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Bill Thayer
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This webpage reproduces a section of
The Geography

Claudius Ptolemy

published in English translation by
Dover Publications, 1991

The text is in the public domain.

This text has been carefully proofread
and I believe it to be free of errors.
If you find a mistake though,
please let me know!

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Book II, Chapter 5

Location of Tarraconensis Hispania
(Second Map of Europe)

Thayer's Note: Stevenson's "translation" of Ptolemy, to which this page belongs, is abysmally bad. It should not be used for any serious purpose. For details and correctives, see my Ptolemy homepage.

The western side of Lusitania, which borders on the Western ocean, is thus described: after the mouth of the Dorius river, there follows

the Callaici Bracares

mouth of the Avus river 5*30 42°15
Avarus promontory 5*30 42°30
mouth of the Nebis river 5*40 42°45
mouth of the Limius river 5*30 43°15
mouth of the Minius river 5*20 43°40
sources of the rivers 11*30 44°15

the Callaici Lucensi

Orvium promontory 5*30 44°00
mouth of the Via river 5*40 44°20
mouth of the Tamara river 5*40 44°40

the Artabri

Artabri harbor 5*20 45°00
Nerium promontory 5*15 45°10

The north side, above which is the ocean called Cantabrius, is described as follows: after the Nerium promontory there is another promontory in which are the altars of the Sesti.

Promontory 5*40 45°30
mouth of the Virus river 6*15 45°30
next a promontory 6*30 45°30

In the Great harbor of the Callaici Lucensi

Flavius Brigantius 6*45 45°00
Lapatia Coru promontory which is called Trilecum 8*15 45°50
mouth of the Mearus river 9*00 45°45
mouth of the Nabius river 10*20 45°40
mouth of the Nabialavionis river 10*20 45°45

the Paesici

Flavionavia 11*45 45°25
mouth of the Naelus river 12*00 45°30

the Cantabri

Noega Ucesia 13*00 45°30

the Autrigones

mouth of the Nerva river 13*10 44°40
Flaviobriga 13*30 44°15

the Caristi

mouth of the Deva river 13*45 44°25

the Varduli

Menosca 14*20 45°00

the Vascones

Oeasso town 15*10 45°05
Oeasso promontory 15*10 45°50

The side toward the south is terminated by the Pyrénées, thence extending from the mentioned promontory on the coast of our sea,

where has been erected a Temple of Venus, located in 20*20 42°20

The mountains turn slightly toward Hispania,

and the middle of the bend is toward Tarraconensis, in 17*00 43°00

On the other side of Tarraconensis, that which borders on Lusitania and Baetica has been described, the remaining part which borders on the Balearic sea and looks toward the south, is described as follows:

it extends to the boundary of Baetica in 12*00 37°15

On the sea coast of the Bastitani is

Urci 12*00 37°25

On the sea coast of the Contestani are

Lucentum 12*10 37°30
Cartago nova 12*15 37°55
Scombraria promontory 12*55 38°05
mouth of the Taberis river 12*30 38°30
Alona 12*40 38°55
mouth of the Saetabis river 13*00 38°45
Illicitanus harbor 13*30 38°45
mouth of the Sucronis river 14*00 38°50

On the maritime coast of the Ilercaones are

Tenebrius promontory 15*55 39°40
Tenebrius harbor 15*30 40°00
mouth of the Iberus river 16*40 30°00
middle of this river 14*00 42°00
sources of the river 12*30 44°00

On the sea coast of the Cosetani are

Tarraco 16*20 40°40
Subur 16*50 40°45

On the sea coast of the Laetani are

Barcinon 17*15 41°00
mouth of the Rubricatus river 17*30 41°00
Betulon 17*50 41°20
Lunarium promontory 18*30 41°30
Diluron 18*00 41°45
Blanda 18*15 41°00

On the seacoast of the Indigetes

mouth of the Sambroca river 18*30 42°10
Emporia 18*45 42°20
mouth of the Clodianus river 19*00 42°30
Rhode town 19*30 42°30
and then as we have said the Temple of Venus 20*20 42°20

The mountains in Tarraconensis are called:

the Vindius,

the extremities of which are in 9*00 45°00
and 11*30 44°30

the Edulius,

the extremities of which are in 14*40 42°30
and 16*00 43°00

the Idubeda,

the extremities of which are in 14*00 41°30
and 14*20 39°00

the Otrospeda,

the extremities of which are in 12*00 37°40
and 14*00 39°40

On the Nerium promontory the Artabri dwell, whose towns are

Claudiomerum 5*45 45°10
Novium 6*10 44°45

Near these are the Callaici Lucensi, whose interior towns are

Burum 8*15 45°05
Olina 8*30 48°30
Vica 9*20 45°20
Libunca 10*10 45°20
Pintia 10*10 45°05
Caronium 7*00 44°45
Turuptiana 6*20 44°45
Glandomirum 7*00 44°30
Ocelum 8*20 44°25
Turriga 8*50 44°35

of the Capori

Iria Flavia 6*25 44°30
Lucus Augusti 7*25 44°25

of the Cilini

Aqua calida 6*20 44°20

of the Lemavi

Dactonium 7*30 44°00

of the Baedyi

Flavia Lambris 7*20 44°45

of the Seurri

Talamina 8*30 44°30
Five Springs 8*30 45°10

Asturia joins this on the east side, and the towns in this province are

Lucus Asturum 11*00 45°00
Labernis 11*00 44°30
Interamnium 10*15 44°20
Argenteola 9*20 43°45
Lanciati 9*20 43°30
Maliaca 10*20 44°00
Gigia 11*30 43°45
Bergidum river 8*30 44°10
Interamnium river 9*00 44°00
Legio VII Germanica 9*00 43°30

of the Brigaecini

Brigaecium 10*00 44°50

of the Baedunenses

Bedunia 9*50 44°25

of the Orniacori

Intercatia 11*10 44°15

of the Lungonum

Paelontium 11*40 44°50

of the Selini

Nardinium 10*20 43°45

of the Supertati

Petavonium 9*30 43°40

of the Amacori

Asturica Augusta 9*30 44°00

of the Tibures

Nemetobriga 7*30 43°45

of the Gigurri

Forum Gigurrum 8*00 43°45

The land between the Minius and the Dorius rivers, near the sea, the Callaici Pracari inhabit, whose towns are

Bracaraugusta 6*00 43°40
Caladunum 6*30 43°30
Pinetus 6*50 43°35
Complutica 8*20 43°25
Tuntobriga 8*30 43°25
Araducca 6*00 41°55

of the Turodori

Aqua Flavia 6*30 43°25

of the Nemetatari

Volobriga 6*00 42°35

of the Calerinori

Celiobriga 6*00 42°20

of the Bibilori

Forum Bibilori 7*20 43°20

of the Limicori

Forum Limicori 6*50 42°45

of the Gruiori

Tuda 8*20 42°45

of the Luancori

Merua 7*30 42°40

of the Quacernori

Aquae Quacernori 7*20 42°20

of the Lubanori

Cambetum 8*10 42°20

of the Narbasori

Forum Nabasori 8*00 42°00

Around these dwell the Vaccaei, whose towns are

Bargiacis 9*45 43°25
Intercatia 10*15 43°25
Viminacium 11*00 43°30
Porta Augusta 9*40 43°20
Autraca 10*00 43°15
Lacobriga 10*20 43°20
Avia 10*20 43°00
Segontia Paramica 9*30 43°00
Gella 9*40 42°55
Albocela 9*05 42°40
Rauda 9*20 42°35
Segisama Julia 9*50 42°40
Pallantia 10*30 42°30
Eldana 9*0 42°20
Cougium 9*40 42°25
Cauca 10*00 42°20
Octodurum 9*40 42°10
Pintia 10*10 42°00
Sentica 9*00 41°55
Sarabris 9*40 41°55

Toward the east of Asturia dwell the Cantabri, whose inland towns are

Concana 12*10 44°55
Ottaviolca 12*40 44°45
Argenomescum 12*00 44°30
Vadinia 11*50 44°25
Vellica 12*30 44°15
Camarica 11*40 44°45
Juliobriga 12*10 44°00
Moroeca 11*45 43°50

Below these are the Morbogi, whose towns are

Bravum 12*00 43°40
Sisaraca 11*30 43°30
Deobrigula 11*50 43°25
Ambisna 11*10 43°05
Segisamum 12*00 43°10

To the east of these and of Cantabria dwell the Autrigones, whose inland towns are

Uxama Barca 13*00 44°15
Segisamonculum 13*00 43°55
Vircesca 12*30 43°50
Antecuia 13*00 43°40
Diobriga 13*15 43°30
Vindelia 12*40 43°15
Salionca 13*00 43°05

Below the Murbogi are the Pelendones, whose towns are

Visontium 11*40 42°50
Augustobriga 11*30 42°40
Savia 12*30 42°40

Below the Autrigones are the Berones, whose towns are

Tritium Metallum 13*00 42°50
Oliba 13*00 42°40
Varea 13*30 42°45

Below the Pelendones and the Berones are the Arevacces, whose towns are

Confluenta 11*00 42°35
Clunia colonia 11*00 42°00
Termes 11*30 42°25
Uxama Argaela 11*30 42°00
Segortia Lanca 12*30 41°40
Veluca 11*50 41°55
Tucris 12*40 42°30
Numantia 12*30 41°50
Seguvia 13*30 42°25
Nova Augusta 13*15 42°10

Back from the Vaccaei and the Arevacces, toward the south, dwell the Carpetani, among whom are the towns

Illurbida 9*40 41°40
Egelesta 10*30 41°40
Ilarcuris 11*00 41°35
Varada 11*30 41°30
Thermida 12*00 41°35
Titulcia 10*20 41°20
Mantua 11*40 41°15
Toletum 10*00 41°00
Complutum 10*50 41°05
Caracca 11*20 40°50
Libora 9*25 40°45
Ispinum 10*15 40°45
Metercosa 10*20 40°35
Barnacis 11*00 40°30
Alternia 10*30 40°25
Paterniana 9*50 40°15
Rigusa 10*30 40°15
Laminium 10*50 39°55

Toward the east from these are the Celtiberi, whose towns are

Belsinum 13*40 41°55
Turiasso 13*30 41°50
Nertobriga 14*00 41°50
Bilbis 13*45 41°30
Arcobriga 13*05 41°25
Caesada 12*10 41°00
Mediolum 13*00 41°00
Attacum 13*30 41°05
Ergavica 12*20 40°45
Segobriga 13*30 40°40
Condabora 13*50 40°30
Bursada 12*45 40°35
Laxta 13*20 40°30
Valeria 12*30 40°25
Istonium 11*30 40°15
Alaba 12*00 40°20
Libana 12*20 40°10
Urcesa 11*40 39°45

Toward the south from these and from the Carpetani are the Oretani, and the towns

Salaria 9*20 40°00
Sisapone 10*00 39°55
Oretum Germanorum 9*10 39°40
Aemiliana 10*00 39°40
Mirobriga 9*30 39°30
Salica 10*40 39°25
Libisosa 11*25 39°30
Castulo 9*30 39°00
Lupparia 9*45 39°00
Mentesa 10*25 39°00
Cervaria 11*00 39°05
Biatia 10*00 38°45
Laccuris 10*50 38°30
Tuia 10*20 38°30

Below the eastern part of the Celtiberi are the Lobetani whose town is

Lobetum 13*00 40°20

Below these and next to the Oretani are the Bastitani whose interior towns are

Pucialia 13*20 39°50
Salaria 13*00 39°40
Turbula 13*30 39°45
Saltiga 12*00 39°30
Bigerra 12*30 39°35
Abula 11*40 39°15
Asso 12*00 39°10
Bergula 11*20 38°55
Carca 11*00 38°35
Ilunum 11*30 38°40
Arcilacis 11*20 38°20
Segisa 11*30 38°30
Orcelis 11*30 38°05
Vergilia 11*30 37°35
Acci 11*45 37°35

Next to these and dwelling on the coast are the Contestani, and the inland towns

Menlaria 13*30 39°15
Valentia 14*00 39°05
Saetabis 13*10 39°00
Saetabicula 13*40 38°55
Ilicis 12*20 38°30
Iaspis 12*20 38°55

Toward the east of these, of the Bastitani, and of the Celtiberi, are the Edetani, whose inland towns are

Caesaraugusta 14*30 41°30
Bernaba 14*10 41°15
Ebora 14*40 41°00
Belia 14*10 40°45
Arsi 14*40 40°40
Damania 14*30 40°30
Leonica 14*40 40°15
Osicerda 14*15 40°10
Etobesa 14*20 39°45
Lassira 14*50 39°40
Edeta or Liria 14*25 39°25
Saguntum 14*35 39°20

Further toward the east of these are the Ilercaones and the inland towns

Carthago vetus 15*20 41°20
Biscargis 14*55 41°10
Theava 15*15 40°40
Adeba 15*40 40°30
Tiariulia 15*30 40°25
Sigarra 15*05 40°15
Dertosa 15*15 40°00

In the region which is included between the Iberus and the Pyrénées adjoining the Austrigones, thru whose territory a large river flows, are located the Caristi toward the east, and the inland towns are

Suestasium 13*40 44°00
Tullica 13*40 43°45
Velia 13*55 43°20

Below these are the Berones whose towns are

Trituum 13*00 42°00
Varra 13*30 42°40
Iliba 13*00 42°30

To the east of these are the Carduli and the inland towns are

Gebala 14*00 43°50
Gabalaeca 14*30 43°45
Tullonium 13*50 43°30
Alba 14*35 43°30
Seguntia Paramica 14*30 43°15
Tritium Tuboricam 13*40 43°10
Thabuca 14*00 42°50

Next to these are the Vascones whose inland towns are

Iturissa 15*25 43°55
Pompelon 15*00 43°45
Bituris 15*30 43°45
Andelus 15*00 43°30
Nemanturista 15*35 43°25
Curnonium 14*50 43°15
Iacca 15*30 43°15
Gracuris 15*00 43°00
Calagorina 14*40 42°55
Cascantum 15*00 42°45
Ergavica 14*30 42°35
Tarraga 14*45 42°30
Muscaria 14*20 42°25
Setia 14*40 42°15
Alavona 14*40 41°55

And next beyond these are the Ilergetes, whose interior towns are

Bergusia 16*30 43°00
Celsa 16*00 42°45
Bergidum 15*30 42°30
Eraga 16*10 42°30
Succosa 15*10 42°30
Osca 16*00 42°30
Burtina 15*10 41°55
Gallica Flavia 15*30 41°40
Orgia 15*00 41°30
Ilerda 15*35 41°25

Below these, but toward the east, are the Ceretaii whose town is

Julia Libica 17*20 42°45

The Ausetani are on the west of these, and the towns are

Aquae Calidae 16*40 42°30
Ausa 16*10 42°10
Baecula 17*00 42°15
Gerunda 17*55 42°15

And next to these are the Castellani whose interior towns are

Sebendunum 16*40 42°10
Bassi 17*55 42°05
Egosa 17*10 41°55
Beseda 17*30 41°50

To the west of these are the Iaccetani, whose towns are

Lesa 16*20 42°00
Udura 16*30 41°45
Ascerris 16*00 41°40
Setelsis 16*40 41°45
Telobis 16*00 41°30
Ceresus 15*40 41°20
Bacasis 16*45 41°25
Iessus 15*30 41°00
Anabis 16*20 41°00
Cinna 15*50 40°50

The interior towns of the Indegetari are

Deciana 18*40 42°35
Iuncaria 18*30 42°20

and the interior town of the Laetanori is

Rubricata 17*20 41°25

The islands adjacent to Tarraconensis, in the Cantabrian ocean, are three peaks which are called the Trileuci,

the middle of which is in 9*00 46°45

In the Western ocean are the Cassiterides islands, ten in number,

the middle of which is in 4*00 45°30
and two islands which are called the Islands of the Gods in 4*40 43°30

In the Balearic sea are the Pityussa islands

the lesser of which is called Ophiusis 14*50 38°20
the greater of which is called Ebyssus, with a town of the same name 14*00 38°05

And the two Balearic islands, called in Greek the Gymnesia, in the larger of which are two towns

Palma 16*10 39°15
Polentia 16*45 39°15

In the lesser of these islands are the towns

Iamna 17*10 39°30
Mago 17*30 39°30

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Page updated: 31 Jan 10
