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The entries on pp366‑373 of

Samuel Ball Platner (as completed and revised by Thomas Ashby):
A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome,
London: Oxford University Press, 1929.

 p366  Obeliscus Antinoi: see separate page.

 p367  Obeliscus Augusti: see separate page.

Obeliscus Augusti in Circo Maximo: see separate page.

Obeliscus Capitolinus: see separate page.

 p368  Obeliscus Constantii: see separate page.

Obeliscus Domitiani: see Obelisci Isei Campensis (4).

Obeliscus Hortorum Sallustianorum: see separate page.

Obeliscus Insulanus: see Insula Tiberina.

Obelisci Isei Campensis: see separate page.

Obelisci Mausolei Augusti: see separate page.

 p371  Obeliscus Vaticanus: see separate page.

Odeum: see separate page.

Officinae Minii: mills for the working of red lead (minium) brought to Rome from Spain (Vitr. VII.9.4). They were on the Quirinal between the temple of Flora and that of Quirinus (q.v.), and therefore probably at the foot of the hill, near the present Via Rasella (BC 1889, 379; RhM 1894, 407; HJ 412).

 p372  Oppius Mons: see separate page.

Ops, aedes, templum: see separate page.

Orbona, fanum: a shrine ad aedem Larum, that is, on the Velia, of which nothing further is known (Cic. de nat. deor. iii.63; Plin. NH II.16, from Cicero; for Orbona and her meaning, cf. Tert. ad nat. II.15; Cypr. 4; Rosch. II.209, and literature there cited).

Orcus, aedes: a temple that Elagabalus destroyed to make room for his temple of Elagabalus on the Palatine (Hist. Aug. Elag. 1.6; for a conjectural site, see Iuppiter Ultor, templum; and for a possible identification, see Horta. Orci is a conjecture for orti or horti of the MSS.).

Orfienses: see Lacus Orphei.

 p373  Ovile (Ovilia): see separate page.

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Page updated: 24 Aug 12