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mail: Bill Thayer 
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Saturday 8 July 2000

Romewards train around 10:30, not as hot as yesterday maybe: the walk down to the station was almost cool, nice breeze.

[image ALT: An empty street bordered by low buildings, and at the end a brick church. It is the via Cavour in Senigallia (in the Marche, on the Adriatic coast of Italy).]

Senigallia: the via Cavour at noon.

Well I didn't go back to sleep yesterday morning, but beshook myself and went to Senigallia. Change at Falconara Marittima would have had me waiting 55 minutes; instead, I found a Bucci bus (Ancona-Senigallia) nicely timed to step onto for 2600₤, of which 500 were for buying the ticket on board. Neat how much more I could see from the bus than from half-dozen times I'd done the Falconara-Senigallia stretch by train. The windows are bigger; but mostly, the whole shoreline is a set of parallel strips: the coastline itself, then the public beach, rather narrow; then an endless succession of dull vacation houses, low concrete mostly; then the railway; then the highway; and immediately along the W side of the highway, open farmland with only an occasional seaside trailer camp: but mostly low rolling hills, wheat, trees, as agricultural as elsewhere in the Marche.

Senigallia is a nice place, with a reputation for heat, but they're set up for it; whatever it was centuries ago, today it's a beach resort.

Nothing particularly old — churches late medieval thru modern, and brick — so I wandered around town with my tripod

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Page updated: 7 Dec 20
