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2 1 Pharnaces, when thus suddenly attacked in force, was ready to entertain any proposals, as he showed by sending envoys to Eumenes and Ariarathes. 2 These kings, after listening to his overtures, themselves sent envoys to Pharnaces, and after this had been done several times on both sides, peace was agreed to on the following terms. 3 "There shall be peace between Eumenes, Prusias, and Ariarathes on the one hand and Pharnaces and Mithridates on the other for all time: Pharnaces shall not invade Galatia on any pretext: all treaties previously made between Pharnaces and the Galatians are revoked: he shall likewise retire from Paphlagonia, restoring to their homes those of the inhabitants whom he had formerly deported, and restoring at the same time all weapons, missiles, and material of war: 6 he shall give up to Ariarathes all the places of which he robbed him in the same condition as he found them, and he shall return the hostages: he shall also give up Tium on the Pontus" — this city was shortly afterwards very gladly presented by Eumenes to p471 Prusias who begged for it: 8 "Pharnaces shall return all prisoners of war without ransom and all deserters. 9 Likewise out of the money and treasure he carried off from Morzius and Ariarathes, he shall repay to the above kings nine hundred talents, 10 paying in addition to Eumenes three hundred talents towards the expenses of the war. 11 A fine of three hundred talents was also imposed on Mithridates, satrap of Armenia, because violating his treaty with Eumenes he had made war on Ariarathes. Of the Asiatic princelets Artaxias, the ruler of the greater part of Armenia, and Acusilochus were included in the treaty; of those in Europe Gatalus the Sarmatian; also the following free cities, Heraclia, Mesembria, Chersonese, and Cyzicus. 14 The last claim related to the number of hostages to be given by Pharnaces. 15 Upon the arrival of the latter, the armies at once departed. Such was the end of the war between Eumenes and Ariarathes in alliance and Pharnaces.
3 1 Perseus, immediately after renewing his alliance with Rome, began to aim at popularity in Greece, calling back to Macedonia fugitive debtors and those who had been banished from the country either by sentence of the courts or for offences against the king. 2 He posted up lists of these men at Delos, Delphi, and the temple of Itonian Athena,1 p473 not only promising safety to such as returned, but the recovery of the property they had left behind them. 3 In Macedonia itself he relieved all who were in debt to the crown, and released those who had been imprisoned for offences against the crown. 4 By this action he aroused the expectation of many, as it seemed to show that for the whole of Greece much was to be hoped from him. 5 He also showed in the rest of his behaviour true royal dignity. 6 For in personal appearance he looked capable, and was expert in all kinds of bodily exercise which are of real service. In his demeanour too he had a gravity and composure not unsuited to his years. 7 He also had kept clear of his father's incontinence in the matter of women and drink, and not only was he himself moderate in his potations at table, but so were the friends who dined with him. 8 Such was the character of the reign of Perseus at its opening.
9 At the time when King Philip grew great and was powerful in Greece, no one had less regard for good faith and law, but when the wind of his good fortune veered, he was the most moderate of men. 10 When finally he entirely came to grief, he attempted to adapt himself to all contingencies and by every means to build up his kingdom again.
(Cp. Livy XLI.6‑8)
4 1 After the dispatch of the consuls Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus and Gaius Claudius Pulcher against the Istri and Agrii, the Senate, when summer was approaching its end, gave audience to the envoys from Lycia who reached Rome after Lycia had been entirely reduced, but had been dispatched a good deal earlier. 3 For the Xanthians, at the time they were about to embark on this war, had sent Nicostratus at the head of a mission to Achaea and Rome. 4 He arrived at Rome only now, and appealed to the sentiments of many of the senators by bringing before their eyes the oppressiveness of the Rhodians and their own imminent danger. 5 Finally they succeeded in persuading the senate to send legates to Rhodes, to inform that state, that after referring to the reports that the ten commissioners had drawn up in Asia when they were arranging matters with Antiochus, they found that the Lycians had not been handed over the Rhodes as a gift, but rather to be treated like friends and allies. 6 The imposition of these terms by no means pleased many people in Rhodes. 7 For it was thought that the Romans were constituting themselves arbiters in the matter of Rhodes and Lycia with the object of exhausting the stores and treasure of the Rhodians, 8 having heard of their recent home-bringing of the bride of Perseus and of the refitting of their ships.
9 Indeed, a short while previously the whole of the Rhodian navy had been splendidly and munificently p477 refitted. For Perseus had presented them with a quantity of wood for shipbuilding, and had given a golden tiara to each of the sailors in the galleys that had escorted his bride Laodice on her way to him.
5 1 When the envoys from Rome arrived in Rhodes to announce the decision of the senate, there was a great commotion there, and much disturbance in political circles on account of their statement that the Lycians had not been given them as a gift, but as allies. 2 For they thought they had just put things in Lycia on a satisfactory footing, and now they saw the beginning of a further crop of troubles. 3 For the Lycians, as soon as the Romans arrived at Rhodes and made this announcement, became again disaffected, and were ready to struggle hard for their autonomy and freedom. 4 The Rhodians, however, when they had listened to their envoys, thinking that the Romans had been taken in by the Lycians, at once appointed Lycophron their envoy to enlighten the senate on the matter. 5 Such then was the situation, the Lycians to all appearance being about to revolt again.
(Cp. Livy XLI.19)
6 1 The senate on the arrival of the envoys from Rhodes heard their arguments and deferred their own answer.
2 p479 A mission from the Dardanians now arrived, telling of the Bastarnae, their numbers, the huge size and the valour of their warriors, 3 and also pointing out that Perseus and the Galatians were in league with this tribe. They said they were much more afraid of him than of the Bastarnae, and they begged for aid. 4 Envoys from Thessaly also arrived confirming the statement of the Dardanians, and begging too for help. 5 Upon this the senate decided to send some commissioners to inquire on the spot as to the veracity of these assertions, 6 and at once appointed Aulus Postumius and some younger men.
1 A celebrated sanctuary in Thessaly.
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