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For a couple of years the resources listed here constituted a somewhat curious beginning, in which the history of this largest Portuguese-speaking nation in the world was very largely represented by its Dutch history. I've repaired that, and the reader will find a rather well-known history of Brazil onsite as well.
João Pandiá Calógeras' Formação Histórica do Brasil (in Portuguese) is a history of Brazil from the early voyages of European discovery thru to the author's own time. It could well have been titled more explicitly, "The Forging of the Brazilian National Identity".
410 printed pages
And the Dutch did come close to great success in Brazil, with fifty years of vigorous colonization in the northern region; as it is, they did retain part of neighboring Guiana for over three hundred years. My pages on the History of Dutch Brazil and Guyana — most of them for now reproducing articles from the pen of a single author, George Edmundson (one of the most cited authorities on the topic) — trace the course of events from the initial conquests by the Dutch to their final withdrawal.
199 printed pages
The early days of Brazilian military aviation are told, if sketchily and with the barely muted arrogance of a foreign writer, in Chapter 26 of The First Yale Unit. [ 1 webpage, 10 printed pages ] |
Among the journal articles collected in my American History Notes section, two others are relevant to purely Brazilian history: The Influence of the United States on the Opening of the Amazon to the World's Commerce Varnhagen and His Historia Geral do Brasil
[ 10/27/11:
19 printed pages
The field of the icon I use for this subsite is the current Brazilian flag, now over a hundred years old, to which I've added a strip of gold castles on a red background, a prominent feature of the arms of Portugal and of the various flags of Brazil thru three hundred years before that. The gentle reader should not be led astray by the assemblage: it's my own graphic and has never, to my knowledge, served as an actual flag.
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Page updated: 9 Feb 14