Aelian on the Erythræan Ox

From Aeliani de natura animalium libri XVII, II.xx. In the translation after Gesner's, from the Jacobs edition of 1832 (p. 27):

XX. Tauris omnibus rigida et minime flexibilia exsistunt cornua; eamque ob rem cornibus perinde armati furibunde appetunt, atque homines armis hostem feriunt. Erythraei autem boves mobilia similiter cornua ut aures habent.

Ke/rata a)klinh= kai\ o)rqa\ e(/sthke tau/roij a(/pasi, kai\ dia\ tau=ta w(j ei)j o(/plon o( a)/nqrwpoj, ou(/tw toi kai\ ei)j keraj o( tau=roj tequ/mwtai. Bo/ej de\ 'Eruqrai=oi kinou=si kai\ ke/rata, w(j w}ta.

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