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Samuel Ball Platner (as completed and revised by Thomas Ashby):
A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome,
London: Oxford University Press, 1929.

Ara Matidiae

Matidia, ara: an altar of diva Matidia, the mother-in‑law of Hadrian, which is mentioned on one inscription (CIL VI.31893b 10: Noenses de ara Matidie;​1 BC 1891, 356), but is otherwise unknown.

Templum Matidiae

Matidia, templum: a temple of the deified Matidia, the mother-in‑law of Hadrian (cf. Matidia, ara), known from the inscription on a fragment of lead pipe found between S. Ignazio and the Collegio Germanico Ungarico (BC 1883, 6‑16; CIL XV.7248), and a coin of Hadrian (Dressel, in Corolla Numismatica, Oxford, 1906, 16 ff.; Gnecchi II p5, No. 25, pl. 39, No. 5: divae Matidiae socrui). North-east of the Pantheon, in the Vicolo della Spada d'Orlando, between the Via dei Pastini and the Piazza Capranica, five columns of cipollino have been found — one still visible and two built into a wall — which may per have belonged to this temple. They are 1.70 metres in diameter, and the indications point to an octostyle structure, about 36 metres wide, that faced north on what is now the Piazza Capranica (cf. Lanciani FUR, pl. 15, for a different orientation). On each side of the area in front of the temple, the Basilicae Matidia et Marciana (q.v.) may have stood, if the evidence of the coin is accepted, one of them cutting across the site now occupied by the church of S. Maria in Aquiro (OJ 1913, 132‑142; HJ XXXIV).

The Authors' Note:

1 If, indeed, Hülsen is right in connecting the two words.

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Page updated: 13 Apr 00
