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A much simpler good schematic map of the Latium can be found here.

Latium: Map 1

This map is in the public domain. It is from an out-of‑copyright 19c atlas, courtesy Jim Miller who scanned it.

Above the map to allow you to search it while the map loads, is a list of all the place names appearing on it.

The source of this page is set up as a database with field tags (see "Help" for details).

[ 1/6/98: The index is only partly completed. ]

For various reasons the grid references may not be absolutely exact: for example, a town indexed as being in grid block Km may be along the edges of Kl, etc.

The Help icon in the header provides more detailed help, explanations and sources (in a separate window), as do the links in the column headings.

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Modern Identification
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Ancient Name(s)
[image ALT: a blank space]
Grid & Quadrant
[image ALT: a blank space]
Latitude & Longitude
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Ptolemy's Coördinates
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Bibliographical References
Ad Aginos Lm NW
Ad Centesimum Lm NW
S. Maria in Pantano
(near Massa Martana)
ad Martis Km NE
ad Martis Lm NW
Alba Fucentia (Alba Fucens) Lm SW Pliny, NH 3.106
Alatri Alatrum Ll SW
Albula R. Lm NE Pliny, NH 3.110
Ameria Km NW 42N33 12E25 42N15 36*30 Pliny, NH: antiquity of according to Cato, 3.114
Anagni Anagnia Ll SW Pliny, NH 3.63
Aquino Aquinum Ll SE Pliny, NH 3.63
Arpino Arpinum Ll NE Pliny, NH 3.63
Arx Ll SE
Ascoli Piceno Asculum Picenum Lm NE Pliny, NH 3.111
Baccana Km SW
Bagnoregio Balneum Regis Km NW 42N37 12E05
Camerte Km NW Pliny, NH 3.113
Capena Km SE Pliny, NH 3.52
Carsulae (Carsioli) Km NE 42N20 37*20 Pliny, NH 3.113
Castrum Novum Lm NE
Claudian's Canal Ll NW
Campello sul Clitunno Clitunni (Cliternum) Km NE 42N50 12E46 42N40 37*30
Corfinium Lm SE Pliny, NH 3.106
Cures Km SE
Cutilia Lm SW
Eretium Km SE
Fabrateria Ll SE Pliny, NH 3.64
Falerii (Falerium) Km SW 41N55 36*30 Pliny, NH 3.111
Ferentino Ferentinum Km NW 41N42 13E15 41N40 38*00
Ferentinum Ll SW Pliny, NH 3.52
Fescennium Km SW Pliny, NH 3.52
Forum Cassii Km SW
Fregellae Ll SW Pliny, NH 3.64
Frosinone Frusino Ll NW Pliny, NH 3.64
(drained in 1878) Fucinus L. Ll NE Pliny, NH 3.108
Hadria Lm NE Pliny, NH 3.110
Terni Interamnia (Interamna)
Interamnia Nahars
Km NE 42N34 12E39 42N20 38*20 Pliny, NH 3.107
Interamna Praetutiora Lm NE
Latinus R. Lm NE
Lucus Feroniae Km SE Pliny, NH 3.51
Marrubium Ll SE
Marruvium Km NE
Narni Narnia Km NE 42N31 12E31 42N30 36*30 Pliny, NH 3.113
Nepete (Nepeta) Km SW 41N50 36*00 Pliny, NH 3.52
Nomentum Km SE 42N05 37*30 Pliny, NH 3.107
Norcia Nursia Lm NW Pliny, NH 3.107
(3 km S of Otricoli) Ocriculum (Ocricolum) Km SW 42N10 36*45 Pliny, NH 3.54 , 3.114
Pinna Lm NE
Priverno Privernum Ll SW Pliny, NH 3.64
Rieti Reate Km SE 42N25 12E51 Pliny, NH 3.107
Setra Ll SW
Signia Ll SW Pliny, NH 3.64
Sora Ll SE Pliny, NH 3.64
Soracte Km SW
Spoleto Spoletium Km NE 42N44 12E44 42N45 36*20 Pliny, NH 3.114
Subiaco Sublaqueum Ll NW Pliny, NH 3.109
Testrina Lm SW
Todi Tuder Km NW 42N47 12E24 42N20 35*50 Pliny, NH 3.113
Orvieto Urbs Vetus
Volsinii?: see Bolsena
Km NW 42N43 12E07
Vallia R. Km NW
Veii Km SW
Venafro Venafrum Ll SE Pliny, NH 3.63
Vicus Novus Km SE
Vomanus R. Lm NE Pliny, NH 3.110

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Page updated: 10 Mar 11
