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 p206  Fausta Felicitas

Article on p206 of

Samuel Ball Platner (as completed and revised by Thomas Ashby):
A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome,
London: Oxford University Press, 1929.

Fausta Felicitas: a shrine on the Capitol, dedicated to Felicitas, and mentioned in the calendars in connection with Genius Publicus and Venus Victrix in such a way that it is uncertain whether there were separate shrines for the three divinities, or one for the three together (Fast. Amit. et Arval. ad VII Id. Oct., CIL I2 pp214, 245). It is probable that the same shrine is referred to in the Fasti Antiates under date of 1st July (CIL I2 p248: Felici(tati) in Cap(it)o(lio); p331 (Oct. 9); Jord. I.2.46; RE VI.2164; Rosch. I.1474; WR 266; DE III.43‑44.

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