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Seco, Kentucky

A town in southeastern Kentucky: 37°10N, 82°44W.
Est. population in 2000: 400.

[MissingALT. It is a view of the U. S. post office in Seco, Kentucky (central eastern United States).]

U. S. Post Office • Seco, KY 41849.

Seco is a village in Letcher County, Kentucky, 9 km NE of Whitesburg by Highways 119 and 805; 3 more kilometers NE, by 805 and 317, and you're in Fleming-Neon.

[MissingALT. It is zzz in Seco, Kentucky.]

[ 1 page, 4 photos ]

The name of the town, in classic American style, is an acronym; it stands for South Eastern COal Company. Like many in the area, this was a coal mining town: and the old mine can still be seen.

[MissingALT. It is zzz in Umbertide in Umbria (central Italy).]

[ 1 page, 5 photos ]

The heart of the town, for once, is not city hall, or a large church, or a Civil War historic site: it's the old company store, now the Highland Winery.

[MissingALT. It is zzz in Seco, Kentucky (southeastern United States).]

[ 1 page, 3 churches, 5 photos ]

Just the same, Seco does have its churches: they're an attractive group, so even if my page isn't much, the photos are good.

You may also find it useful to read my diary entries for Nov. 25 and 26, 2005, which include a couple more photos as well.

[MissingALT. It is a typical house in Seco, Kentucky (southeastern United States).]

A typical house in Seco.

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Page updated: 10 Mar 06
