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Mauretania Tingitana:
Roman Morocco

[image ALT: three ruined stone arches along a stone-paved street.]

From Volubilis: the remaining arcades of Gordian's Palace, fronting on the cardo.

[image ALT: Ruins of an arcade on a stone-paved street. It is what remains of a street in the Roman city of Volubilis (Morocco).]

Volubilis, surrounded by mountains and tall grasses, is now a remote expanse of ruins. It was once a good-sized Roman city, and the ruins are grand: paved streets, a capitolium, a triumphal arch, a basilica, baths, some splendid mosaics. My small website is a collection of black-and‑white pictures taken nearly 40 years ago.

[ 2 pages, 21 photos ]

[image ALT: A barren stony field. It is the site of the scant remains of the Roman theater at Augusta Zilil, in modern Morocco.]

Augusta Zilil is another remote place in northern Morocco that I knew as a teenager. It used to be called "ad Mercurii" back then, but on the strength of recent finds has been identified as the Zilis or Zilil mentioned in the ancient geographers.

[ 1 page, 1 photo ]

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Page updated: 10 Mar 98
