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mail: Bill Thayer 
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March 28, 1994

Yesterday and today were spent in training people on the [. . .], a machine to help incontinent people to train their muscles and rebecome continent by administering electrical shocks [. . .] and watching their reactions on a computer screen. . . I mean izzis a reason to fly someone to Paris? Apparently, yes.

Occasionally as an interpreter I see some weird things (like the time I visited a cow in Madison, WI with a large plexiglass window in her side); but I usually don't participate quite so actively.

On the other hand, this is surprisingly dull, mostly because the basic medicine and electronics involved are so elementary! Anyhow, il n'y a pas de sot métier.

I just noticed I'm repeating myself, the proverb toggled a neuron somewhere; I'm very tired, and I'll probably get to sleep early: it's 9:05 and I've been sleepy for hours, I don't imagine at last tonight that I'll stay up like I have every night with insomnia watching TV in my room (3:20 last night); and I called James on my own machine a few minutes ago, not getting him at the office, and just left a message.

[. . .]

Last night, dinner at the Brasserie Le Coq pl. du Trocadéro; excellent seafood platter, remainder of the meal good, and company even fun, rare for a client group. Afterwards, 3 of us stood at the Trocadéro a coupla minutes and looked across the Seine at the Eiffel Tower magnificently lit up; that was about it for the day.

Today nothing, except that I got my suit drycleaned and 3 shirts washed, at 150F and 3 × 44F respectively, and sent a 3p. fax to Nantes for only twenty dollars. . . What a racket especially considering weak or no starch — Anyway, it's overhead. (and rillettes at lunch 2 days in a row, as well as excellent lemon pie: I skipped the hot course altogether. Today smoked fish, too — no dinner, zu Bett.)

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Page updated: 7 Dec 20
