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Sacrificios, anchorage |
Saint Clair disaster |
Saint Mary (sloop) |
I, 221
Salem Church |
II, 546‑52
Salem (Marshall) |
Saltillo |
San Angel road |
San Antonio |
San Augustin |
San Geronimo, village |
I, 260‑4
San Juan d'Ulloa, castle fort |
San Mateo convent |
I, 267‑70
San Pablo convent |
Sanaco, Chief |
I, 365
Sands, Commander Joshua R. |
I, 224
Sandy Hook |
I, 395
Santa Anna, Gen. (Mexican) |
Saunders, Herbert C. |
I, 423n
Savage Station |
Savannah, Ga. |
Scales, A. M. |
II, 92
Scarey Creek |
I, 580
Scheibert, Capt. Justus |
Schofield, Gen. John M. |
I, 346
Scott, Henry Lee |
I, 226
Scott, Sir Walter |
I, 104
Scott, Maj. Gen. Winfield |
Secession |
Seddon, James A. |
Sedgwick, Maj. Gen. John, U. S. A. |
Selwyn |
Hogan house
Seminole campaign |
I, 192
Semmes, Brig. Gen. Paul, C. S. A. |
Semmes, Capt. Raphael |
Sempriere, Biographical Dictionary |
I, 73
Service Afloat and Ashore, by Semmes |
I, 232
Seven Days' Battles |
Seven Pines battle |
Seven Years' War |
II, 87
Sewell Creek |
I, 585‑6
Sewell Mountain |
Sewell's Point |
I, 500
Sharpsburg |
Shaw, Jim |
I, 366
Shenandoah Valley |
Sheridan, Gen. Phil |
Sherman, Brig. Gen. Thomas W., U. S. A. |
Sherman, Gen. William T., U. S. A. |
I, 629
Shields, Gen. James, U. S. A. |
Shiloh |
Shirley |
Shreve, Capt. Henry |
Shriver, Col. |
I, 398
Sibley, Caleb |
I, 369
Sigel, Maj. Gen. Franz, U. S. A. |
II, 258
Simms, Colonel Charles |
I, 20
Sketches of the Life and Correspondence of Nathanael Greene, by William Johnson |
I, 37
Slaughter, Mayor |
II, 434
Slave emancipation |
II, 419
Slave insurrection, 1831 |
I, 111‑12
Slavery |
Slidell, John |
Smith, Charles F. |
I, 412
Smith, Gen. E. Kirby, C. S. A. |
Smith, Capt. F. W., C. S. A. |
I, 639
Smith, Col. Francis H. |
Smith, Maj. Gen. Gustavus W., C. S. A. |
Smith, insurgent leader at Harpers Ferry |
I, 396
Smith, Capt. James Power, C. S. A. |
Smith, Capt. John |
I, 460
Smith, Maj. John Lind |
Smith, Maj. J. S. |
I, 190
Smith, Joseph A. |
I, 82
Smith, Joseph B. |
I, 83
Smith, Maj. Gen. M. L., C. S. A. |
I, 643
Smith, Gen. Persifor F. |
Smith, S. Stanhope |
I, 69
Smith, Lt. Col. William Proctor, C. S. A. |
I, 643
Smithfield |
Snag-boats |
I, 142‑3
Sobrino |
I, 356
Sollers' Point Flats |
Sorrel family |
I, 624
Sorrel, Gen. G. Moxley |
South Mountain, battle |
II, 370‑2
Sparks, Jared |
Spec, Lee's dog |
I, 301
Spies |
Spitfire (ship) |
I, 224
Spotswood, Gov. Alexander |
Spread Eagle Tavern attack |
Stanton, Edwin M. |
Star of the West (steamer) |
I, 419
Stark, John |
I, 355
Starke, Gen. William E., C. S. A. |
Staunton River |
II, 48
Staunton, Va. |
Steinwehr |
von Steinwehr
Stephens, Alexander H. |
Stephens, Vice-President |
II, 244
Steuart, Brig. Gen. George H., C. S. A. |
II, 62
Stevens, Aaron |
I, 400
Stevens, Lt. I. I. |
Stevens, Mrs. |
II, 463‑4
Stevens, Brig. Gen. W. H., C. S. A. |
Stewart's farm |
II, 340
Stiles, Eliza Mackay (Mrs. Wm. H.) |
Stiles, Katherine |
I, 389
Stiles, William H. |
I, 112
Stone fleet |
Stoneman, Gen. Geo., U. S. A. |
Storke, Henry |
I, 97
Stragglers |
Strange, Col. John B. |
II, 190
Strasburg, Va. |
Stratford Hall |
Stuart, Gen. J. E. B., C. S. A. |
I, 54,
646; II, 12,
Stuart, Rev. K. J. |
II, 20
Stuart, Dr. Richard |
I, 605
Sturgis, Brig. Gen. Samuel D., U. S. A. |
II, 338
Suffolk |
Sullivan, William |
I, 10
Sully, Thomas |
I, 103
Sumner, Maj. Gen. E. V., U. S. A. |
Sumter, Fort |
Sumter, Gen. |
I, 3
Sutherlin, W. T. |
I, 464
Swamps |
II, 115‑16
Sweeny, banjo player |
Swift Run Gap |
Sydnor, Lt. Thomas W., C. S. A. |
I, 129
Szannin, Programme d'un Cours de Construction |
I, 77
Tacitus |
Tacubaya,º village |
Taliaferro, Gen. William B., C. S. A. |
Talcott, Col. Andrew |
Talcott, Harriet R. Hackley (Mrs. Andrew) |
Talcott, Col. T. M. R., C. S. A. |
Tampico |
I, 220
Tappahannock |
I, 481
Tarnall, Commander Josiah |
I, 224
Tatnall, Capt. J. R. F. |
I, 640
Taylor, Dr. |
II, 544
Taylor farm |
II, 282
Taylor, Gen. Geo. Wm., U. S. A. |
II, 320
Taylor, Gen. Richard, C. S. A. |
II, 152
Taylor, Lt.-Col. Walter H., C. S. A. |
Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. |
II, 486‑7
Taylor, Brevet Brig.-Gen. Zachary |
Teazer (Confederate steamer) |
I, 528
Thackeray, William Makepeace |
I, 460
Thomas, Gen. George H. |
Thomas, Mrs. George H. |
Thomas, Gen. E. L., C. S. A. |
Thompson, Sam |
I, 89
Thoroughfare Gap |
Ticknor, George |
Tilghman, Lt. Richard |
Tillinghast, Lt. Nicholas |
I, 70
Toluca |
I, 286
Tompkins, Fort |
Toombs, Gen. Robert, C. S. A. |
Torres Vedras |
II, 480
Torrey, Dr. John |
I, 70
Totten, Gen. Joseph G. |
Totten, Mrs. Joseph G. |
Tower, Lt. Zebulon B. |
Townsend, E. D. |
Traité Complet de Fortification, by Noizet-de‑Saint-Paul |
I, 358
I, 354
Traité Elémentaireº d'Astronomie Physique,
I, 357
Transport |
I, 500
Trapier, Gen. James H. |
I, 622
Traveller, Lee's horse |
Tredegar Iron Works |
I, 81
Trent (British steamer) |
I, 621
Trevino, Gov. Andres |
I, 407
Trimble, Gen. Isaac R., C. S. A. |
Trist, Nicholas P. |
Trumbull, Maj. |
I, 247
Tucker, George |
I, 41‑2
Turkey Hill |
II, 149
Turkey, Map of, Kiebert's |
I, 357
Turnbull, Cadet |
I, 311
Turnbull, Maj. William |
I, 250
Turner, George W. |
I, 84
Turner, Marietta |
I, 105
Turner, Nat |
insurrection, I, 394
Turner, Thomas |
I, 105
Turner's Gap |
II, 368‑71
Tybee Island |
I, 615
Tygart's River and Valley |
Tyler, President John |
Tyler, Mrs. John |
I, 469
Tytler, Elements of General History |
I, 78
Twiggs, Gen. D. E. |
Twiss, Thomas S. |
I, 69
Ulrich, Mrs. |
I, 132
United States (ship) |
I, 521
Up the Rhine, by Hood |
I, 356
Upton, Gen. Emory,
II, 26
Utah Expedition |
I, 386
Valencia, Gen. |
I, 259
Valley Forge |
I, 23
Valley Mountain |
Valley of Virginia |
Van Buren, President Martin |
Van Cortlandt, Oloff Stevense |
I, 81
Van Cortlandt, Gen. Pierre |
I, 81
Van Cortlandt, Stephenus |
I, 81
Van Dorn, Maj. Earl |
Vattel |
I, 78
Vauban |
I, 76
Venable, Col. Charles S., C. S. A. |
Vera Cruz |
Verdiersvilleº |
II, 284
Verdun |
II, 259
Vestris,º Madame |
I, 130
Villepigue,º Brig. Gen. J. B., C. S. A. |
I, 346
Vimy Ridge |
II, 204
Virginia |
Virginia (Confederate warship) |
Virginia Military Institute |
Virginia rangers |
I, 21
Virginia, University of |
Vixen (ship) |
I, 224
Voltaire |
I, 63
Voltigeur regiment |
Volunteers |
Von Borcke, Maj. Heros |
Von Steinwehr, Brig. Gen. A., U. S. A. |
II, 264
Wade, Fort |
II, 349
Waite, Gen. C. A. |
Walker, Rev. Cornelius |
I, 476
Walker, Fort |
Walker, Col. J. A., C. S. A. |
II, 407
Walker, Brig. Gen. John G., C. S. A. |
Walker, L. Pope |
Walton, Col. Jas. B., C. S. A. |
II, 464
Warner, Rev. Thomas |
Warnery, Anecdotes |
I, 73
Warren, Admiral Sir John |
I, 16n
Warrenton |
Warrenton Junction |
I, 449
Warrenton Springs Ford |
Warwick River |
Washington and Lee University |
I, 646
Washington College |
I, 351
Washington, D. C. |
Washington, George |
Washington, Lt. Col. John A., C. S. A. |
Washington, Lewis W. |
I, 399‑400
Washington, Martha |
Washington Star, Theº |
I, 439
Washington, Maj. Thornton A., C. S. A. |
Washington Union, The |
I, 290
Waterloo |
Waterloo Bridge |
II, 303
Watson, Gen. |
I, 251
Watson, Fort |
I, 3
Watt, Mrs. |
Webster, Daniel |
I, 460
Weir, Robert W. |
I, 320
Welch, Surgeon S. G., C. S. A. |
Welcher, Capt. |
Welcker, Capt. George L. |
Wellington |
II, 76
West house |
II, 204
West Point Military Academy |
West Virginia |
State formed, I, 602
Western Virginia |
Westminster Review |
I, 72
Wheeling |
I, 503
Wheeling Intelligencer, The |
I, 559
"Whiskey Boys' Rebellion" |
Whistler, Mrs. Geo. W. |
I, 334‑5
Whistler, James McNeill |
White Oak Swamp |
White Sulphur Springs |
Whiting, Fabius |
I, 118
Whiting, Maj. Gen. W. H. C., C. S. A. |
Whitlock house |
II, 186
Wickham, Charlotte |
Wickham homestead |
II, 255
Wilbourn, Capt. R. E., C. S. A. |
Wilcox, Gen. Cadmus M., C. S. A. |
Wilderness |
Wilkinson, Gen. |
I, 131
William and Mary (rulers) |
I, 168
William, Prince |
I, 162
Williams, "Markie" |
Williams, Capt. Seth |
Williamsburg |
Willis Church road |
Wilmer, Bishop J. P. B. |
I, 79
Wilmer, Joseph |
I, 79
Winchester, Va. |
Winder, Camp |
II, 43
Winder, Gen. Chas. S., C. S. A. |
Winder, Lt. John H. |
I, 70
Winter quarters described |
Lee's, II, 485
Wise-Floyd differences |
I, 579‑95
Wise, Gen. Henry A., C. S. A. |
Wise, Col. Jennings C. |
II, 209
Wise, John |
I, 21
Wise's Legion |
Wofford, Brig. Gen. W. T., C. S. A. |
Wolseley, Field Marshal Lord |
Wood, Cadet |
I, 311
Wool, Brig. Gen. John E. |
Wool, Fort (formerly Fort Calhoun) |
I, 102‑3
Worth, Gen. William J. |
Wright, Gen. Ambrose R., C. S. A. |
York River |
Yorktown |
Young, Maj. H. E., C. S. A. |
I, 642‑3
Zacatepec |
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