| ||||||||||||||||||
Nansemond River |
Napoleon |
Napoleon at St. Helena, by O'Meara |
I, 357
Napoleon Club |
I, 352‑3
Nat, servant of Ann Carter Lee and R. E. Lee |
National Portrait Gallery |
Nelson, Elizabeth Carter |
I, 25
Nelson, Thomas |
I, 25
Nelson, William |
I, 25
New Berne |
New Cold Harbor |
New Orleans captured |
II, 41
New York |
New York Times, The |
I, 369
New York Tribune, The |
Newport News |
Newton, Sir Isaac, Principia |
I, 69
Nicholas, George |
I, 25
Nicholls, Maj. |
I, 420
Nicolay and Hay, Abraham Lincoln |
I, 633
Noble Deeds of American Women |
I, 357
Noizet-de‑Saint-Paul |
I, 358
Norfolk, Va. |
Norfolk, Fort |
I, 483
North American Review |
I, 72
North American Sylva, by Michaux |
I, 357
Northrop, Col. L. B., C. S. A. |
North's Tavern |
O'Brien, Military Laws |
I, 357
Observations on the Writings of Thomas Jefferson, by Henry Lee (the younger) |
I, 116‑7
O'Connor, Capt. J. M. |
I, 76‑7
Ogden, Maj. Cornelius A. |
O'Hara, Capt. |
I, 366
Old Cold Harbor |
Old Point |
O'Meara |
Orange County, Map of |
I, 357
Orange Courthouse |
Orange, House of |
I, 168
Ord, Capt./Maj. Gen. E. O. C., U. S. A. |
I, 396; IV, 4, 37, 78, 130, 135, 486
Organization and recruiting |
Ox Hill (Chantilly) |
Padierna (Contreras) |
Page, Mrs. Judith Carter |
I, 25
Page, Mann |
I, 25
Page, Lt. Thomas J. |
I, 640
Paley, Principles of Moral Philosophy |
I, 78
Palo Alto, battle |
I, 206
Paradise, Mr. |
I, 167
Parker, Lt. W. C. Y., C. S. A. |
II, 187
Parkersburg |
Parras |
I, 209‑11
Parrott, Robert Parker |
Parsons house |
Patapsco River |
I, 305
Patrick Henry (Confederate warship) |
II, 49
Patrick, Brig. Gen. M. R., U. S. A. |
II, 434
Patterson, Maj. Gen. Robert |
Paul Jones, Life of |
I, 73
Paulus Hook |
Pawnee (Federal warship) |
Peace proposals and plans |
II, 358
Peake's Turnout |
I, 460
Peale, Charles W. |
I, 23; IV, 460
Pease, Cadet |
I, 336
Pedregal (Mexican lava field) |
Pegram, Brig. Gen./Maj. Gen. John, C. S. A. |
Pelham, Maj. John, C. S. A. |
Pemberton, Lieut. Gen. J. C., C. S. A. |
Pender, Maj. Gen. W. D., C. S. A. |
Pendleton, Brig. Gen. W. N., C. S. A. |
Peninsula defenses |
Perota taken |
I, 249
Perrot |
I, 358
Perry, Brig. Gen. Edward A., C. S. A. |
Perry, Lee's servant |
Perry, Lt. |
I, 29
Peter, Britannia |
I, 105
Petersburg |
Petrita (steamer) |
Pettigrew, Brig. Gen. J. J., C. S. A. |
Peyton, Maj. H. E., C. S. A. |
I, 643
Philadelphia Inquirer, The |
II, 280
Philippi |
II, 229
Pickens, Gov. F. W. |
Pickett, Gen. George E., C. S. A. |
Pickwick Papers, by Dickens |
I, 356
Pierce, President Franklin |
Pillow, Fort |
II, 107
Pillow, Gen. Gideon |
Pitzer, Maj. Andrew L., C. S. A. |
II, 544
Plan del Rio |
I, 238‑9
Plymouth (Confederate ship) |
I, 521
Poague, Col. W. T., C. S. A. |
II, 397
Poe, Edgar Allan |
I, 460
Poems, by Holmes |
I, 356
Poems, by Hood |
I, 356
Poems, by Lowell |
I, 357
Poindexter house |
Polk, President James Knox |
Polk, Lieut. Gen. Leonidas |
Pollard, E. A. |
I, 602
Pope, Maj. Gen. John, U. S. A. |
Pope's correspondence captured |
II, 297
Pope's retreat |
II, 287‑8
Porpoise (brig) |
I, 223
Port Republic |
Port Royal |
Porter, Gen. Fitz John, U. S. A. |
Porter, James M. |
I, 385‑6
Porterfield, Col. George A. |
Posey, Brig. Gen. Carnot, C. S. A. |
Potomac |
Potomac (warship) |
I, 231
Powhite Creek |
Pratt homestead (Smithfield) |
II, 508
Précis de l'Art de la Guerre, by Jomini |
I, 358
Prentiss, Lt. James H. |
Preston, Gen. William |
I, 350n
Princeton (ship) |
I, 225
Prose and Verse, by Hood |
I, 357
Pryor, Brig. Gen., C. S. A. |
Puebla, town |
Pulaski, Count |
I, 95
Pulaski, Fort |
Pupdt |
de Pupdt
Pusey, Edward Bouverie |
Putnam, Fort |
Putnam's Monthly |
I, 356‑7
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