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Bill Thayer
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Book IV, Chapter 3

Location of Africa
(from the Second Map of Libya)

Thayer's Note: Stevenson's "translation" of Ptolemy, to which this page belongs, is abysmally bad. It should not be used for any serious purpose. For details and correctives, see my Ptolemy homepage.

The west side of Africa is terminated by Mauritania Caesariensis on the line established by the Ampsagas river; the northern side is terminated by that part of the African sea which extends from the Ampsagas river to the Syrtis Major; of this northern side the following is a description:

After the mouth of the Ampsagas river:

Numidicus harbor interior 27*00 31°45
Greater Collops or Chullu 27*20 32°20
Tretum promontory 27*40 32°45
Rusicada 27*45 32°30
Uzicath 28*10 32°30
Holcochites harbor 28*40 32°00
Tacatye 29*00 32°30
Lesser Collops 29*20 32°35
Siur port 29*40 32°40
Hippo promontory 30*00 32°45
Stoborrum promontory 30*10 32°40
Aphrodisium 30*00 32°30
Hippo Regius colonia 30*20 32°15
mouth of the Rubricatus river 30*45 32°15
Thabraca colonia 31*15 32°20
Temple of Apollo 31*40 32°50
Altar of Neptune 32*00 32°45
Hippo Diarrhytus colonia 32*30 32°45
Thinisa 33*00 32°30
Apollo promontory 33*30 33°15
Utica 33*20 32°45
Cornelia Camp 33*40 32°30
mouth of the Bagradas river 34*00 32°40
Carthage, a large city 34*50 32°40
mouth of the Catadas river 34*50 32°30
Maxula colonia 35*00 32°40
Carpis colonia 35*00 33°00
Misua 35*00 33°15
Clypea colonia 35*00 33°20
Hermaea promontory 35*00 33°30
Aspis colonia 35*15 33°20
Curubis colonia 35*30 33°10
Neapolis colonia 35*45 33°00
Siagul 36*00 32°50
Aphrodisium 36*15 32°40
Adrumetus colonia 36*40 32°40
Ruspina 36*50 32°40
Leptis Minor colonia 37*10 32°30
Thapsus 37*30 32°30
Acholla 37*45 32°30
Rhuspena 38*00 32°20
Brachodes promontory 38*30 32°20
Usilla 38*30 32°10
Taphrura 38*30 32°00

Syrtis Minor:

Theaenae 38*30 31°40
Macomada 38*30 31°15
mouth of the Triton river 38*40 30°30
Tacape 38*50 30°30
Gichthis 39*20 30°50
Hedaphtha 40*10 31°15
Zeitha promontory 40*40 31°40
Sabathra 41*00 31°30
Pisindon harbor 41*15 31°30
Heoa 41*30 31°40
Garapha harbor 41*45 31°40
Neapolis or Leptis Magna 42*00 31°40
mouth of the Cinyphus river 42*15 31°30
Cisterna 42*50 31°20
Barathra 42*20 31°30
Triceron promontory 43*15 31°20

Syrtis Major:

Cisternae 43*15 31°00
Macomala village 43*30 30°50
Aspis 43*40 30°20
Sacazama village 43*50 30°00
Tower of Euphranta 44*10 29°40
Charax village 44*30 29°00
Hippo promontory 46*45 29°00
Oesporis village 45*00 29°00
Philaeni village 46*00 29°00

Below which altars of the same name terminate Africa.

The eastern side, beginning at the bend in the Syrtis, is bounded by the line which runs southward along Cyrenaica

to the terminus which is in 47*00 25°00

The southern line, which extends along Gaetulia and the desert of Libya, unites the two termini.

In this province are many celebrated mountains,

the eastern part of the Buzara mountains, the position of which is 28*00 27°00
Audus mountains 28*30 29°30
Thammes mountains the extreme limits of which are in 29*30 27°30
and 32*00 28°30
from these mountains the Rubricatus river flows.
mountains which are called Cirna 33*00 30°00
from which run swamps connecting with the Hipponitis lake 32*40 32°30
and the Sisara lake 33*00 31°00
Mampsarus mountains, the extreme parts of which are located in 33*00 27°30
and 36*30 26°15
from which mountains the Bagradas river flows;
mountains which are called Jovis 37*30 31°15
Usalaetus mountains the extreme limits of which are located in 37*00 38°00
and 39*30 26°30
from which mountains the Triton river flows, its sources are in Tritonitis lake 38*40 39°40
Pallas lake 38*30 29°15
and that which is called the Libyan lake 38*30 28°15
Giglius mountains 40*30 29°30
Thizibi mountains 44*15 28°00
Zuchabbari mountains the extreme limits of which are located in 40*00 26°15
and 43*30 26°40
from which mountains the Cinypus river flows, from a source which is located in 45*15 26°10

The Cirtesi and the Nabathrae dwell in the western parts of Africa near the ocean; next, toward the east, are the Ionti in Numidia or the New Province extending as far as Thabraca; then the Mideni and the peoples dwelling in the Carthaginian region below whom are the Libyphoenices; then the Machyni to the Syrtis Minor; and below these are Cinithi, and the Nigitimi extending toward the east as far as the Cinyphus river and along the same river are the Lotophagi; then the Samamyci next to the Syrtis Major and near these the Nyepi, below whom are the Elaeones. Next toward the south from Cirtesii and Numidia, below the Audus mountains are the Musulami, below whom are the Nattabutes, then the Nisibes, and below the Mideni the Mididi, below whom are the Musuni; then below the Thammes mountains are the Saburbures, below whom are the Haliardi and the Campus Sittaphius. From Libyphoenicia toward the south is the region of the Bazaciti below which the Zutae, then the Cerophaei and the Mampsari above the Mampsarus mountains, and below these mountains are the Motuturi. Below the Machyni are the Machryes, then the Gephes, next to these the Mimaces, and below the Usalaetus mountains the Uzalae where the Libyan desert begins. Below the Cinithi are the Ogiplosi, then the Achaemenes, then the Muturgures; below these the Muchthusi; below the Nigitimi are the Astacures, and below the Lotophagi the Eropaei, and next the Dolopes, below whom are the Erebidae; and below the Samamuci are the Damensi and then the Nygbeni, below whom are the Nycpi; then below the Cinyphi and the Elaeones is Macae Syrtitae and the Libyan desert.

The towns in this interior province between the Ampsagas river and the city Thabraca are:

In Cirtesii

Cirta Julia colonia 26*50 31°20
Mireum 26*40 31°20
Vaga 28*00 31°40
Lares 27*30 30°40
Apari 27*40 29°40
Azama 27*30 27°50

In Numidia

Culcua colonia 28*30 31°15
Thunudromum colonia 28*20 30°30
Aspucca 29*30 32°20
Simisthu colonia 29*00 31°20
Thuburnica 30*00 31°40
Tucca 29*30 31°20
Thieba 29*30 30°45
Thubursica colonia 29*20 30°30
Ucibi 30*00 29°45
Gausaufna 29*15 31°00
Lambaesa 29*00 30°00
Legio III Augusta
Thubutis 29*30 28°20
Bulla Regia 30*40 31°30
Sicca Veneria colonia 30*30 30°50
Assurus colonia 30*50 30°30
Naraggara 30*00 30°10
Theveste 30*30 29°45
Thunusda 31*20 32°00
Madurus colonia 32*00 31°30
Ammaedara 32*10 30°30
Gazagupala 31*10 30°10
Sedne 31*40 28°45

Between the town Thabraca and the Bagradas river

Canopisi 32*15 32°30
Meltida 32*40 32°30
Uzan 33*15 32°20
Thizica 33*15 32°00
Cipipa 34*00 31°45
Theudali 33*20 31°40
Avitta 33*30 31°30
Tobrus 34*00 30°30
Iilica 34*30 30°20
Tucca 34*00 29°50
Dabia 33*00 29°45
Bendena 34*30 29°20
Vazua 33*20 29°10
Nensa 34*10 29°10
Aquae calidae 33*40 28°15
Zigira 33*10 27°50
Thasia 33*00 27°45
Thunuba 33*20 27°30
Musta 33*40 27°30
Themisua 34*40 28°40
Zama major 34*20 28°00
Timica 34*50 27°40
Tuscubis 35*30 28°10

Between the river Bagradas and the river Triton, and below Carthage are

Maxula vetus 34*10 32°30
Vol 34*45 32°30
Thimisa 35*00 32°10
Cuina colonia 35*30 31°30
Uthina 34*15 31°20
Abdira 34*30 30°50
Mediccara 35*30 31°10
Thuburbo 35*00 30°10
Tucma 35*30 30°10
Bulla Mensa 34*20 30°00
Cerbica 36*00 30°00
Nuroli 34*20 29°30
Ticelia 34*40 29°00
Sasura 36*00 29°40
Cilma 35*30 29°10
Vepillium 36*15 29°00
Thabba 35*20 28°40
Tichasa 36*00 28°40
Negenta 36*00 27°50
Bunthum 36*15 27°20

Below the town Adrumetum

Almaena 35*15 33°00
Uticna 35*40 32°45
Chrausa 36*00 32°40
Turza 35*40 31°50
Ulizibirra 36*00 31°20
Orbita 36*20 32°20
Uzita 36*50 32°20
Gisira 36*20 31°45
Zurmentum 37*00 31°50
Zalapa 36*45 31°45
Augustum 36*20 30°40
Leae 36*20 30°40
Avidus 36*40 30°00
Ubata 36*45 29°20
Tisurus 36*50 28°40
Thysdrus 37*15 32°10
Uzecia 37*45 32°10
Setiensis 37*45 31°30
Lasica 37*10 31°20
Byzacina 37*50 30°45
Targarum 37*15 30°30
Bararus 37*00 30°20
Capsa 37*30 29°45
Putea 37*45 29°10
Thennephis 38*20 31°00
Caraga 38*10 31°40
Murvis 38*10 30°45
Zugar 38*00 30°30

Between the two Syrtes are these towns:

Chuzis 39*30 30°00
Sumucis 40*20 30°30
Pisinda 41*00 31°10
Sabrata 41*15 30°50
Syddenis 41*40 31°10
Azuis 42*45 31°10
Gerisa 43*00 30°50
Iscina 43*20 30°30
Ammonis 42*00 30°40
Amuncla 42*40 30°10
Mousta village 42*20 28°40
Butta 42*40 28°30
Tege 42*40 27°30
Durga 43*00 26°30
Sycapha 43*30 30°00
Uddita 43*20 28°40
Galybe 43*40 29°30
Thagulis 44*10 29°00

Islands along the coast of Africa, and which are near the coast:

Hydras island 28*00 33°00
Calathe island 31*00 33°40
Dracontia island 33*15 33°15
Aegimius island 34*15 33°30
two islands of Larunesia 37*00 33°30
Anemusa 39*00 33°20
Lopadusa island 39*00 33°20
Aethusa island 39*30 33°20
Cercinna island and town 39*00 32°15

Lotophagitis islands in which are these towns:

Girra city 39*15 31°15
Meninx city 39*30 31°20
Misynus island 44*40 30°40
Pontia island 45*20 20°15
Gaia island 46*00 29°40

In the high seas are the African islands:

Cossyra the island and town 37*20 34°20
Glauconis island and town 38*20 34°40
Melita island 38*45 34°40
Melita city and peninsula 38*40 34°45
Temple of Juno 39*00 34°40
Temple of Hercules 38*45 34°35

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Page updated: 31 Jan 10
