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The following text is reproduced from (the report of the) Twenty-Fourth Annual Reunion of the Association of the Graduates of the United States Military Academy, June 9th, 1893.
Among the many lovely traits which adorned his character, it would be difficult to accord them separate enumeration. Gentle and affectionate to those he loved, indifferent to others, Colonel Hudson possessed a fund of philosophy which seemed to elevate him above all trivial surroundings, and afford him absolute contentment. He was true to every trust; true to his friends, and true to himself. Generous, brave and chivalrous, he was the idol of all whom he honored with his friendship. The writer was intimate with him from early boyhood, having lived with him at West Point, in camp and barracks, serving subsequently together through several Western campaigns, and associated in social intercourse to the last. During this entire period, comprising almost a life-time, no harsh or cruel word was ever spoken between us.
In all relations of life Colonel Hudson was a model worthy of imitation.
He never sought the intimacy of many men, but to those to whom he gave his friendship returned the same with more than ordinary devotion. To such, he was as true as steel, sparing no pains to advance their interests and welfare, and ever ready and willing to divide his last dollar. His tastes were all refined and p30 cultivated, his standard of right and wrong of the highest order, and he faithfully and conscientiously discharged every duty devolving upon him, whether of soldier, husband, father, son, brother or friend.
A martyr for many years to acute rheumatism, he was patient under his sufferings, and died a devout member of the great Catholic Church, consoled by the faith he had in its promises to all who devoutly believe in its tenets.
The following comprises his military career: Born in Connecticut; appointed from Connecticut Brevet Second Lieutenant Third Artillery 1st July, 1849; Second Lieutenant Fourth Artillery 12th September, 1850; First Lieutenant 30th April, 1855; Captain Fourteenth Infantry 14th May, 1861; Lieutenant-Colonel Additional Aid-de‑camp 31st March, 1863; Brevet Major 1st August, 1864, for gallant service in the battle of the Wilderness and during the presentº campaign before Richmond, Va.; Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel 13th March, 1865, for gallant and meritorious service during the war; Major Fifteenth Infantry 4th November, 1865; unassigned 15th March, 1869; retired 15th December, 1870.
In conclusion of this sketch I gladly append a letter received from General Seth M. Barton, of Virginia, a dearly loved classmate of the deceased.
Edward McKenney Hudson was a rare admixture, possible only to a gentleman, an earnest man, yet tolerant. Whatever he sought to do, he strove to do well — was not satisfied with mediocrity — but aimed at excellence. Gifted with an artist's instinct and eye, he loved the true and the beautiful, and disdained the low and base. Refined in his manners and tastes, his tongue and his pencil shrank from the coarse and vulgar. His attachments — not weakened by diffusion — were few and therefore strong. Enmity — save to wrong doing, he knew not — nor did detraction ever soil his lips. His friends he 'grappled to his soul with hooks of steel,' and lost not one.
Class of 1849.
a Modern print sources regularly call him Edward McKeever Hudson; based on what source, I don't know.
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