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mail: Bill Thayer 
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Wednesday 3 September 1997

Around 9 P.M. Got up about 6 but wallowed around in the house — altho' I did wash dishes and so on — then at about 10 I left for Collepino, thinking I might go further. Well I did — all the way to the exact summit of M. Subasio and down to the P.zza Matteotti in Assisi. Ate almost nothing; toyed with the idea of going out to the Cacciatore but I'm exhausted, so won't.

Right from the start, as even on the little flat walk to Foligno the other day, my left calf and right hamstring hurt: the former as usual, and the latter with unexpected lancing pains.

An interesting and event­ful walk, but I'm too bushed to write much tonight: I expect to go at least to Terni, and probably to Todi tomorrow; I'll write on the train. (Friday, to Rome to skate, I think.)

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Page updated: 7 Dec 20
