30 | 25°30 |
Samaragdus mountains | 64*50 | 25°00 |
Lepte acra | 64*40 | 23°40 a |
Berenice | 64*05 | 23°50 |
Pentadactylus mountains | 64*45 | 23°30 |
Bazium promontory | 65*00 | 23°00 |
The boundary on the south extends to the indicated terminus of Interior Libya adjacent to which line is Aethiopia below Egypt.
The Basisci mountains run thru this province,
the middle of which is in | 52*20 | 30°00 |
also the Aganombri mountains | 54*00 | 27°30 |
the Asyphus mountains | 55*00 | 30°30 |
the Aspis mountains | 57*30 | 30°40 |
the Ogdamus mountains | 58*00 | 29°30 |
the Thinodes mountains | 58*30 | 26°40 |
the Azar mountains, the extreme parts of which are in | 51*30 | 23°30 |
and | 53*00 | 23°30 |
and the mountains of Libya to the west of the Nile river,
the extreme parts of which are in | 61*00 | 29°00 |
and | 60*10 | 23°30 |
The lakes are:
Cleartus lake | 52*00 | 26°20 |
Lacci lake | 55*30 | 26°40 |
Lycomedis lake | 57*00 | 24°00 |
Solis spring | 58*15 | 28°00 |
Marea lake | 60*15 | 30°50 |
Moeris lake | 60*20 | 29°20 |
Sirbonis lake | 64*15 | 31°00 |
The Libyarchae, the Aniritae, and the Bassachitae dwell in the north of Marmarica province, below whom are the Apotomitae; and next to these, but more toward the south,
are the Augilae, who are located in | 52*30 | 28°00 |
after these are the Nasamones and the Bacatae; then the Auschitae and the Tapanitae, and next are the Sentites, the Oebillae and the Aezari.
In the Libyan province, which is near the sea, dwell the Zygritae, the Chattani and the Zygenses; toward the south are the Buzenses and the Ogdaemi, next to these the Adyrmachidae and next is
the region of Ammon, which is located in | 55*30 | 28°00 |
Next are the Anagombri, the Iobacchi, and the Ruaditae.
The maritime region of Mareota province is called Taenia; in the interior dwell the Goniatae and the Prosoditae, next is
the Sciathic region which is located in | 60*40 | 30°20 |
The Mastitae, the Nitriotae, and the Oasitae occupy the parts toward the south
which are located in | 59*30 | 29°30 |
Next to these are Libyaegypti. The Arenosa and the Sitibunda regions extend along the entire south side of Marmarica and Libya. The Arabaegypti Ichthyophagi occupy the entire seacoast along the Arabian bay in which are mountain ridges:
Troicus-stone mountains | 62*40 | 29°15 |
the Alabastrites mountains | 63*00 | 28°00 |
the Porphyrites mountains | 63*00 | 26°40 |
the black stone mountains | 63*00 | 24°40 |
the Basanites stone mountains | 64*00 | 23°30 |
The interior villages of Marmarica are:
Leucoe | 51*20 | 30°45 |
Moccheris | 52*20 | 31°00 |
Albi Camini | 53*10 | 30°50 |
Menelaus | 53*40 | 31°00 |
Gaphara | 54*00 | 30°25 |
Masuchis | 53*30 | 30°40 |
Masadalis | 51*20 | 30°30 |
Abathuba | 51*30 | 30°00 |
Albi Clivi | 52*30 | 30°15 |
Tacaphoris | 53*50 | 30°10 |
Dioscurorum | 52*30 | 28°50 |
Migo | 53*30 | 28°30 |
Saragina | 53*15 | 28°00 |
Alo | 53*15 | 28°30 |
Mazacila | 54*20 | 26°30 |
Billa | 54*30 | 25°40 |
and in Augilae and Nasamones:
Augila | 52*30 | 28°00 |
Magri place | 54*20 | 27°50 |
The villages of the Libyan provinces are:
Tachorsa | 54*30 | 30°50 |
Azicis | 55*00 | 31°00 |
Nemesium | 55*30 | 30°50 |
Tisarchi | 55*50 | 30°50 |
Philonis | 55*50 | 30°30 |
Sophanis | 56*30 | 30°50 |
Bibliaphorium | 56*20 | 30°40 |
Scope | 56*40 | 30°30 |
Calliae | 57*00 | 30°50 |
Leodamantium | 57*30 | 31°00 |
Catabathmus Minor | 58*00 | 30°50 |
Pedonia | 58*20 | 31°00 |
Pnigeus | 58*30 | 30°30 |
Glaucum | 59*00 | 30°30 |
Tuccitora | 55*10 | 30°15 |
Thanuthis | 55*40 | 29°45 |
Pednopum | 57*15 | 29°40 |
Climax | 57*40 | 30°10 |
Siropum | 56*20 | 28°45 |
Mareotis | 58*00 | 28°20 |
and in the region of Ammon:
Alexandri Castra | 56*30 | 28°10 |
and the town Ammon | 55*30 | 28°00 |
The town and villages of Mareota province are:
Monocaminum | 59*10 | 30°50 |
Halmyrae | 59*40 | 30°50 |
Taposiris | 59*50 | 30°50 |
Cobii | 59*10 | 30°30 |
Antiphili | 59*30 | 30°20 |
Hierax | 59*40 | 30°40 |
Phamotis | 60*00 | 30°40 |
Marea vetus, village | 60*00 | 30°10 |
and in the Sciathic land:
Sciathica | 60*40 | 30°20 |
Near Lake Moeris are:
Bacchis | 60*30 | 29°40 |
Dionysias | 60*30 | 29°00 |
and in Oasitae are:
Oasis Minor | 60*15 | 28°45 |
Oasis Major | 59*30 | 26°55 |
The provinces which are along the Nile have important towns.
That is called the Great Delta which begins where, from the Great river, the Agathodaemon is diverted and flows thru the Heracleotic mouth; the one called the Bubastis river flows thru the Pelusiac mouth,
and the branching where the delta is formed is located in | 62*00 | 30°00 |
It is called the Little Delta where the Busiris river branches from the Bubastis river, which flows thru the Pathmitic mouth.
This Little Delta is located in | 62*40 | 30°20 |
A third delta can also be mentioned located between that which we generally call the Middle Delta where a river branches from the Bubastis, which flows thru the town Athribis and the Pineptimi mouth.
This third delta is located in | 62*15 | 30°05 |
In the Great Delta two rivers are diverted toward the north from the river Agathodaemon, one of which is called the Therenuthis river, which flows thru the Sebennytic mouth;
its branching is located in | 61*30 | 30°15 |
The Buticus river [Butus river] which runs along at a nearly equal distance from the seacoast joins the Therenuthis, the Athribis, the Busiris and the Bubastis, from which others springing from adjacent marshes and lakes flow into the sea thru the remaining mouths, some of which are connected, as we have said, with the Great river.
That is commonly called a low region around these rivers, in which are provinces and important cities.
In the nome and metropolis of Alexandria:
Hermopolis Parva | 61*00 | 30°50 |
In the nome and metropolis of Andropolis:
Andron city | 61*20 | 30°20 |
In the nome and metropolis of Letopolis:
interior Latona city [Letopolis] | 61*30 | 30°05 |
Metelis nome and metropolis:
Metelis | 61*00 | 31°00 |
Phthenetu nome and metropolis:
Butus | 61*20 | 30°45 |
Cabasa nome and metropolis:
Cabasa | 61*30 | 30°40 |
Sais nome and metropolis:
Sais | 61*30 | 30°30 |
and on the Great river toward the east:
Naucratis town | 61*15 | 30°30 |
Prosopis nome and metropolis on the east bank of the Great river:
Niciae | 61*30 | 30°20 |
Sebennytes nome in a low region and its metropolis:
Pachnamunis | 61*40 | 31°00 |
Xois nome and metropolis:
Xois | 61*40 | 30°35 |
Phthemphuthi nome and metropolis:
Tava | 61*40 | 30°25 |
Onuphis nome and its metropolis:
Onuphis | 62*05 | 30°40 |
Athribis nome and its metropolis:
Athribis | 62*00 | 30°30 |
Mendesius nome and its metropolis:
Thumuis | 62*20 | 30°50 |
Upper Sebennytic nome and its metropolis:
Sebennytus | 62*20 | 30°20 |
Busiris nome and its metropolis:
Busiris | 62*30 | 30°15 |
Leontopolis nome and its metropolis:
Leontopolis | 62*15 | 30°35 |
Nesyt nome and its metropolis:
Panephysis | 62*40 | 31°05 |
Tanis nome and metropolis:
Tanis | 62*45 | 32°50 |
Pharbaethus nome and metropolis:
Pharbaethus | 62*45 | 32°30 |
To the east of the Bubastis river is Sethroites nome and metropolis:
Herculis lesser city | 63*20 | 31°00 |
Arabia nome and metropolis:
Phacusa | 63*10 | 30°50 |
Bubastis nome and metropolis:
Bubastus b | 63*05 | 30°40 |
Heliapolis c nome and metropolis:
Oniu | 62*30 | 30°10 |
and on the border of Arabia and Aphroditopolis:
Babylon | 62*15 | 30°00 |
Heliopolis | 62*30 | 29°50 |
Heroum city [Heroöpolis] | 63*10 | 30°00 |
thru which, as well as thru the city Babylon, flows the mountain stream Traianus.
The following nomes are toward the south from the Great Delta and the Lower region and are called the Seven Nomes, the first is the nome of Memphis and its metropolis on the east bank of the river:
Memphis | 61*50 | 29°50 |
And then to the east of the river in the interior, the town
Acanthon | 61*40 | 29°40 |
In which part the river separates,
forming an island, called Heracleopolis island | 62*00 | 29°45 |
and in this island Nilopolis | 62*00 | 29°30 |
and the metropolis to the west of the river is Herculis city [Heracleopolis] | 61*50 | 29°10 |
The nome of Arsinoë and its metropolis in the interior:
Arsinoë | 61*40 | 29°30 |
and the naval station Ptolemais | 61*40 | 29°20 |
To the east of this island:
Aphroditopolis nome and its metropolis, called Aphroditopolis | 62*15 | 29°40 |
then also to the east of the island, Ancuron city | 62*20 | 29°20 |
The rivers unite which form an island in | 62*00 | 28°45 |
Next, to the west of the river is the nome of Oxyrynchus and the metropolis in the interior:
Oxyrynchus | 61*40 | 28°50 |
Then the nome of Cynopolis and the metropolis on the east river bank:
Co | 61*50 | 28°40 |
Canum city [Cynopolis] | 62*10 | 28°40 |
then on the east bank of the river is Acoris | 62*00 | 28°30 |
in the interior, Alabastron | 62*30 | 28°20 |
The nome and metropolis of Hermopolis to the west of the river inland is:
Hermopolis the great | 61*40 | 28°25 |
and next on the west bank of the river is Phylacae | 61*50 | 28°15 |
The nome toward the east of the Antinoüs river and its metropolis:
Antinoi city [Antinoöpolis] | 62*05 | 28°10 |
to which nome are to be added the two Oasitae.
Those which are toward the south from the Seven Nomes are called the Thebaid and the Upper Region. Then toward the west of the river are the nome of Lycopolis and its metropolis in the interior:
Lycopolis | 61*45 | 28°00 |
the nome of Hypsele and its metropolis:
Hypsele | 62*00 | 27°50 |
the nome of Aphroditopolis and its metropolis in the interior are:
Aphroditopolis | 61*20 | 27°40 |
Crocodilorum city [Crocodilopolis] | 61*40 | 27°20 |
the Thinites nome and its metropolis:
Ptolemais Hermiae | 61*50 | 27°10 |
then inland toward the west from the river:
Abydos | 61*40 | 26°50 |
The nome of Diopolis of the upper region and its metropolis:
Jovis a small town [Diopolis] | 61*50 | 26°40 |
the nome of Tentyra and its metropolis:
Tentyra | 61*50 | 26°10 |
and a village in the interior, Pampanis | 61*30 | 25°45 |
Here is Memnon and in the interior
the village Pathyris | 61*30 | 25°30 |
The nome of Hermonthis and its metropolis:
Hermonthis | 61*50 | 25°20 |
and then Laton town | 61*45 | 25°00 |
the larger Apollinopolis city | 61*50 | 24°40 |
then the inland village Phonthis | 61*40 | 24°20 |
and the island Elephantine | 61*30 | 23°55 |
Toward the east of the river:
the nome of Antaeopolis and its metropolis:
Antaei in the interior | 62*20 | 27°40 |
and next Passalus | 62*10 | 27°30 |
the nome of Panopolis and its metropolis:
Panopolis | 62*00 | 27°20 |
next, Lepidotorum town | 62*00 | 26°50 |
then Chenoboscia | 62*00 | 26°30 |
next, Caene town | 62*10 | 26°20 |
The nome of Coptos and its metropolis:
Coptos town | 62*30 | 26°00 |
next, the smaller Apollinopolis city | 62*30 | 25°55 |
The nome of Thebes and its metropolis:
the greater Jovis town [Diopolis] | 62*00 | 25°30 |
then Tuphium | 62*00 | 25°20 |
then Chnubis | 62*00 | 25°00 |
then Ilithyiae town | 62*05 | 24°45 |
then Toum inland | 62*15 | 24°20 |
then Ombi | 62*00 | 24°05 |
then Syene | 62*00 | 23°50 |
then the Dodecaschoenus, from which toward the east are the Arabes Adaei; among whom on the east bank of the river
after the Lesser Cataract, which is located in | 61*50 | 23°45 |
are Hiera Sycaminos | 61*45 | 23°40 |
Philae | 61*40 | 23°20 |
Metacompso | 61*40 | 23°05 |
in which region on the west bank of the river is Pselcis | 61*30 | 23°05 |
The islands near Libya and Egypt in the Egyptian sea are:
Aedonis island | 52*40 | 31°50 |
Tyndarii three cliffs | 55*50 | 31°30 |
Aenesippa island | 56*30 | 31°40 |
Phocussae, two islands | 56*50 | 31°30 |
Pedonia island | 58*30 | 31°30 |
Didymae, two islands | 60*00 | 31°30 |
Pharos island | 60*20 | 31°05 |
In the Arabian bay are these islands:
Sapphirine island | 64*50 | 28°00 |
Veneris island | 65*15 | 25°00 |
Agathonis island | 65*15 | 23°40 |
a My edition has this, without explanation:
b Bubastus in my edition; should be Bubastis, but it is just possible the variant spelling is Ptolemy's rather than a modern typo.
c Heliapolis is almost certainly a modern error for Heliopolis.
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Page updated: 31 Jan 10