Sir Thomas Urquhart (1653) Logopandecteision. Book II: Chrestasebeia, The Preface (2 unnumbered pages)

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To the second BOOK, entituled


THE SCOPE of the Author in this his second Book is to plead for the removal of some impediments, which stand in the way of emitting those his works of a curious invention, wherewith he intends to gratifie this Isle ; in doing whereof, he observeth a very compendious, and most commendable method, for prosecuting of the noble designe, proposed in the general title of the Introduction. Natural Philosophie teacheth us, That one form is to be expelled, before another can be introduced upon the subjected matter ; for which cause Aristotle very wisely, constituted Privation for one of the three principles of Nature. No judicious Architect will begin to erect a fabrick, till the ground be first cleansed of the rubbish, which hindreth the laying of the foundation. Arts, disciplines, and sciences, for being qualities (as are the faculties whence they emane) (though of another species) are predicamentally classible under accidents, that have their essential dependance on that substance, which, without derogating any thing from the soul of man, may properly be said, to be the body, whose livelihood consisting in a maintenance by external means, The Author very rationally thence inferreth, a necessity of being established in the estate of his Predecessors, for the production of his brain-issues, in many elaborated secrets. Those the Author metaphorically termeth moveables, thereby to claim the benefit of an act of Parliament, for his redintegration into his progenitors Land, and yet that he should make so disproportionate a parallel, he layeth the weight upon the iniquity of the times, and rigour of Flagitators, whose lamentable wrongs done unto him, he most egregiously amplifyeth by three notable examples : and in sequel thereof describeth usurie to the life, together with the brutishness of the churlish characters of it. Why to the promised Language, is premised this Introduction, and that the promulgation thereof is retarded, the Author, besides what is said, inserteth this other reason, least it's inconsiderate prostitution should make it be undervalued : to confirm this, he sheweth by three or four pregnant examples, how enjoyment abates affection, and by ten instances more, how in the estimation of ill-poised Judgements, very precious things have been postposed to quistquiliary truth, for witnessing the transcendencie of the effects of mental faculties, beyond those of either body or fortune, he points at Scotus, and Sacrobosco : but in collationing Learning with Warfare, he leaves the odds undecided. What large Donatives have been bestowed on learned men for their encouragement to Literature, he specifyeth by eight several examples : and by seven more, the indefatigable pains taken by eminent Schollars of former ages in the prosecuting of their studies ; all which the Author is pleased to display before us, the better thereby to extoll the gifts of the intellectual part : and where he transiently lets fall a word in praise of his own elucubrations, he excuseth it by the necessity of avoiding a greater evil, subjoyning thereto for better illustration, three specious presidents of a King, a Prophet, and a Saint, all divinely inspired : and finally closeth all, with a certainty (upon the removal of obstructions) of performing whatever he hath promised, the contexture of all which being maturely perpended, cannot choose, but be pleasing to the industrious Reader.

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