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 p439  Duumviri

Unsigned article on p439 of

William Smith, D.C.L., LL.D.:
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities, John Murray, London, 1875.

DUUMVIRI, or the two men, the name of various magistrates and functionaries at Rome, and in the coloniae and municipia. In inscriptions we also meet with the form duomvires (Orelli, Inscrip. No. 3808), and duovir (Orelli, No. 3886).

1. Duumviri Juri Dicundo, the highest magistrates in the municipal towns. [Colonia, p318.]

2. Duumviri Navales, extraordinary magistrates, who were created, whenever occasion required, for the purpose of equipping and repairing the fleet. They appear to have been originally appointed by the consuls and dictators, but were first elected by the people, B.C. 311 (Liv. IX.30, XL. 18, 26, XLI.1).

3. Duumviri Perduellionis. [Perduellio.]

4. Duumviri Quinquennales, the censors in the municipal towns, who must not be confounded with the duumviri juri dicundo. [Colonia, p318.]

5. Duumviri Sacri, extraordinary magistrates, like the duumviri Navales, appointed for the purpose of building or dedicating a temple (Liv. VII.28, XXII.33, XXXV.41).

6. Duumviri Sacrorum, originally had the charge of the Sibylline books. Their duties were afterwards discharged by the decemviri sacris faciundis. [Decemviri, No. 3.]

7. Duumviri Viis extra urbem purgandis, were officers under the aediles, who had the charge of the streets of the suburbs of Rome, outside the city gates (Tabul. Heracl. I.50, ed. Göttling). Their office appears to have been abolished by Augustus, and their duties devolved upon the Quattuorviri (cf. Dion Cass. LIV. 26; Pompon. De Orig. Jur. § 30; Becker, Römisch. Alterth. vol. II part II p366).

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