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In the fall of '55 I moved my family to Great Salt Lake City, and in the summer of 1856 I built me a comfortable house in the City. In the spring of '57 my health having become sufficiently improved, I concluded to again try the cultivation of the soil (my business in the City having been that of a salesman). Accordingly I sold out my possession, and moved to Lehi, 30 miles south. The same season I was chosen and ordained to preside over the 44th Quorum of Seventies, which was organized in Lehi and its vicinity.
In the month of October, 1857, I went into the mountains in charge of 100 men to assist if necessary in repelling a portion of the U. S. Army which appeared to be approaching our borders in the form of a mob. I tarried in the mountains for two months, when it was ascertained that the enemy had taken up winter quarters, and our forces were disbanded.
In the spring of 1858 a peace committee was sent from the Chief Executive of the Nation and the apparent evil was so far adjusted, that the soldiery was permitted to come into the Territory. From this time until the spring of 1859 but little transpired worthy of note relating to myself.
Early in the spring of 1859 I was suppoenedº a juryman in the court of Judge Cradlebough, one of the imported specimens of humanity from the U. S. Government, and if ever there was a court of inquisition wherein it was intended that the innocent should suffer and that without remedy, this was one of them. The heart of this Judge was filled with wrath against the Saints, and even appeared to be angry with himself and everything around him because he could not find the object upon which to vent his rage, and finally he foamed himself out of the country, disgraced and dammed in the eyes of all good men, to be the associate of many who have preceeded him on the same track. But as to the unrighteous rulings and doings of the Gentile courts which have been established in our midst, and the general course pursued by the army while they employed in the Territory, I shall let it suffice for me to say that there is a power in the Territory that they know not of, even that of the Priesthood, that has controlled them, and they have been angry with themselves and with the Allmighty because they could do nothing.
January 1st, 1860. Sarah Pratt and Abigail Gloyd were sealed to me. March 29th following they received their endowments, and in company with Sally Allred (my second wife), were sealed at the alter.º
April 5th. I started with my family and effects to locate myself in Cache Valley, (the most northern County in the Territory), with a promise from President Joseph Young that in case I would go there and take the oversight of all the Seventies in the County, etc., I should be blessed ten fold, both Spiritually and temporally.
The 16th. Reached my place of destination. There was a heavy emigration of Saints from other Counties pouring into the Valley, both before and after me during the Spring. The Valley is large and most excellent for farming and stock raising. The place which I selected for my farming location, and which was recommended to me by the Presiding p68 Bishop of this Stake of Zion, was situated 5 miles North of Logan, the county seat, securing at the same time a city lot in Logan, upon which to locate my family, or a portion of it as soon as circumstances would permit.
May 6th. Went to the northern settlements, in company with Brothers Benson and Maughan, Brother Benson being the Presiding Apostle and Brother Maughan presiding Bishop of this Stake of Zion. Visited Smithfield, Richmond, and Franklin. There was at this time ten settlements, each having a Bishop to preside.
Sunday, July 1st. A settlement was organized at my place of residence, called Hyde Park, and I was appointed to preside and act as bishop, etc. Brothers Benson and Maughan spoke on the occasion, and gave many valuable instructions in reference to a united policy in rearing our new settlements and in regard to our intercourse with the Lamanites among whom we were settled.
During the season I visited the settlements several times in company with Brothers Benson and Maughan and joined with them in administering words of council and comfort necessary to the thorough establishment of our new and thriving settlements.
November 17, 18 and 19 held conference in Logan. Brothers Benson and Maughan principal speakers. I occupied a portion of the time each day. During the meetings much valuable council was given.
During the winter of 1861 and 62 spent the most of the time visiting the different settlements and preaching the Gospel, in company with Brother Maughan, Brother Benson being in the Territorial legislature. The summer of 1862 spent the greater portion of my time labouring for the public good. A vast amount of labor had to be performed by the people to open new farms and fence them, dig extensive water ditches for irrigation and build new homes, etc. My oldest son, William, and a hired hand raised this year •800 bushels of wheat, besides other small grain and vegetables, and I felt that I could in truth say that promise of Joseph Young had come to pass, and that I was greatly blessed of the Lord.
September 2nd, 3, 4, 5, and 6th were occupied in drilling and organizing the various companies and Battalions of the Cache military district, Brother Benson, the chief military officer, and myself his Adjutant, and from the position which I occupied in the military organization, a great deal of labor necessity followed.
November 3rd. Went north with Elder Benson.
10th. I preached in Logan, and in the evening at Hyde Park.
13th. Charlie G. was born.
17th. Preached in Hyde Park.
30th. Attended the monthly Priesthood meeting in Logan, and was appointed to the Presidency of the County or Stake of Zion in the absence of Brothers Benson and Maughan to the Territorial Legislature.
December 8th. Preached in Providence and Logan, accompanied by Major Blair.
14th preached in Hyrum, and on the 15th in Providence.
21st. Went to Franklin, having for associates Brothers Blair and Ricks. Preached in the evening.
22nd. Held meeting at Richmond and Smithfield.
28th. Preached in Hyrum.
29th. Sunday at 11 o'clock preached in Wellsville. Soon after p69 meeting, President Benson and General C. W. West arrived from G. S. L. City. The object of their visit was to have delegates appointed to hold a convention in Great Salt Lake City of the 20th of January to form a State Constitution, petition congress, and make all necessary arrangements for a State Government. In the evening I returned to Logan and attended meeting.
Monday, 30th. Attended a mass meeting in Logan. 7 delegates to the convention were appointed, namely: E. T. Benson, Peter Maughan, William Hyde, S. M. Blair, Preston Thomas, William B. Preston, and William Maughan. Monday evening took the lead of a mass meeting at Providence, and Tuesday, 11 o'clock; at Hyrum in the afternoon.
Returned home Wednesday at 10 a.m. at Hyde Park. Spent the afternoon in Logan with Elders Benson, West and Ricks, and attended a social dance in the evening.
Saturday, January 4th, 1862. Took the lead of a priesthood meeting in Logan. These meetings are the source of much good, as valuable instructions are given and council adopted for the good of the whole county.
5th. Sunday, and in the evening attended meeting in Hyde Park, and during the week attended to the settlement of tithing.
Sunday, 12th, preached in Logan, and on the 13th started for G. S. L. City. Attended the convention on the 26th. Much valuable council was given by President Young, etc. The preliminary arrangements were made for a State Government, and in the election of state officers I was appointed Judge of the 5th Judicial district — to be ready in case we were admitted into the Union, etc., which act of kindness on the part of the parent government we saw but little reason to hope for. But we had much reason to hope and believe that the time was not far distant when the Priesthood of God would bear rule upon all the land, commencing in the valleys of the mountains.
February 9th. Resumed my labours in Cache County. Visited Smithfield at 11 a.m. in company with Elders Benson, Maughan and Preston, and in the evening at Hyde Park.
16th. Went to Logan and was appointed to visit the northern settlements, in company with William Hendricks to raise means to purchase machinery.
Monday, 17th. Went according to appointment and returned on Tuesday.
23rd. At home.
March 1st. Attended Bishops meeting in Logan.
2nd. Preached at Hyde Park.
Sunday, 9th, at Hyde Park. Elders Maughan, Preston, and Ricks addressed the meeting.
March 16th at Hyde Park.
23rd. Went to Smithfield with Brothers Benson and Maughan.
Monday, 24th, to Franklin with Brother Maughan. Tuesday returned to Richmond and Wednesday to Smithfield.
Sunday, 30th. Preached at Logan.
April 6th. Preached at Logan.
13th, at Hyde Park.
20th. Went to inspect the teams that were to go from Cache County to the Missouri River to assist in gathering the poor.
27th. Preached at home.
p70 May 10th, Saturday. Went to Franklin on a preaching tour with Brother Benson. Returned home Sunday night.
18th. Preached at Logan.
Sunday, 25th. At Smithfield, with Brothers Benson and Maughan, held meeting in the forenoon and in the afternoon at Hyde Park.
June 1st. Preached at Smithfield with Elder Blair.
8th. Preached at home.
This year I had a carding machine built and put in operation in Logan. Cost of machine and picker $1100; cards, brought from the States, $160, making $1260.00. The shop, water power, etc., brought the entire expence to about $3000. The machine I soon found to be of great value to my family in the line of clothing, and in the exchange of rolls for other articles. Abigail G. was an excellent hand to tend the machine, being accustomed to the business, having had several years experience in the State of Massachusetts. I was also blessed with the same amount of grain this year as the year before. And I also laboured in the ministry during the year, and took the Presidency in the winter the same as the previous winter, and during the season and winter of 1863 and 64 the same.
April 19th, 1864. I started for Salt Lake City, having been chosen to take charge of the G. S. L. City Train for the Missouri River. Five trains (250 wagons) were sent from the various parts of the Territory, agreeable to the arrangements of the Perpetual Emigration fund, President Brigham Young being Trustee in Trust.
I left the City on the 3rd of May, having been detained some days for the train to be properly fitted.
Reached Wyoming, N. T., on the 3rd of July, having had a very successful trip. Found that some of the present year's emigration had already arrived from England and different parts of Europe, and that 3 of the trains that were in the advance of me would soon be ready to start back. I was compelled to wait seven weeks for the last company of Saints to arrive, and then the company was found to be so large and so much freighting to be done, it was found necessary to purchase and fit up the 6th train, which was done to the number of over 70 wagons. My train was the 5th to get started from the River.
August 9th. Traveled some 50 miles, and on account of the many Indian depredations being committed on the road, was required by telegraph dispatched from President Young, to wait for the 6th company. Laid by some 10 or 12 days, and after the two companies were together, we pursued our journey as best we could, as we were heavily loaded.
The two companies camped near by each other for 400 miles through the country where Indian depredations had been committed. Found much excitement among the inhabitants, and many were leaving their possessions. Several small merchant trains had been robbed, and the teams were killed, but our emigration trains passed through unmolested.
I reached Salt Lake City October 26th, and was welcomed by the presence of several hundred citizens who were ready to greet us as the train arrived on the public square.
I arrived at my home in Hyde Park Sunday, October 30th, distance from G. S. L. City 100 miles. My wife Elizabeth, daughter Jane with her husband, met me in the City, and my son William, 100 miles East of the City. Found my family and friends well and prospering. Rosel H. was born the Monday before my return.
p71 I soon resumed my labors in the ministry, and in the winter was called to preside as I had done the three previous winters.
In the spring of 1865 had a very comfortable house completed for my family, at a cost of about $2000. The Saints in the settlement were very kind, and rendered me much valuable assistance in building, etc. However, none felt that I was indebted to them, but rather that I was a blessing to them, both spiritually and temporaly.º Our little settlement is now, 1865, a thriving settlement, numbering 40 families who are industrious and united. An abundance of grain, horses, mules, cattle and sheep are the fruits of 4 years industry. As at the commencement of the place, all were poor, but now all feel that they have been abundantly blessed of the Lord, as is generally the case throughout the County. And may the Lord grant that the sin of ingratitude may never be found at our doors.
During the session of the legislature of 1865 and 66, I was appointed to the office of Probate Judge of Cache County. I should have stated that in the fall of 1865 the military of Cache County, or rather, that Cache County was organized into a military district, and came under a brigade organization. President Benson was appointed Brigadier General, and I the Adjutant and Chief of Staff. Soon after, by my request, Brother Martineau was appointed to fill the office of Adjutant. The military of Cache County at this time assumes a very respectable position, and appearance. There are two well officered and drilled regiments of infantry, and one of cavalry. During the winter I was again left in charge of the affairs of the County, and as usual did much traveling and preaching.
In the spring of 1866 I sold two-thirds of my interest in my carding machine and improvements in Logan to Thos. E. Ricks and William Hendricks, and entered into copartnership with them for the purpose of building a flouring mill. We commenced to dig for the foundation and to haul rock for the building the first of April, and in 8 months and 12 days, the mill was dedicated and commenced grinding. The size of the mill is •about 55 × 33 feet and built of lime rock, which we had to haul a distance of 5 miles. The entire building, apart from the race, cost about twenty seven thousand dollars. Our object was to build a substantial good mill — one that would be a blessing to the County, and in this we think we have not failed. However, it has required a heavy exertion to build the mill, but no more so than we should naturally have expected. During the time of building the mill we bought and sold near $25,000 worth of goods. We did a considerable amount of freighting to Virginia City, Montana Territory, and to other parts. President Young rendered us assistance by lending us 400 sacks of flour which he had stored in Logan. This flour kept us from being injured by the firm of Ellis and Brothers, Jews, who were designing to demand money in case the flour was not ready, as they held our obligation for flour at a certain date. The flour from President Young was a relief to us, as at this time it was hard for us to get hold of it, and money this season was almost out of the question. The flour was replaced to the President with interest, and as I believe, to his satisfaction.
The winter of 1866 and 7 the presidency of this Stake of Zion again rested upon me. This winter the roads were bad, as the weather was warm and much rain. I took one trip through the County. This winter the new stone meeting house, which we have erected and partially completed in Hyde Park, was dedicated so far as completed, and is truly p72 an ornament and a blessing to us.
On the 21st of December, 1866, my daughter Mary Lucretia was married to John A. Woolfe, jun. They were married in Salt Lake City agreeable to the order of the Priesthood.
New Years night I prepared a supper, of which about 100 partook. The young bride and groom were present, as it was understood, be designed for their wedding supper.a
The summer of 67 great anxiety has been felt in Cache County, especially on account of grasshoppers, tho the crops have come in full better than expected. However, at the date of the present writing, November 1st, the prospect is that there will be no wheat to spare. In some settlements almost the entire crop was destroyed and in all the settlements they were very much injured, and with all, money is very scarce and times are very hard.
In September President Young and a large company made a visit to this County and preached in nearly all the settlements. Held meeting two days in Logan.
On Monday the 9th,º they held meeting in Hyde Park, and great interest was taken in getting up a public dinner for the President and company. Much valuable council was imparted. The President and many others stopped at my house, and on leaving he took me and my wife Elizabeth by the hand and said "I bless you in your habitations, and in your fields, your flocks and in all that you have." After giving us and all that pertained to us his rich blessing, he and company took their departure.
October 21st, 22nd, and 23rd, the Cache County Brigade was out for a three days drill. General Wells and staff were present from G. S. L City. The General, being the Lieutenant General of the Nauvoo Legion, was on a tour through the Territory, visiting and inspecting the different commands. I am now acting as chief of General Benson's staff, and hold the rank of Colonel. Tho the chief responsibility in reference to the drill and discipline of the military in Cache County has rested on me, and I trust that under God and the presidency of Brother Benson, I have been a blessing in this department. As proof, it appears that I have the good wishes and blessing of all good men, and may God grant that I may be forever worthy of theº confidence and good wishes of my brethren.
The winter of 1867 and 8 the members of the legislature did not meet until after New Years. In the absence of President Benson, the charge of this Stake of Zion again rested upon me. Brothers Budge and Lorenzo and Jeremiah Hatch were appointed to assist in the ministry of the Gospel to the people. We held a two days meeting at Wellsville, one at Logan and one at Richmond. At all of these meetings the houses were intensely filled, altho the weather was as cold as had ever been experienced in the valley, and the people seemed filled with the life and spirit of the Gospel. The principal subjects upon which the Elders dwelt were the gathering of the poor, Word of Wisdom, and trading with our friends. The people were called upon to donate for the gathering of the poor from Europe, and the responceº was beyond that ever before witnessed in the County, or in this stake of Zion. Several hundred head of stock was given, besides money and grain, and the spirit of union, a general good feeling, prevailed among the people.
A Patriarchal Blessing which I neglected to record some 8 or 10 pages back, I have concluded to record here.
p73 A Blessing by Patriarch Morley, on the head of William Hyde, sen., son of Heman and Polly W. Hyde, born Town of York, Livingston County, New York. Given October, 1861. Hyde Park, Cache County, Utah Territory: "Brother William, in the name of Jesus of Nazareth I lay my hands upon your head and I seal your fathers blessing, as a principle of promise to continue with thy posterity. I ratify upon thy head all thy former seals and blessings, that they may rest upon thy memory as the law of Heaven, that seals of Priesthood may be a lamp in thy path, a comfort to thy mind. I bless thee as a father at the head of thy family according to the Patriarchal order of God, that you may enjoy the blessings of life and of posterity, that you may live long to see the kingdom of your Messiahº roll forth. I seal upon you the gift to bless your posterity like Adam-on‑Diahman, that thy blessings may continue. I seal upon you the blessings of the earth, that you may have health, that the blessings of Heaven may attend all thy labors, that you may enjoy all the seals of Priesthood, that they may be a lamp in thy path. Thy faith will yet become like that of the brother of Jared, and the day will come when thou wilt know for thyself that thy Redeemer lives: be wise, the Lord is thy benefactor, has watched over thee for a wise purpose. His blessings will crown thy labors, thou shalt stand as a Patriarch at the head of a numerous posterity. These are the whisperings of the comforter, which I seal upon thy heart and memory. Thou hast the blood of Joseph and Ephraim. Art a pure descendant from the promised seed. I seal thee up by virtue of the Holy Annointing unto Eternal Lives, in the name of Jesus Amen. F. C. Robinson, Clerk. |
The spring of 1868 opened out favourable for puttingº in crops and a vast amount was put in, the people scrimping themselves for bread, in view of having a plenty in the fall, both for bread and to lay up, etc., in case we are favoured with an escape from the grasshoppers, etc.
In the month of June, 60 wagons with teams and teamsters started from Cache County for the terminus of the railroad to meet the present seasons emigration. The railroad that is now being built from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean by way of Salt Lake is now completed •about 550 miles this side the Missouri River, so that our teams have only •about 450 miles to go, or at most not over 500 miles. Simpson M. Molen, my son-in‑law, was selected captain of the train from Cache County. He started on the 12th of June. On the 13th his train fit out, etc., was inspected, and in the evening of the same day, started on his journey by way of Bear Lake. On the 15th, I in company with others, started on a fishing tour to Bear Lake, and on the night of the 16th, overtook Brother Molen and train at Paris, the County seat of Rich County.
On the morning of the 17th Captain M. started on with company in good spirits. Soon after myself and company followed. Soon passed the train and passed through Bloomington, St. Charles and two or 3 smaller settlements, and passing round the head of the Lake and down on the east side 8 or 10 miles to the fishery, a journey of •about 40 miles from Paris. In the evening had sail on the lake, the waters of which are as clear and as beautiful as I ever saw.
On the 18th, by means of a seine belonging to Brother Dudly Merrill of Cache County, large quantities of fish were hauled on shore, p74 and myself and company, including my wife Sally, dressed and salted, ready for use, several barrels of fish.
On the evening of the 8th day, we arrived safe at our homes in Hyde Park.
I should have recorded in its proper place, that on the 1st day of May, of the present year, 1868, I started to Salt Lake City in company with Sally, Sarah, Abigail and Phebe Ann, and on the 5th of the month, the above named, received their second endowments, also Brother Molen and 2 wives, and Brother Woolf and wife.
July 4th. I was sent for to go to Richmond, •9 miles, to preach the funeral sermon of Brother Whittle, who was one of our best men. Bishops Peter Maughan and L. H. Hatch were present, and spoke on the occasion. Brother Whittle was followed to his grave by the largest procession that was ever formed in Richmond.
The 24th. Celebrated the anniversary of the entrance of the Pioneers into the valleys, in Hyde Park had an excellent day, notwithstanding the grasshoppers were here by the billion, destroying our garden sauceº and apparently everything else.
26th. Grasshoppers mostly gone, having a great deal of our vegetables, also our oats and barley, leaving us a good share of the wheat, for which all were very thankful.
August 20. I went to Brigham City in company with Brothers Benson and Maughan for the purpose of meeting President Young and company, who were on their annual visit to the northern settlements. Attended meeting in the afternoon. President Young and others spoke, and much excellent instruction was given.
21st. The company drove to Wellsville. Took dinner, and had meeting, commencing at 1 p.m., and at 5 p.m. reached Logan. The reception with which the President and company were greeted at Logan, as well as at all other settlements, was such as was calculated to satisfy the looker on that this people loved their President.
Saturday, 22nd. The President and company held two meetings in Logan, and in the afternoon organized a school of the Prophets, President Benson to preside.
23rd. The President held two meetings in Logan, and then drove to Wellsville, •9 miles. I drove the same evening to Hyde Park 5 miles, and back to Logan, and after taking Brother Benson into my carriage I drove to Wellsville, which is •9 miles from Logan.
24th. Drove in company with the President to Brigham City, 18 miles. At 12 noon a school of the Prophets was organized, and much rich instruction given by President Young. During the Presidents remarks at this meeting, it seemed that the powers of the Heavens were gathered around us. After meeting, and dinner, drove to Ogden.
25th. Drove to Centerville. Held meeting at 2 p.m. and then drove to the City.
On the 27th, Brothers Benson, Farr and West closed a contract with Mr. Stanford, President of the Central Pacific Railroad, to build, or grade, 100 miles of the road west of the Promontory. President Benson and myself left Salt Lake City about sundown same night and drove to Ogden 40 miles. Next day drove to Logan, which is •about 50 miles. We reached Logan at 4 p.m., and met with the brethren of the school of the Prophets. After meeting I drove home to Hyde Park. On my return from the City I engaged to Brother Benson and company to act as their agent on the road, which they had engaged to build, for which service I was p75 to receive ten dollars a day and findings. And accordingly, soon after reaching home, I commenced visiting the different settlements in the County for the purpose of enlisting men to go onto the road. I also took a trip to Bear Lake, Rich County, on the same business.
About the 15th of September I went out onto the road, in company with Brother Benson and many others from Cache County. We went to Duff Creek, which is •some 25 miles from the first end of Benson, Farrº and West's contract. The next day after reaching Duff Creek, Brother Benson and many of the brethren that went out with us, started on their return to Logan, for the purpose of fitting up their companies and returning onto the work. I stopped on the road for the purpose of letting jobs and assisting in directing the labor on the road, etc. After the labor of grading the first one hundred miles was pretty well under way, Brothers Benson, Farr and West took another heavy job, commencing on the first, or east, end of the other job and running across the Promontory to Bear River and into Box Elder County. Near the last of November I came onto the Promontory and let some jobs, and on the 4th of December I came over to the foot of the Promontory at a beautiful spring and about 1½ miles south of the road. I established headquarters for the company.
December the 6th. I came very near losing my life by a kick from a horse over the left temple, which fractured my skull.
On the night of the 7th my carriage and friends from home were with me, and on the 8th, I was taken to Bear River Station, and stopped at the stage house. During the day my son William and Doctor Cranney met us, and these two sat up with me during the night. I found a great anxiety with my family and the people lest they should not see me alive, but by a visableº manifestation of the power of God I was spared. Brother Benson and many others exerted themselves in my behalf in a manner not to be forgotten. No men could do more, and for all their kindness they in nowiseº lose their reward. The Presidency of the valley was placed upon me as it had been winters previous, tho I was unable to attend but a few meetings.
March 25th, 1869. The Hyde Park branch of the Zions Co-operative Mercantile Institution received its first stock of goods, and commenced business, having previously organized with myself president. Only a few weeks previous the Zions Co-operative Wholesale Institution was organized in Salt Lake City and commenced business in the commodious house built by William Jennings, and in the Eldredge and Clawson house. At these houses, or of this firm, the Hyde Park goods were purchased. About this time co-operative companies were organized in the most of the settlements throughout the Territory, and a determination manifest among the people more effectually than ever before to become their own merchants and do their own business, rather than deal with their enemies.
This spring the Order of Enoch, as revealed to Joseph Smith for the temporal development, or organization of the Church, was very forcibly impressed upon the minds of the people, both at the April Conference and in the settlements throughout the Territory.
February, 1870. I was elected to the office of Probate Judge for the second term, of which appointment I received the following notice:
Representatives Hall
Salt Lake City, February 16, 1870
Hon. William Hyde, Sir:
We have the honor to inform you that by joint vote of the Legislative Assembly you were unanimously elected Probate Judge of Cache County.
Very respectfully,
Patrick Lynch
Robert L. Campbell
Soon after I received my commission from the governor.
September 3rd, 1869, our President, Brother Ezra T. Benson, died. His death came to all very unexpectedly, as but few knew that he was unwell and there was none that had the least idea that he was dangerously ill. The most of the people of the whole County were present at the funeral, and were addressed by Elders Lorenzo Snow, Franklin D. Richards, and Brigham Young, jun. Brother Benson had won the love of all good men, and his death was to all a heavy blow.
On the 18th I received the following by telegraph:
Salt Lake, September 18, 1869
Colonel. William Hyde:
By general orders yesterday, you are assigned command of Cache Military District till further orders.
T. M. Ellerbeck Ast. Adjutant General. |
On the º of the same month our annual brigade muster and three days drill was held near Logan.
I attended the October Conference in Salt Lake City, and on the º of November, I went again to the City and attended a three days drill of one division of the Nauvoo Legion, General R. T. Burton, Commanding. I assisted during the exercises in the staff of General Burton, in company with General Pace and many others. The different brigades performed well. President Young and General Daniel H. Wells and George A. Smith were present at the Review, and many other of the exercises, and with all, these three days were most agreeably spent.
September 28th, 29th, and 30th, 1870, a general muster and three days drill was again held in Cache County, and on the 28th, the 1st day of the drill, agreeable to instructions from headquarters,1 that an officer should be elected to the command of Cache Military District, I was nominated and unanimously elected to the office of Brigadier General.
October 6th, 1870, was again at Salt Lake City, as was the usual practice, to attend the semi-annual conferences.
April 24th, 1871, our Presiding Bishop and acting President Peter Maughan died. His sickness was but short, and it seemed hard to believe that so good a man could be so suddenly taken away from us. The day of his funeral was to the people of Cache County another occasion for mourning, not only to the Saints but to scores of Lamanites who were present on the occasion, and who desired to gaze once more upon him who had been to them for years, all that a noble and generous father could be.
p77 On the 23rd of August, 1871, a railroad company was organized for the construction of a railroad from Ogden City, Weber County, to Logan, Cache County, thence on to Soda Springs, a distance in all of •about 120 miles. A mass meeting was held at Logan on the day of the above date for the purpose of choosing or electing a board of directors. 13 were unanimously elected, including the president, namely: John W. Young, President (son of President Brigham Young),
Joseph Richardson and
Legrand Lockwood |
the two last eastern men, | |
William B. Preston and
Hezekiah Thatcher |
of | Logan |
Lorenzo Snow | " | Brigham City |
Franklin D. Richards | " | Ogden City |
William Hyde | " | Hyde Park |
William Maughan | " | Wellsville |
O. N. Linjinquist | " | Hyrum |
L. H. Hatch | " | Franklin |
M. W. Merrill | " | Richmond |
Samuel Roskelly | " | Smithfield. |
During the fall several miles of the road was graded and many ties got out of the mountains, and, when the winter closed in, there was, and principally through the exertions of the President, J. W. Young, one engine on the track and cars, or rolling stock, and iron enough on the way to nearly complete the road to Logan, a distance of •about 35 miles from where the grading first commenced. The snow in mountains this winter blocks up the road so that freight cars cannot pass, and a portion of the time so that the mail and passengers are obstructed.
This fall and winter, 1871 and 72, the U. S. Court, with Chief Justice McKean, Presiding, having a packed jury and officers the most bitter to the saints, many indictments were found and ritsº issued against several of our best men. President'sº Young and Wells, and George Q. Cannon, of the Quorum of the Twelve were included in the number, but the course pursued was so manifestly against law and justice and with the sole object of breaking up and destroying the Church and Kingdom of God that the results were against themselves. Many able writers and honest men became enlisted and engaged in our favor. By a reference to the history of the Church it may be seen and as visibly plain as ever before that no weapon formed against the work of God can prosper.
Monday, February the 5th, 1872. An election was held in the various districts of the Territory for the purpose of electing delegates to the number of one hundred and four, said delegates to meet in convention in Salt Lake City on the 19 of said month for the purpose of drafting a state constitution, and to elect two delegates to present the same at Washington, and ask, during the session of the present congress for the admission ofº Utah as a state.
This election of delegates to meet in convention, etc., was agreeable to a joint resolution of both houses of the Utah Legislature for the present winter, and in their apportionment 9 were sent from Cache County, including the two members of the Legislature, William B. Preston and Moses Thatcher, who were already there, and were re-elected. The other seven were
William Hyde |
William Maughan |
L. H. Hatch |
p78 O. N. Linjinquist |
M. W. Merrill |
M. D. Hammond |
Wm. F. Littlewood |
April 6th, 1872, attend conference in Salt Lake City. During the conference home missionaries were appointed for all parts of the Territory. Some 9 or 10 were appointed for Cache County, myself in the number. President Young was not at the conference at its first days of sitting, or during the days of its usual time of continuance because of legal or rather, illegal process which had been issued against him, to which I have before referred, but the conference was continued for several days in hopes the Supreme Court at Washington, D. C., to which Utah matters had been referred, would pass a decision which would set at liberty all against whom unjust inditements had been found, and in this the conference was not disappointed, as the decision of the supreme court was that the doings of the court in Utah were all together illegal, and thus, through the over-ruling mercy of God, our President was again permitted to be with us, and the Saints to listen to his words of counsel.
During this season many two days meetings were held in the County, at which much of the Spirit of the Lord was enjoyed and much good counsel given.
October 6th. Attended conference in Salt Lake City, and on the 7th, 1872, was ordained to the office of High Priest and Bishop, in connection with some 6 or 8 others, under the hands of President B. Young, Orson Pratt, George Q. Cannon, and B. Young, jun., Orson Pratt being mouth in my ordination — it being 38 years, six months, and 1 day since Orson Pratt, who is one of the Twelve Apostles, confirmed me a member in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. At this conference President Young gave many ideas and instructions in reference to the Order ofº Enoch, or the building up of the cities of Zion. Said that there were no cities or towns or settlements built after the order, but that he had a piece of land in reserve on which he expected to see a commencement made. Much of the Power of the Priesthood was manifest through those that spoke, and especially through the President. My greatest desires were that I might live to see the commencement of the day of which the President spoke and that I might be found worthy, together with my family and children after me, to be chosen to participate in the same.
On the 16, 17, and 18th of October the military of Cache County were mustered at our usual place for general muster, near Logan. The second and third days Major General Burton was present from Salt Lake City and took an active part in the exercises, and at the close gave us much good council and was very spirited in reference to our keeping our organization intact, and that we be fully fitted for every emergency.
During this winter we succeeded in bringing the Utah Northern Railroad into Logan, and at the spring conference of 1873, were able to start from Logan by rail for Salt Lake City, making connections with the Central Pacific and Utah Central.
June 27, 28, and 29th, the Presidency of the Church held conference in Logan.
On the 27th I received the ordination of Patriarch (as follows), under the hands of President Brigham Young, sen., G. A. Smith, John p79 Taylor, Wilford Woodruff, Franklin D. Richards, George Q. Cannon, and B. Young, jun.:
Blessing pronounced by Elder John Taylor
Brother William Hyde, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by virtue of the holy Priesthood and Apostleship, we lay our hands upon your head to ordain you to the office of a Patriarch in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and we seal upon your head all the gifts and powers and blessings, and rights, and privileges pertaining to this Priesthood, whereunto you are ordained, that you may be enabled to bless those who desire it, and to bless your posterity, that you may be full of the Holy Ghost and the power of God, and participate in all the blessings pertaining to this priesthood here upon the earth, and to enjoy it hereafter in the eternal worlds. We seal upon you these blessings with all blessings heretofore sealed upon your head by virtue of the holy Priesthood, in the name of Jesus, Amen.
July 11th. Started in company with President Brigham Young, jun., and Bishop William B. Preston for Soda Springs.
Arrived at the Springs on the evening of the 13th, a distance of •about 80 miles.
On the 14th we drove to Black's Fork, 12 miles north, passing over the divide to where the waters run to Snake River and into the Columbia River instead of running into the Salt Lake Basin.
Were much pleased with the country. Caught some very fine trout in the waters of Black footº and returned same day to Soda Springs. The prospects at the Springs for a successful watering place are most excellent, not only as to medicinal waters, but as to climate and its production of natural curiosities, each and all of which the world does not, in my judgment, surpass. While at this place one meeting was held and a Brother Falkman was selected and ordained or set apart by the laying on of hands of the Soda Springs District.
On the 17th Brothers B. Young and Preston crossed over Bear River •some 35 miles below Soda Springs in a skiff, at a place called Fellow's ranch, and held meeting, and set apart a Brother º to act as President. After an absence of some 3 hours they returned and we drove to Robin's Ranch, making in all, a drive of •about 47 miles.
The 18th. We drove home, having had a very interesting time.
July 24th. I attended the celebration in Logan in honor of the arrival of the Pioneers 26 years previous. Moses Thatcher oritorº of the day. B. Young, jun., spoke in behalf of the Pioneers and I on the travels and incidents connected with the journeyings of the Mormon Battalion.
After the close of the exercises a caucus was held, at the opening of which I was called to the chair, the object of the meeting being the nomination of Territorial and County officers to be elected at the August election. All seemed to enjoy themselves well during the entire day.
October 6th. Was in Salt Lake City at the semi-annual conference. Returned home on the 8th after enjoying one of the best conferences ever held, as the Spirit of the Lord rested mightily upon President Young and the Elders that spoke.
On the 14, 15 and 16 of October (73) had military exercises near p80 Logan. Officers and men felt that the drill was really a success. General Brigham Young, jun., acted in capacity of reviewing officer. My staff at this time, including new appointments, consisted of
Moses Thatcher | 1st Aid |
J. H. Martineau | Adjt. |
William B. Preston | Quarter Master |
M. D. Hammond | 2nd Aid |
º Ormsby | Surgeon |
George Benson | Color bearer. |
November 2nd. I started out on a preaching tour in the settlements west of Bear River, in company with Brother Milton Hammon, having been appointed to mission at the Priesthood meeting held in Logan the day previous, the object being to enlist men to labor on the Utah Northern Railroad. We visited Newton, Clarkston, Weston, Clifton and Oxford, and returned well satisfied with the result of our labors.
Friday, November 28th. Was in Newton in company with William B. Preston and Moses Thatcher. Held meeting at 10 a.m., then drove to Wellsville, a distance of •16 or 18 miles and held meeting at 6 p.m.
Saturday. Drove to Paradise and held meeting at 10 a.m., and back to Hiramº and held meeting at 2 p.m., then drove to Logan. After stopping a few minutes I went to Hyde Park.
Attended Sabbath School at 10 a.m., preached at 2 p.m., and then went to Logan and joined with Brothers Preston and Thatcher and a car load of Saints and went to Mendon by rail and held night meeting. Our principal subject during these meetings has been the general cooperation of the Saints, and we all felt that we had been greatly blest and the Spirit of the Lord had bornº record that our labors were in the right direction, as we had never had better liberty in speaking.
Saturday, December 7. Attended the monthly Priesthood meeting in Logan. President B. Young, jun., Presiding, had a full house, as there were representatives present from all parts of the County.
Subjects referred to and given to the Bishops and Elders to talk upon in their settlements and in their missionary labors were "Look after the poor and see that they are provided for. The Sacrament, who should partake of it, and how it should be administered. The Law of Tithing. Keep the Sabbath day, etc. The people to keep grain for their bread and seed. For all to be united in prohibiting the sale of liquor.b The Law of Plural Marriage. Word of Wisdom. Prayer in Families or Family Prayer and that no person, that is a Saint, will trade with and build up those that don't support the Kingdom of God."
(William Hyde died March 2, 1874.)
1 (Salt Lake City)
a So the typescript. I suspect that a few words fell out in the transcription, and that the sentence should read something like:
The young bride and groom were present, as it was understood, that the holiday feast also be designed for their wedding supper.
b See, however, the Journal's entry for July 1st, 1847.
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