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  This webpage reproduces a section of
R. E. Lee: A Biography

by Douglas Southall Freeman

published by Charles Scribner's Sons,
New York and London, 1934

The text, and illustrations except as noted, are in the public domain.


This site is not affiliated with the US Military Academy.



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Quaker road

II, 205

Queen Caroline

I, 35


I, 293

Quintard, Chaplain Charles T.

I, 595‑6

Quitman, Maj. Gen. John A.

Raccoon Ford

I, 449; II, 283‑6, 288

Railroads in war

Railway ordnance

first created by Lee, II, 83

Rains, Gen. Gabriel J.

I, 54

Ramsay, Lt. John A., C. S. A.

II, 400‑1

Ramseur, Maj. Gen. Stephen D.

II, 91

Randol, Lt. Alanson M., C. S. A.

Randolph, Gen., C. S. A.

Randolph, Sec'y of War

II, 417, 440

Randolph, Beverley

I, 30

Randolph, Charles Carter

I, 30

Randolph, Edmund

I, 25

Randolph, Elizabeth Carter

I, 30

Randolph, Peyton

I, 167

Randolph, Robert

I, 30, 89

Randolph, Robert (Jr.)

I, 30

Randolph, Thomas Jefferson

I, 115

Ranks, Master

I, 91

Ranlett, William H.

I, 356‑7

Ransom, Gen. Robt., C. S. A.

Ranson, Col. T. B.

I, 265

Rapidan River

Rappahannock river

Raritan (Conner's flagship)

I, 224

Rawle, On the Constitution

I, 78‑9

Rayner, Kenneth

I, 329

Read, Capt. J. W., C. S. A.

II, 443

Reagan, J. H.

II, 48, 71

Reedy, Capt. John W., C. S. A.

II, 397

Reilly, Capt. James, C. S. A.

II, 140, 332

Religion in the army

II, 495‑6

Rennolds, Dr.

II, 452

Reno, Gen. J. L., U. S. A.

I, 269; II, 276, 288

Resaca de la Palma, battle

I, 206

Résumé Général . . . des Redoubtes Casematées,
by Merkes

I, 358

Résumé Historique des Progrès de l'Art Militaire,
by Fonscolombe

I, 358

Retrospective Review º

I, 73

Reynolds, Gen. John F., U. S. A.

II, 159

Reynolds, Gen. J. J., U. S. A.


II, 134

Rich Mountain pass

Rich Spring, Va.

I, 578

Richardson, Adj. Gen. W. H., C. S. A.

I, 640; II, 126‑7

Richmond (Confederate warship)

II, 352

Richmond, Va.

Lee asked to convention, I, 447, 457, 460; city described, 460; arrival of Lee, I, 462‑3; at capitol, I, 464‑71; Janney's speech welcoming Lee, I, 466‑8; danger of attack, I, 479; II, 41; convention provides army organization, I, 486‑94; made Confederate capital, I, 514; defended with earthworks, I, 529; II, 59, 81‑2; preparations for defense, 1862, II, 21‑3, 32; vulnerability, II, 34, 41; Lee prepares for nearby battle, II, 44; threatened by the enemy, II, 46‑7; troops close in, II, 58‑65; defense by Lee, II, 81‑2, 87‑230; fortification, II, 259‑60, 265‑8, 275; defenses, II, 292, 298, 304, 310; apprehension, new dangers, II, 352‑3, 381, 422‑3, 427, 429, 431, 436, 439, 477, 478, 483, 526, 562‑3

Richmond College

I, 494

Richmond Dispatch, The,

I, 469, 523, 576; II, 244

Richmond Enquirer, The,

I, 468, 523, 572; II, 119, 244

Richmond Examiner, The,

I, 576, 597; II, 79, 86, 257

Richmond, Fort

I, 195, 200

Richmond Whig, The,

II, 7n, 244, 257

Riddell's Shop

II, 172, 176, 185

Riley, Col. Bennett

Riley, Fort

I, 362

Ringgold Barracks

Rio del Plan

Rio Grande

Ripley, Brig. Gen. R. S., C. S. R.


I, 124‑7

Roanoke Island

I, 625‑6; II, 4

Roberdeau, Gen. Daniel

I, 20

Roberts, Capt.

I, 284

Robertson, Brig. Gen. Beverly H., C. S. A.

Robertson, Judge John


I, 9

Robison home

II, 314

Rockbridge Artillery

II, 161, 252, 355

Rodes, Maj. Gen. R. E., C. S. A.


I, 355‑6

Romney campaign

II, 40, 223

Romney, raid

I, 531

Ropes, J. C., The Story of the Civil War

II, 26

Rosecrans, Gen. W. S., U. S. A.

Ross, Lt. Edward C.

I, 58

Rosser, Gen. Thomas L., C. S. A.

II, 182

Rousseau, J.-J.

I, 72

Rovigo, Duke of

I, 353, 356

Ruffin, Edmund

II, 253

Russell, John W.

I, 190

Russell, Maj. W. W.

I, 395, 399, 401

Russie Européenne,º Carte de la

I, 357

Rust, Col. Albert, C. S. A.

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Page updated: 6 Dec 02
