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The following text is reproduced from (the report of the) Twenty-Fifth Annual Reunion of the Association of the Graduates of the United States Military Academy, June 12th, 1894.
On March 10, 1894, at Indianapolis, Indiana, there passed away another of the graduates of the Military Academy, Daniel H. Floyd, Captain and Assistant Quartermaster, U. S. A. Born September 25, 1848, near Middletown, Maryland; in early youth he moved with his family to Indiana, where — until July 1, 1866, he entered West Point — he lived, attending school at Clarksville and Noblesville in that state. Part of this time he also had the advantage of private instruction, which prepared him for the exactions of the Military Academy course.
Graduating from that institution June 15, 1870, Cadet Floyd was appointed Second Lieutenant, Ninth Cavalry, at the time stationed in Texas. Here he saw much hard service, which told so upon his constitution, that in 1874 he was compelled to take a sick leave. September 18, 1875, he was transferred to the Eighteenth Infantry, serving first in the Southern States, and afterwards in the Territory of Montana, meantime passing a year — May 1, 1875, to May 1, 1876 — at the Artillery School of Practice, Fortress Monroe, Virginia.
While stationed with his Regiment at Fort Maginniss, Montana, he was, May 2, 1883, appointed Captain and Assistant Quartermaster. Sent at once to the frontier, Captain Floyd joined at Fort Stanton, New Mexico, July 4, 1883, but almost immediately was transferred as Constructing Quartermaster to the large post, Fort Huachuca, Arizona, then building, and where he remained until May 13, 1886, when he was transferred to, and, July 1, that year, assumed the duties of Depôt Quartermaster at Buffalo, New York. He remained on this duty until November 21, 1887, when he was ordered to take station at Saint Paul, Minnesota, as assistant to the Chief Quartermaster, Department of Dakota. Assuming these duties November 27, 1887, he p70 there remained until June 30, 1892, when he made his final change of station to Columbus Barracks, Ohio, as Depôt Quartermaster, and continued to perform that duty until November 25, 1893, leaving that station November 25th on six months' sick leave, which he spent at his sister's in Indianapolis, until death came to his relief as before mentioned. The immediate cause of death was nervous prostration, of obscure origin.
Such is the brief narrative of Captain Floyd's military career. By his death the service has lost a gallant and devoted officer. Requiescat in pace.
But this narrative can and does show nothing of the character of Captain Floyd as known to his many friends. In that character noble qualities struggled for the master, while nothing sordid there found place. On his death‑bed, when about to pass from time to eternity, he remarked to those about him that he could not recall one act of his that wronged his fellow man. How many of us could or would be willing to make such a remark under similar circumstances? Yet in his case it was literally true, and no one who knew him intimately could for a moment doubt it. He neither thought ill of, nor did ill to any one. Generous to a fault, without one element of selfishness, living more for others than for himself, his life, without the least attempt at concealment, was as well known to the world about him as to himself.
The amiability of his disposition rendered it an easy matter, particularly in the earlier part of his official career, for the designing to impose upon him. Without guile himself, he did not suspect it in others. Thus, under some surroundings, his virtues might become the source of his unhappiness; and there is no doubt but that he was caused many bitter moments by the machinations of some who, until experience had taught him otherwise, he did not suspect of attempts to deceive him. In one conspicuous instance, happening in his young official life, the cup of bitter disappointment at man's perfidy was held to his lips until drained to the dregs. But conscientious rectitude soared in triumph over intrigue, and it was his glorious triumph p71 and vindication that both his Department Commander and the General of the Army sustained him, while those who would have injured him, and who by assailing innocence attempted to cover up their own malevolence, were hurled with ignominy from their fancied seat of intrenched power.
Those acquainted with General William T. Sherman know that he was not over liberal in bestowing praise, or extending congratulations. Yet when Lieutenant Floyd was appointed Captain and Assistant Quartermaster, the General wrote him a handsome letter, felicitating him, and by many good expressions evidenced the happiness of the veteran Commander at the distinction thus conferred upon the modest subaltern and honest man.
The writer of this notice lived for four years in Company C, Battalion of West Point Cadets, with his departed friend. He there learned to know Cadet Floyd's moral worth, and the simple grandureº of his soul — which in kindness went out to all the world. As he lived, so he died, loving and beloved by all. Were the writer to recall the happiest moments passed at our revered Alma Mater, he would select those during "release from quarters," in the Sixth Division of Barracks, when in the company of some of his class-mates, youthful passtimesº banished cares, and song, story and unrestrained mirth obliterated for the time all thought of the oppressive labors of the day. At that epoch of our lives moments of great happiness, in any true sense of the word, were not many. Exactions of unrelenting duties left little time for lighter things. Yet memories of those that were enjoyed are still recalled with great, peculiar, and almost indescribable pleasure. At such times Cadet Floyd usually formed one of the party. In him the spirit of camaraderie found full expression, while his jovial manner, merry laugh, and amusing tales of life in Indiana, insured him always a hearty welcome. Of that collection of congenial, youthful spirits, several have passed into that undiscovered country, from whose bourne no traveller returns — some on the field of battle, perchance far from friends, and others amidst more peaceful surroundings. Some of those remaining p72 have joined the walks of civil life, while most of them — true to their first love — support, in arms, their country's flag, while all, thank God, have died or lived with honor!
Notwithstanding his gentle and affectionate nature, Captain Floyd never married, but he was not without the joys of a home circle, composed of young lady relatives, to whom his devotion was at once beautiful and unremitting. To diffuse happiness and social sunshine in that small circle appeared to be his delight and the measure of his modest ambition.
He was not a great sufferer during his last illness. Eyes of love watched over him, and loving hands ministered to every want. It was seen that the stream of life was slowly ebbing away forever. He appreciated the fact, and foretold the results sooner than any other. The utmost resources of medical skill could but briefly postpone the inevitable. He faced death without a murmur and, with calm resignation sinking into a quiet sleep, his amiable and noble spirit winged its flight.
Farewell, beloved friend. Thou art indeed gone hence a brief space before, yet the memory of thy goodness and good works abides with us, to instruct, to chasten, and to cheer us on our way.
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