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Of the First BOOK, entituled


THE AUTHOR in this his first Book of his Introduction discloseth many excellent overtures, for the futherance of Literature : Especially in the facility of contriving expressions for any conception, the mind of man is able to afford. He plainly setteth down the analogie, that ought to be betwixt things, and words ; and that, to make a perfect Language, things semblable in nature, should be signifyed by words of a like pronunciation. He proveth all hitherto known tongues, to be full of imperfection, both by reason of the insufficiencie of their Alphabets, and for that there are many common things, which cannot, without circumlocution, be expressed by them. He compareth the learned Languages, with one another : giveth freely his opinion of all vernacularie tongues : and demonstrateth an universal defect in all, and each of both the one, and other, because of the common necessity they are driven unto, of mutual borrowing for convenience of elocution.

The Author also, in this Book, utterly rejecteth the vulgarly received opinion of the origin of Languages, and very neatly twits the opposers of those curious arts, wherein there is no harm. He confuteth that disproprtion in matter of number twixt words, and things, wherewith the smattrers in knowledge, would cloak their inability of giving unto everything its proper term : and sheweth how for the advancement of Learning, and Vertue, & clearing the mind of all prejudicat tenets, the brains, and heart should be purged of malice, and wilful ignorance, the two plagues of a Commonwealth : the bad acquitals, he hath received from some great men of his own Countrey, he but glanceth at, to incordiat other his compatriots, with more respect in times coming, to men of no lesse desert : & declareth what injury, to that deity, unto which the heavens are subservient, is done by those lazie Sciolists, who frequently seek after supernatural causes, where the natural is obvious to the eyes of our understandings.

The Author likewise, setteth forth in this Book, the possibility of framing a new idiome of far greater perfection, then any hitherto spoken, and that the performance of such an undertaking will without doubt exceedingly conduce to the benefit, and contentment of all ingenious Schollars. By its Logopandocie, or comprehension of all utterable words, and sounds articulat, he evidenceth the universality of the proposed Language, and by infallible reason proveth whilst there is no other World, but this, the impossibility of forming any other such.

Lastly, the Author, after his delivery of a genuine and upright gloss, on there passages of Solomon, Terence, and Paul, in confutation of some Scholiasts, Idolizers of corrupt antiquitie, who had mis-interpreted those texts, concerning the nature of new inventions, most manifestly avoucheth, that exquisit inventions will never be wanting, so long as good spirits are extant on the earth : and, in concluding this his first Book, with sixtie and six several advantages, this Language hath above all other, exposeth to the view of his judicious Reader, many inestimable secrets, worthie the perusal of the best wits of the time.

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