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This webpage reproduces part of
A Late Stuart Pretender

by George Sherburn

published by
The University of Chicago Press

The text is in the public domain.

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 p134  Appendix II

Summaries of Letters
to Mrs. Stuart

[These jottings are given in the order in which they occur on a folded correspondence sheet. The handwriting is very small and at times difficult. All dates or phrases in brackets are editorial additions to what Roehenstart wrote.]

[1830?] Letter of the 5th August — Baumcleff — Capt. Steel with his brother — gracious reception

21st things going on very well — intended journey to Dresden after the season — 2 months longer — La Grippe — dancing 8 hours for a cure — intended present copy of a pretty picture & music, clock, disque magique — soup ladle

18 7bre [1830 or 1831] Baden — 2 persons from Paris — "hesiter à lui cracher au visage de peur" etc. Going in another direction — to Naples for the winter — direct to C. M. de Rothschild the banker at Naples, etc. forwarding the box from Strasbourg.

Naples Sa Lucia No. 21 — 7th Novber 1833 — arrived last night & lose no time in writing &c.   great neglect in the various post offices — The Carlo Alberti seazed at Marseille, obliged to disembark &c. great annoyances on the road, endless vexations — Consuls, Customs officers policemen, all pack of thieves — paid to that of Marseille 8f 45 — the rascal!   to send in January £40 if it suits — wretched copy of the portrait much criticised at Baden — Received the letter 17 days on the road.

3d Decber 1833. direct poste restante Castellamare   expedient & necessary to write again. — not much pleased with my position here — I have to deal with a most unfeeling heartless person, proud in the extreme degree, capricious & revengeful for supposed & imaginary wrongs. — said I might go to law if I  p135 chose. I foretold an eruption 10 days before it took place & to the precise hour &c.  the Count Alexder Potocki lost 25 millions landed property — the sister's daughter nearly 40 married one of my people Mr Bower — about £2000 a year — directions to be paid in Ducats   my pretty cane stolen &c

Castellamare 20th Decber 1833 — most uneasy at not hearing from you &c. returning to Town which I must regret &c   delightful spot, classical recollections & learning returning by degree into my thick head — I walk the silent streets   An animated description of Pompeii   went to see the eruption which they call mine & the horse fell, the rain broke & I jumped out and rolled in the dust with a slight contusion & very narrow escape — the horse was killed on the spot having two legs broken and the poor man died on the following morning! — Saturday the 21st Decber

Bagnibaldi Largo del Castello no 20 — Jany the 4th 1834

The idea that you think I have been unkind is distressing to me & I receive in this moment yr letter of the 23d Novber after a vast deal of trouble to recover it. — I lament you should allow yr spirits to be so depressed: it is most unreasonable to say you are forgotten by the whole world, no indeed, my dear, you are my best, my only friend, and if sometimes I have shown moments of impatience at seeing that you could not understand what I felt, it was very wrong of me &c — the annoyance about Coutts I might have easily borne longer &c   my way of thinking about money matters is different of most people &c — the money is yours alone, and if that which you seem to imply was the case, I should not ask for any to be forwarded to me: therefore I feel unkind the offer of £30 quarterly. — I am far from being emersed in pleasures & gaieties as you fancy &c — I have found it more convenient since our return to Town to live by myself — so I am here alone   on Christmas I endeavoured to be cheerful & it was within a few days the anniversary of a melancholy loss &c   She was more capricious & peevish than usual, so that the day ended by some unpleasant words. We shall have, I hope, a merry Christmas this year &c   but to avoid deserving the reproach of concealment I trust it will not be at Ab[béville] which I hate.

Naples Tuesday 28 Jany 1834 — Recd Saturday the 2 letters, that by the Banker 2 hours before &c   'tis vexatious to have written to R.   he is a grasping Jew, a fool &c — I share in no gaieties of the place — sometimes in my aunt's Box, but the annoyance of strict toilet &c — She is tired & speaks of going to Rome for the holy week, but unless she acts with justice towards me I shall not allow myself to be coaxed to accompany her — a great beauty who forgets she is no longer young — her woman & major domo enraged and opposing my ascendancy &c   she has a bad heart and is the counterpart of the C. of Albany — genuine account of the fall, quite over in its effect — presence of mind in danger — &c. Leaving Naples without regret — the coquet at Ab[béville] — try to part with the house in Geo. St to Mr H. You had money enough to take £25 to  p136 buy the Piano Forte &c   When I think of the uncertainty of any proceedings depending on the whim of a capricious woman &c — direct after 25 Feby to Marseille poste restante — intending to go there by the Steam Boat — I certainly do not like Ab. but I cannot account for the feeling of sadness I experience at the idea of returning to it, although at the same time my heart is filled with joy by the prospect of being reunited to you. I am far, I think, from being superstitious, I never was so, but sinister forbodings, which I oppose in vain, tell me that something very unpleasant is to happen there &c — I never liked residing in France — prefer even England   If you would but consent to my selecting some pretty spot in Switzerland &c   the house and furniture easily disposed of — and the young Lady a gainer by the change — occupy myself with agriculture &c   I have no other desire but that of pleasing you, in fact I wish to be very good — you have numerous items to answer —

2 March Marseille. Fine passage of 5 days — defer entering into any detail until our meeting — letters having been opened — setting off by Montpellier wishing to see the man who has got the chief part of the Countess of Albany's fortune — passed a day with Count Castellane and the Duke of Harcourt

Stuttgart 25 July 34 the lusty Gentn with me in the mail Lt Gal de Péré — arrived on Mdy at 1 o'clock, at ½ past two at Kehl. thunder storm — a wind mill in a blaze.   brother offer pce Hohenlohe

Dresden 26 Augst accident of one fore wheel going off — 1 two legs broken — 1 an arm, the 3d senseless and spitting blood — myself much bruised and two wounds on the head — mr Peascu [?] not known at Carlsruhe. —

D.[resden?] 8th September   change of plan, came here with the resolution of submitting to many unpleasant things &c   but why should I relate &c   told me she did not believe any longer what I said — a circumstance which would strike you with wonder — The Countess is going to Italy & proposed me to accompany her which I declined — her people have brought the heavy things I compelled them to leave behind at Florence she exulted in the communication &c — Consulted a celebrated Counsellor — he finds a flaw in the Deed of Sale — offer of the 4th part of the value. — promised this would be the last time I gave the choice   to return immedly to Paris & come again next summer or remain in Germy until a final decision. Bower — extravagant — Galigs article   The Countess going I do not wish to remain at Dresden — she countenanced me &c.

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Page updated: 13 Dec 20