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This site is not affiliated with the US Military Academy.

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The following text is reproduced from (the report of the) Fifteenth Annual Reunion of the Association of the Graduates of the United States Military Academy, June 13, 1884.

 p95  Robert B. Wade
No. 2112. Class of 1865.
Died, January 8th,º 1884, at Chicago, Ill., aged 39.

Robert Buchanan Wade, of St. Louis, Mo., died on January 9th,º at the Palmer House, Chicago, from an acute attack of Bright's disease. He was an ex‑officer of the United States Army, and a son of Brevet-Lieutenant R. D. A. Wade, of the Third Artillery. He was born in Savannah, Ga., and entered West Point as a Cadet July 1st, 1861, at which time he was but 16 years of age. He remained there until June 23d, 1865, when he graduated and was promoted to a Lieutenancy in the Seventeenth Infantry. He served in the garrison at Fort Preble, Me., and Hart Island, New York, until April, 1866, when he was assigned to frontier duty at Galveston, Tex. Remaining there until August of the same year, he served as a recruiting officer at Columbus, N. Y., from that time until November, 1868. In January, 1869, after a two months' leave of absence, he joined his regiment at Austin, Texas, continuing on frontier duty until the middle of the following spring, when he entered the garrison at Richmond, Va. He served as Professor of Military Science in the Missouri State University from the latter part of that year until September 22d, 1870, and on the 31st of December following he was honorably discharged from the Army at his own request. Since his retirement from military life, Captain Wade has been the financial agent of the Connecticut Mutual Life Company at St. Louis. He had for a number of years been a sufferer from Bright's disease, for which medical skill afforded him no relief. The remains were removed to St. Louis, where the interment took place.

Army and Navy Register, January 19, 1884.

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Page updated: 7 Jan 14
