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Bill Thayer

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This site is not affiliated with the US Military Academy.

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The following text is reproduced from (the report of the) Twenty-Third Annual Reunion of the Association of the Graduates of the United States Military Academy, June 9th, 1892.

 p74  James V. Bomford
No. 695. Class of 1832.
Died, January 6, 1892, at Elizabeth, New Jersey, aged 80.

General​a1 James V. Bomford, Colonel, United States Army, retired, died suddenly yesterday at his home, 116 West Jersey Street, Elizabeth, New Jersey, of which city he was one of the most honored residents. General Bomford served forty-three years as a soldier, and was born in camp in 1811, his father being an Artillery officer in the American army. He was graduated at West Point, where he was a noted athlete, and entered the army as a Lieutenant, and served gallantly through the Black Hawk war, Seminole war, the Mexican war, and the Rebellion. He was in all the principal battles in Mexico, under both Generals Taylor and Scott, and was the first man to plant the American flag on the citadel of the City of Mexico. He was brevetted Major for gallant conduct at Contreras and Churubusco, and Lieutenant-Colonel for bravery at the storming of Molino del Rey. He was Lieutenant-Colonel of the Eighth United States Infantry stationed on the Texas frontier when Fort Sumter was fired upon, and was surrendered by General Twiggs, but refused to give his parole not to fight against the Confederacy.

 p75  For this patriotic act he was held a prisoner from April, 1861 to May, 1862, and on his return to the North was given a magnificent ovation by the patriotic citizens of Elizabeth, the whole town turning out to do him honor. He at once offered his services to the Government and fought bravely in the great struggle, being twice wounded and left for dead on the field at Perryville, where he was shot through the body. He was brevetted Colonel for bravery in this battle, being then Chief of Staff to Major-General Indicates a West Point graduate, Class of 1852: a link to his biographical entry in Cullum's Register.McCook.

When the war ended, Colonel Bomford was a Brevet-Brigadier-General.​a2 He was assigned to the western frontier where he served for several years. He was retired in 1874 with the rank of Brigadier-General.

His wife, who is the daughter of General Newton S. Clark, a Mexican War veteran, two daughters and one son survive him. One daughter is the wife of Major French of the United States army, and the younger is married to Carl Werdner, an Elizabeth artist. His son is Captain George Bomford of the regular army, retired. — New York Times, Jan. 7, 1892.

Thayer's Note:

a1 a2 The brevet rank of General here explicitly given him is not mentioned in Cullum. I don't know whether Bvt. Brigadier-General is right; it wouldn't be the first time The New York Times was in error though, and his tombstone (q.v.) has Colonel.

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