Aelian: Various History, Book XII, Chap. 45

From Claudius Ælianus His Various History, translated by Thomas Stanley; London:1663.

Chap. XLV.

Of Midas, Plato, and Pindar, their infancys.

The Phyrgian Stories say thus; Whilest Midas the Phyrgian, yet an infant, lay asleep, Ants crept into his mouth, and with much indutry and pain brought thither some Corn. These1 wrought a Honey-comb in the mouth of Plato. Likewise Pindar being exposed from his Father's house, Bees became his Nurses, and gave him Honey instead of Milk.


1. These: Something has gone awry here; not ants, but bees, which are mentioned (by name, so to speak) in the Greek.

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b1b. 'Oyofagi/staton.