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Bill Thayer

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Not So Much a Tomb as a Tomb Core:
How Much is Left?

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You are fa­cing southwest and looking at the back (inside?) of the tomb. The car is on the Flaminia heading west to Mevania; the road in the foreground is just a little side road.

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Above: the side fronting on the road — fa­cing any passerby — seems to have had three towerlike structures. Maybe in that respect it was similar to the (much smaller) Tomb of Secundinus on the Appia near Rome.

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A close-up of what must have once been the inside: the hole in the center, though widened by time and depredations, must have been a niche of some kind, since it clearly retains some of its original fa­cing of neat courses of stone masonry.

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Page updated: 30 Mar 17
