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An article from Gaetano Moroni's Dizionario di erudizione storico-ecclesiastica da S. Pietro sino ai nostri giorni (1855). The Italian text is now in the public domain.

The English translation, however, and any color photos are mine (© William P. Thayer).

Jacopo Tebaldo​a

Tebaldo Jacopo, Cardinale. Nato in Collescipoli, ma cittadino e nobile romano, altri dicendolo figlio d'uno di Collescipoli venditore d'olio per Roma. Mediante ostinato studio e seria applicazione, divenuto eccellente giurista e dottore di gran fama, dopo aver esercitati con lode i governi del ducato di Spoleti e della città di Perugia, Nicolò V nel 1450 lo fece vescovo di Monte Feltro; pe' suoi meriti e pel favore di Simone suo fratello, insigne medico assai amato da Calisto III, fu da questi a' 17 o 18 dicembre 1456 creato cardinale prete di s. Anastasia, e poi eletto arcivescovo di Napoli non ne prese possesso per averlo ceduto al cardinal Oliviero Caraffa. Si trovò presente a' conclavi di Pio II e Paolo II, e soccombè alla morte in Roma nel 1466, universalmente compianto per l'innata sua benignità e piacevolezza di costumi. Fu sepolto nella chiesa di s. Maria sopra Minerva, presso alla porta laterale al manco lato di quel tempio, in cui fu eretto un monumento lavorato sul gusto antico, con iscrizione in versi che ricorda persino l'ora del suo decesso, senza dire l'età, negligenza assai frequente ne' vetusti epitaffi.

Tebaldo Jacopo, Cardinal. Born in Collescipoli, but a Roman citizen and nobleman; others stating him to have been the son of a native of Collescipoli who sold oil in Rome.​b By dint of persistent study and steady application, he became an excellent jurist and a doctor of great renown; after exercising with distinction the government of the duchy of Spoleto and that of the city of Perugia, he was made bishop of Montefeltro by Nicholas V in 1450; thru his own merit and the influence of his brother Simone, a distinguished doctor greatly favored by Calixtus III, he was by the latter created cardinal priest of S. Anastasia on December 17 or 18, 1456. Subsequently elected archbishop of Naples, he did not take possession of that see, ceding it to cardinal Oliviero Caraffa. He was present at the conclaves of Pius II and Paul II, and succumbed to death in Rome in 1466, universally lamented for his native kindness and his agreeable manners. He was buried in the church of S. Maria sopra Minerva, near the left side door, where a monument was built fashioned in the antique style, with a verse inscription that records the very hour of his death, yet does not state his age: a rather frequent oversight in old epitaphs.

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The tomb of Jacopo Tebaldi (Giacomo Tebaldi) in S. Maria sopra Minerva, Rome.

Thayer's Notes:

a Usually referred to today as Giacomo Tebaldi.

b Collescipoli, a small Umbrian town now a frazione of Terni, was known at the time for drivers specializing in the transport of Umbrian olive oil for sale in Rome. See for example T. Valenti, Curiosità storiche trevane (Foligno, 1922), p124.

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Page updated: 27 Mar 16
