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Wednesday 26 July 2000

Well today was indeed a nice break; plus, as it turned out, I walked no more than about a mile total, and didn't even notice my feet; even now that I'm thinking about them, I have basically no pain — so this was useful, too.

Andrea Gambucci called me as agreed this morning at a few minutes past nine; but instead of connecting at lunch, he said he'd show up in a quarter of an hour plus he knew where I lived — and he did. We sat on my balcony and talked about all kinds of things: a tall handsome man of 45, very intense, and who knows all kinds of stuff, if with a slight tendency, which he himself is the first to admit to, to let ideas override facts; still, far rather that than dull! In fact we wound up talking about the Pantheon, obelisks, and the related symbolism of the eye: I told him to go back to Spello and take another look at the Cappella Tega with all this in mind; and in turn will surely owe something to him if I ever do anything decent either on the Tega or on the Pantheon or the obelisks.

At 11:20 he decided to take me to Cantiano; I of course am always game, so off we went. In fact we went to Cantiano, then to Cagli, then back to Cantiano for lunch, then up a very roundabout way to the abbey of Fonte Avellana, and back down via Chiaserna; then on to his family's property below Costacciaro towards the Chiáscio, much of which is for now a seasonal campground called the Rio Verde (little Internet site: tiscalinet.it/rioverde), where we had dinner with his wife (as much as she could while running the place, which warn't much) and assorted family and friends afterwards for a late evening drink — then Andrea drove me back to Ca' Nicoletta at nearly eleven P.M.: i.e., the whole day. This in brief, because it's late and I need to get some sleep; details to follow, but a very interesting and unexpected day.

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Page updated: 7 Dec 20
