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mail: Bill Thayer 
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Sunday 11 June

Way behind already, and it's quarter to ten at night and we still haven't closed the day yet — I hope I prevailed on Susan not to do any cooking tonite, just toss together a salad — and I'm very tired although I haven't really done anything since my walk on Thursday; but if I don't start writing, I'll forget something. (For example already, recording my Seco walk two days after, I'd already failed to note that I'd stopped in at the Letcher Manor Nursing Home — rather posh place, now if they would only change the name — where Geraldine works now, to surprise her three minutes — she seemed pleased — this on the way out of Whitesburg before Ermine.)

Friday mind you nothing much; though I woke up at something like a normal time, maybe 8:30 or so, Susan of course was just starting to get her sleep and I busied myself with diary, photo storage, laundry, etc. and didn't take my shower until 12:30 just after she woke up. Still a bit tired from the walk the day before, I knew it was going to be a rest day, and it was, frittered in going to grocery stores, a rather long pit stop at the hospital where she had charts to tend to so I was a sort of mild entertainment offered to two ER nurses Sabrina and Hope, then I met Gary Jessey, who turned out to be a very affable natural fellow, we talked Macs and Adobe and PDF, starting to figure out how best to publish his book on Tentacle-Baby. Then off to Susan's car mechanic — problem with her tires — another affable man, in his mid-twenties maybe, Steve wears the only pigtail I've seen in these parts, races cars on the side, garage right by the Free Will Baptist Church and the cement plant just outside of Dunham.

The main news was unfortunate, Super-Mike's father, just turned 58 two days before, suddenly taken very very ill and ambulanced all the way to Lexington; Mike naturally very anxious. Similarly unfortunate, no sign of Xel,º Susan's third cat (the one that hid from me in her closet all last November), and she had a policeman come to the house with one of those heat sensors for detecting latent fires and animals in walls: zilch, must've escaped somehow. We went looking in cellars, examined small crawl holes in my closet and in the upstairs bathroom that might have afforded her access to getting trapped in a wall — nothing.

The day, for all that, ended around 11 again. . . .

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Page updated: 7 Dec 20
