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  This webpage reproduces a section of
R. E. Lee: A Biography

by Douglas Southall Freeman

published by Charles Scribner's Sons,
New York and London, 1934

The text, and illustrations except as noted, are in the public domain.


This site is not affiliated with the US Military Academy.



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Gadsby's City Tavern

I, 10

Gaines, Dr. William

II, 138, 142, 165

Gaines's Mill

II, 136‑58, 167, 192, 214, 216, 232, 234, 236, 238, 240‑2, 247, 252; III, 118, 151, 379, 382; IV, 169, 176

Galena (Federal warship)

II, 49, 58

Galphin, Fort

I, 3

Gansevoort, Fort

I, 200

Garcia, Gen. G. (Mexican Army)

I, 407‑8

Gardener, Mr.

I, 290

Garland, Gen. Samuel, C. S. A.

Garnett, Brig. Gen. Robert S., C. S. A.

I, 40‑2, 319, 489, 520, 529, 530‑6, 541‑2, 544, 556, 579, 639; III, 49, 112, 119‑20, 122‑6, 128‑9, 131

Garnett, Capt. Thomas M., C. S. A.

II, 395

Garrett, John W.

I, 394; IV, 396‑7

Gauley River

Gay de Vernon, S. F.,
Treatise on the Science of War and Fortification

I, 76‑7

George II

I, 35

Georgetown raid

I, 3

Georgia University

I, 543

Germantown (Confederate ship)

I, 521


battle, I, 34, 362, 457; II, 90‑1, 200, 325; III, 6, 10, 12, 16, 58‑9, 62, 64‑7, 169‑70, 203, 220‑1, 225, 230, 233, 240, 242, 256, 272, 326, 384, 445, 468; IV, 53, 86, 134, 167, 174‑7, 179, 213, 250, 437, 445‑6, 475, 488; approach to the battle, III, 68‑106; battle, III, 107‑34; retreat, III, 135‑45; criticisms of the campaign, III, 147‑61; Stuart's instructions for the campaign, III, 547‑51

Gibson, Lt. Samuel B., C. S. A.

II, 284

Gilham, Col. William, C. S. A.

Gill, Lt. Col. William G., C. S. A.

I, 640

Gilmer, Maj. Gen. Jeremy F., C. S. A.

I, 643; II, 259, 304; IV, 449‑50

Gilpin, Col. George

I, 20

Gimbrede, Thomas

I, 63, 68, 74



Glendale, battle

Gloucester Point

I, 480‑1, 508; II, 10

Golding's Farm

II, 158, 166

Goldsboro, N. C.

II, 478

Goldsborough, Mary

I, 105

Gordon, Maj. Gen. John B., C. S. A.

II, 91, 214, 216, 391; III, 222, 237, 280, 295‑6, 301‑2, 305, 307, 315, 317‑22, 330, 384, 386, 429, 447, 520‑1, 529‑30; IV, 7‑10, 12, 14‑21, 24‑6, 30‑3, 37, 42, 47, 50, 57‑8, 61‑2, 66, 69, 72, 78‑80, 83‑4, 86‑8, 90, 92‑4, 97, 99, 101‑3, 106‑7, 110‑11, 113‑16, 118‑23, 127, 129‑30, 145, 149, 421

Gordon, Brig. Gen. Lindsay, C. S. A.

II, 469


I, 449; II, 32, 36, 51, 56, 61, 108, 261‑3, 267, 272‑7, 279‑80, 282, 429, 432, 509‑10, 518, 563; III, 269‑70, 427, 523


I, 353, 356

Grace Darling, Lee's mare

I, 301

Gracie, Brig. Gen. Archibald, Jr., C. S. A.

I, 337‑9, 346; III, 398, 406, 423, 531; IV, 33

Grafton, Va.

Grammaire Espagnole et Française,º by Sobrino

I, 356

Granby, Fort

I, 3

Indicates a West Point graduate and gives his Class.Grant, Gen./President Ulysses S., U. S. A.

I, 47, 298, 625; II, 19, 41; III, 16, 18‑19, 118, 164, 206, 219, 238, 253, 264‑6, 273, 275‑6, 278, 281, 284, 293‑4, 298, 302‑3, 306‑9, 332‑5, 337‑41, 350, 355‑6, 358‑66, 368‑9, 371‑3, 375, 378, 381‑2, 385‑6, 388, 390‑410, 412, 414‑17, 419‑21, 423‑31, 433‑42, 445‑50, 456‑7, 459‑60, 464‑5, 479‑80, 490‑1, 493, 510‑12, 518‑22, 525, 535, 540; IV, 1, 4, 6‑10, 12‑13, 16, 20‑3, 29‑30, 37, 42‑3, 57, 59‑60, 65, 78, 103, 105‑7, 109, 112‑13, 115, 118, 120, 122‑43, 145‑6, 150‑1, 153, 156, 166, 168, 172, 191‑2, 197‑8, 203‑7, 219, 255, 329‑30, 342, 371, 373, 401‑2, 412, 414‑15, 492, 503; Lee's interview, May, 1869, IV, 520‑1; Letter to Lee, asking surrender, IV, 103; Letter to Lee, refusing to treat on peace, IV, 125; Letter to Lee, arranging interview, IV, 132; Written terms of surrender, IV, 137‑8

Grapevine Bridge

Gratiot, Brig. Gen. Charles

Grattan, Lt. John L.

I, 348

Greble, Lt. Col. John T.

I, 528

Greeley, Horace

I, 415; IV, 349

Green, Lt. Israel

Green, Wharton

I, 337‑8

Greene, Gen. Nathanael

I, 3‑5, 17, 31, 37, 65‑6; IV, 452

 p603  Gregg, Gen. Maxcy, C. S. A.

Gregory, Treatise on Mechanics

I, 69

Griffin, Gen., U. S. A.

II, 217

Griffith, Brig. Gen. Richard, C. S. A.

II, 71

Grimes, Gen. Bryan, C. S. A.

II, 472; IV, 16, 26, 30, 33, 42‑3, 111, 119, 145

Grover, Gen. Cuvier, U. S. A.

II, 326

Grymes family

I, 166

Grymes, Lucy

I, 2

Guadalupe Hidalgo

I, 292

Guild, Surgeon La­fayette, C. S. A.

I, 642, II, 502

Guilford Courthouse

I, 3

Gwilt,º Joseph

I, 357
on the Web: his Encyclopaedia (1842) is not online that I know of, but his other major work is: The Architecture of Marcus Vitruvius Pollio  (1828)

Gwynn, Brig. Gen. Walter, C. S. A.

Hackett, Traité des Machines

I, 77

Hackley, Charles W.

I, 51

Hackley, Harriet Randolph

Hagerstown, Md.

Hagner, Lt.

I, 247

Haig, Lord

II, 76

Hairston, Maj. Samuel H., C. S. A.

II, 317

Hall, Archibald

I, 51

Hall, Col. Norman J., U. S. A.

II, 555

Halleck, Maj. Gen. H. W., U. S. A.

II, 329, 432, 482; IV, 189, 197, 205

Hallowell, James

I, 46‑7, 85

Hamilton, Alexander

Hamilton, Fort

I, 100, 186‑93, 194, 196, 201, 203, 236; IV, 309

Hamilton, James W.

I, 51


I, 413

Hampton, Lt. Gen. Wade, C. S. A.

I, 3, II, 72, 91, 152, 197‑8, 257, 283, 310, 369, 492‑3; III, 10, 30, 32, 171, 194, 196, 201‑2, 304, 338, 348, 393, 397, 403, 405, 443, 453‑6, 482, 484, 486, 488‑91, 493, 504‑5, 513, 515, 517, 521; IV, 28, 168, 367, 377, 475

Hampton Roads

I, 482, 511, 520, 530, 606; II, 10, 19, 43


I, 355, 456

Hanover Courthouse

Hanover Junction

Hanson, Alexander C.

I, 14‑15

Hardaway, Brig. Gen., C. S. A.

II, 555

Hardcastle, Lt.

I, 247

Hardee, Gen. W. J.

I, 360, 363

Harford, William H.

Harney, Gen. W. S.

I, 251, 386

Harper, Maj. Gen. Kenton

I, 485

Harpers Ferry

Harris, Private Jimmy, C. S. A.

II, 334

Harris, Nat M.

II, 108

Harrisburg, Pa.

Harrison, Anne Carter

I, 25‑6

Harrison, President Benjamin

I, 26

Harrison, Benjamin (Sr. and Jr.)

I, 25

Harrison, Fairfax

I, 646

Harrison, Henry

II, 354

Harrison, William Henry

I, 26

Harrison's Landing

II, 227‑9, 237, 241, 244, 258, 267‑70, 273, 276, 344; III, 403‑4, 406‑8

Hartington, Lord

II, 485

Harvie, Lt. Col. Edwin J., C. S. A.

I, 643

Hawkins' Point

I, 305

Hawks, Maj., C. S. A.

II, 561

Hawk's Nest

I, 584

Haxall, Barton

II, 282

Hayfield (Taylor house)

II, 486‑7

Hayne, Paul Hamilton

I, 612

Hays, Brig. Gen. Harry T., C. S. A.

II, 388, 554; III, 77, 190, 196‑7

Heintzelman, Gen. Samuel P., U. S. A.

I, 54, 84, 406, 408; II, 342, 345

Henry, Capt.

I, 89

Henry, Chemistry

I, 70

Henry, Fort

I, 625; II, 1; IV, 185

Henry, Gov. Patrick

I, 6, 167; IV, 296

Henry house

II, 335

Heth, Maj. Gen. Harry, C. S. A.

I, 487, 640; II, 12, 32, 38, 546, 551, 556; III, 13‑14, 23, 64‑5, 69‑71, 88, 96, 108, 111‑12, 143‑4, 160, 181‑3, 197‑8, 201, 231‑2, 270, 272, 274, 278‑9, 281‑5, 288, 311, 315, 318, 322‑4, 355, 378, 384, 386, 396, 428‑30, 432, 446, 465, 388‑9, 505, 514, 529‑30; IV, 16, 25‑6, 30, 32‑3, 43, 47‑8, 57‑8, 63‑4, 69, 82, 94, 168

Hill, Cadet

I, 336

Indicates a West Point graduate and gives his Class.Hill, Gen. A. P., C. S. A.

II, 90‑1, 107, 109, 111‑12, 114, 117‑18, 120, 125, 128‑9, 135, 137‑8, 140‑3, 146‑7, 149‑50, 152‑4, 156, 168‑72, 176, 178, 180‑1, 184‑6, 188‑93, 200, 202, 210, 215, 222, 225, 227, 232‑3, 238, 240, 246‑8, 257, 266‑9, 275, 277, 300‑302, 319‑21, 325‑6, 331‑2, 355, 382‑3, 386, 394‑5, 398, 400‑403, 407, 414, 418, 424, 448‑9, 451‑2, 456‑7, 460, 465, 467‑8, 534, 542, 558, 562; III, 8‑15, 27‑8, 30, 33, 36‑42, 48, 50‑1, 54, 57, 62, 65‑6, 68‑70, 72, 80, 88, 95‑6, 100‑101, 108‑9, 111, 114, 117, 133, 142‑3, 145, 151‑2, 167‑8, 174‑6, 180‑1, 183, 190, 194, 196‑8, 200‑201, 203, 231‑2, 269‑70, 273, 274, 276‑86, 288‑93, 302‑5, 309, 322‑3, 327, 330, 343‑4, 350, 352‑3, 355‑8, 361, 364‑6, 369, 379, 388, 396, 400, 402, 407, 413, 419, 421, 424‑5, 428‑9, 435, 454, 469, 485, 487, 513‑14, 521; IV, 7, 25‑6, 30, 37, 42‑7, 69, 134, 174, 177, 410, 492
on the Web:
A. P. Hill, Confederate General

Indicates a West Point graduate and gives his Class.Hill, Lt. Gen. D. H., C. S. A.

Hill, Elizabeth

Hill family

I, 31

Hindenburg, Field Marshal von

II, 76

Histoire de Charles XII, by Voltaire

I, 63

History of Caesar, by Abbott

I, 357

Hitchcock, Lt. Col. Ethan A.

Hodgeson, Portia

I, 20n

Hoffman, William

I, 51

Hogan house

II, 141, 158‑9

Hogan, William

II, 141

Hoke, Maj. Gen. Robert F., C. S. A.

II, 91, 467‑8, 554; III, 103, 190‑1, 220‑1, 248, 257, 333, 339, 348, 356, 372, 374‑6, 378‑81, 383, 385, 388, 390‑1, 405‑6, 408‑9, 413, 420, 422, 437, 441, 454, 466‑7, 471, 501‑3, 505, 507‑10, 513, 520, 522‑3

Holmes, David

I, 41‑2

Holmes, Oliver Wendell

I, 356

Holmes, Gen. T. H., C. S. A.


I, 36, 40

Hood, Thomas

I, 356‑7

Hood, Brig. Gen./Lt. Gen. John B., C. S. A.

I, 329, 365, 485; II, 71, 91, 154‑5, 162, 242, 271‑2, 275, 294, 312, 314, 316‑7, 319, 322‑3, 325‑8, 330‑1, 333‑5, 337, 370, 372‑3, 382‑3, 386, 389‑91, 400, 402‑3, 420, 444, 448, 462, 466, 468‑9, 483, 486, 492, 499‑501, 503; III, 2, 5‑6, 8‑10, 12‑13, 16, 23, 25, 29‑31, 37, 40, 64, 76, 80, 84, 87‑9, 96‑9, 103, 107‑8, 115, 148, 166, 272, 287, 461‑2, 488, 494, 519, 522-; IV, 1, 9, 57, 117, 192

Hooker, Gen. Joseph, U. S. A.

I, 259, 297, 299; II, 387, 390, 402, 484, 498‑502, 504‑7, 515, 518‑20, 525, 530, 536, 544‑8, 551, 555‑8; III, 2‑5, 18, 20, 22, 24‑7, 36, 38, 40‑2, 45‑7, 49, 51, 58, 60‑1, 148, 273, 276, 284, 295, 298, 344, 428; IV, 166‑7, 241, 492

Hopewell Gap

II, 314, 316


Hotchkiss, Maj. Jed, C. S. A.

II, 522‑3, 535; III, 349

Houston, Gen. Samuel

I, 61, 413, 416

Howard, Maj. Gen. O. O., U. S. A.

I, 312 and n.; II, 518

Howe, Gen. Albion P., U. S. A.

II, 552

Howe, Chileab S.

I, 51

Howison, Robert R.

II, 452

Hudson, Battery

Huger, Maj. Gen. Benjamin, C. S. A.

Hughes, Capt. George W.

I, 205‑6

Humor in the army

II, 496‑7; III, 9, 240‑1, 247, 476

Humphreys, A. A.

I, 84

Hunt, Franklin E.

I, 51

Hunt, Lt. Henry J.

Hunter, Andrew

I, 401

Hunter, Hampton

I, 51


Hunton, Brig. Gen. Eppa, C. S. A.

II, 186, 326; III, 49‑50, 122, 319, 386; IV, 25, 28‑9, 32‑5, 41, 43, 64

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Page updated: 4 Dec 17
