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Bill Thayer

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This site is not affiliated with the US Military Academy.

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The following text is reproduced from (the report of the) Twenty-Fifth Annual Reunion of the Association of the Graduates of the United States Military Academy, June 12th, 1894.

 p105  Frank P. Reap
No. 2466. Class of 1872.
Died May 30, 1894, at Pittston, Pennsylvania, aged 42.

Captain Frank P. Reap died yesterday afternoon at the home of his mother, Mrs. M. Reap, on William street, after a long and painful illness. Captain Reap was a son of the late banker, Michael Reap and Mrs. Mary (Boln) Reap. He was born at Pittston, Pennsylvania, February 8, 1852. He attended the public schools at Pittston until 1868, when he entered the West Point Military Academy, from which place he graduated in 1872, and was appointed to a Lieutenancy in the Tenth U. S. Cavalry, and served at Fort Sill, Indian Territory, and Fort Richardson, Texas,º (since abandoned) for three years, during which period in encounters with Indians and in several other ways he was conspicuous for his coolness and bravery. In 1875,​a at the earnest solicitation of his parents, he resigned from the service and returned to this place, where he has since resided. He was immediately appointed to a position as Teller in the Miner's Savings Bank, of which institution his father was President. In 1876 he married Miss Anna McCann, daughter of Mr. Patrick McCann, a wealthy resident of Hyde Park, and in 1878, at the death of his father, he became Cashier of the bank. He was Secretary of the Council for several years, and was elected a member of that body in 1878. He was President of the Councilmanic body for the greater portion of the term he served as Councilman. In 1883, at the earnest solicitation of the members of Company H, Ninth Regiment, N. G. P., he accepted the Captaincy of that organization, which he soon brought to a degree of perfection unequaled by any Company outside the regular service. His estimable wife died in 1886, and since that time he made his home with his mother at the family mansion, on William street. Owing to illness he resigned his position in the bank in 1885, and a few years later resigned from the command  p106 of Company H. For a few years he conducted a real estate agency, and devoted himself to the management of the large property interests of his family, but the condition of his health eventually compelled him to abandon all business for the past six years. At the time the Board of Auditors for this poor district was instituted in 1879, he was appointed a member of the auditing board, and served as Secretary of that body until his withdrawal from all business.

Captain Reap was a man of splendid physique, and when at the head of his command was a handsome, soldierly officer. He was possessed of those straits that win men's admiration and affection. In every sense of the word he was a gentleman, refined, polished and educated. Generous and courteous, it was a pleasure to enjoy his society. He had a kindly disposition and never failed to respond to an appeal for assistance, no matter from which direction it came. In every respect he was calculated to ornament and grace society, and the deplorable illness that cut short his career of usefulness has greatly grieved the many who loved him for his noble traits of character. During all the period of his affliction he bore his sufferings with Christian fortitude and heroism. — Scranton (Penn.) Truth, May 31, 1894.

Thayer's Note:

a His length of time in the service and date of resignation are at variance with the entry in Cullum's Registerq.v.

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Page updated: 9 Jul 14
