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This webpage reproduces a section of
The Geography

Claudius Ptolemy

published in English translation by Dover Publications, 1991

The text is in the public domain.

This text has been carefully proofread
and I believe it to be free of errors.
If you find a mistake though,
please let me know!

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 p52  Book II, Chapter 4

Location of Lusitania Hispania
(Second Map of Europe)

Thayer's Note: Stevenson's "translation" of Ptolemy, to which this page belongs, is abysmally bad. It should not be used for any serious purpose. For details and correctives, see my Ptolemy homepage.

The south side of Lusitania, as we have indicated, is the northern boundary of Baetica; the north side borders on Tarraconensis along the western part of the Dorius river,

the mouth of which opens into the Outer sea in the locality 5*20 41°50
 p53  where the river first touches the borders of Lusitania is in 9*10 41°50
sources of the river are in 11*40 41°40

The eastern side also borders on Tarraconensis, and its termini as we have said, are near the Anas river and the Dorius river.

The west side, which extends along the Western ocean, is thus described:

After the mouth of the Anas river

the Turditani

Balsa 3*40 37°45
Ossonoba 3*00 37°50
Sacrum (Sacred) promontory 2*30 38°15
mouth of Calipodis river 5*00 39°00
Salacia 5*05 39°25
Caetobrix 4*55 39°30

the Lusitani

Barbarium promontory 4*50 39°50
Oliosipon 5*10 40°15
mouth of the Tagus river 5*30 40°30
that part of the river which touches Tarraconensis is in 9*00 40°30
sources of the river 11*40 40°45
Luna mountain, promontory 5*00 40°40
mouth of the Monda river 5*10 40°50
mouth of the Vacus river 5*10 41°20
Next is the mouth of the Dorius river in 5*20 41°50

The Turdetani inhabit the vicinity of the Sacred promontory, whose interior cities in Lusitania are

Pax Julia 5*20 39°00
Julia Myrtilis 5*15 38°45

The Celtici inhabit that region which from these (towns) lies toward the interior; their cities in Lusitania are

Laccobriga 5*45 40°15
Caepiana 5*20 40°00
Braetoleum 6*00 40°00
Mirobriga 5*20 39°45
Arcobriga 5*40 39°45
Meribriga 6*10 39°40
Catraleucus 5*40 39°20
Arandis 6*10 39°05

Above these are the Lusitani, whose interior towns are

Lavare 5*30 41°45
Aritium 5*40 41°30
Selium 6*00 41°20
Elbocoris 6*30 41°15
Araducta 6*40 41°30
Verurium 7*15 41°05
Velladis 6*40 41°05
Aeminium 7*20 41°00
Chretina 5*30 40°40
Arabriga 5*40 40°30
Scalabis colonia 6*00 40°55
Tacubis 6*20 40°45
Concordia 6*40 40°30
Talabriga 7*30 40°45
Rusticana 7*40 40°30
Mendiculeia 6*50 40°15
Caurium 6*40 40°00
Turmogum 8*00 40°15
Burdua 7*20 40°00
Colarnum 6*50 39°45
Sallaecus 6*40 39°30
Ammaea 7*00 39°20
Ebura 7*00 39°05
Norba Caesarina 7*50 39°55
Liciniana 7*20 39°40
Augusta Emerita 8*00 39°30
Evandria 7*20 39°15
Geraea 7*40 39°05
Caecilia Gemellina 8*40 39°30
Capasa 8*40 39°10

The Vettones are farthest east, whose towns are

Lancia oppidana 8*30 41°40
Cottaeobriga 8*00 41°30
Salmantica 8*50 41°50
Augustobriga 8*00 41°15
Ocelum 8*20 41°15
Capara 8*30 41°00
Manliana 8*20 41°00
Laconimurgi 8*20 40°45
Diobriga 8*40 40°40
Obila 8*50 40°25
Lama 8*30 40°05

Island adjacent to Lusitania

Londobris 3*00 41°00

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Page updated: 27 Nov 17
