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This site is not affiliated with the US Military Academy.

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[image ALT: A head-and-shoulders photograph of a man in early middle age with a rectangular face, with a somewhat drooping moustache; he wears oval wire-rimmed glasses, and has a pleasantly alert expression. He wears an epauleted double-breasted military jacket with several medals. He is Charles Booth Satterlee, a West Point graduate whose career is detailed on this webpage.]

Captain Charles Booth Satterlee

The preceding image, and the text that follows, are reproduced from (the report of the) Thirty-first Annual Reunion of the Association of the Graduates of the United States Military Academy, June 12th, 1900.

 p42  Charles Booth Satterlee
No. 2601. Class of 1876.
Died, July 10, 1899, at Honolulu, Sandwich Islands, aged 44.

Charles Booth Satterlee was born in Monroeton, Pa., in the year 1855, and entered the Military Academy July 1, 1872, and was graduated therefrom June 15, 1876. He was assigned to the Third Regiment of Artillery, and served in that regiment until March 8, 1898, when he was promoted to the grade of Captain and transferred to the Sixth Regiment of Artillery, organized just previous to the declaration of war with Spain. During his service with the Third Artillery, he performed temporarily the duties of Regimental Quartermaster, and in May, 1887, was appointed Adjutant of the regiment, serving as such a full term of four years. While serving with the Third Artillery he was from time to time detached for duty with the militia or National Guard of several States, especially that of the State of Georgia.  p43 He also served at various stations in the east and south, and some time after the war with Spain was declared was ordered to San Francisco and thence to Honolulu, H. I., where he died July 10, 1899, of brain fever.

Captain Satterlee was a man cast in no ordinary mold. His natural abilities, of a high order, were improved by study and cultivation. His hand and brain were never idle, and whatsoever the one or the other found to do, that was ever done quickly and well. He was a deep and close reader, intelligent and discriminating, and his mind was well stored, not only with the knowledge necessary to his profession of arms, but that which was pleasant and profitable, alike for instruction, conversation or discussion in art, science or literature. Ever earnest and diligent in all he undertook, he did not seek to bury his talent in a napkin, but made it manifest in the work of his hand. "Seest thou a man diligent in his business? He shall stand before kings." Thus earnest and diligent in aught else, when he assumed the obligations of the Christian faith, he stood forth at once as a fearless champion of the church militant — a faithful soldier and a servant of the Lord of Heaven and the Savior of mankind, zealous in the work of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew in the southern dioceses of the church. His zeal and industry in the service of the National Guard won the esteem and affection of its members throughout the southern States, especially in Georgia and Alabama. Ever genial in temper, oft in merry mood, he gave pleasure by his sparkling wit and humor, his merry pranks and jests — happy in conception and pleasing in effect. Warm-hearted and sincere, he was a devoted friend, generous and true in all his dealings with his fellow man, he never failed to win the affectionate and grateful regard of all with whom he became associated. A devoted son, ready for any sacrifice for those who gave him birth, he was alike true and loving in the nearer and dearer relation of a husband and father. Indefatigable and earnest in the discharge of every duty, he rendered his country faithful service, and if he did not receive  p44 the full reward his merits and labors deserved, he never failed to receive the just meed of praise and honor from his superiors in rank and position. At last his tired brain gave way under its exhausting toil, palsied by that genius for work which never abated nor rested, and he succumbed to Nature's inexorable law. He fell to sleep where "sky of lazuli and sapphire sea" mingle with the emerald hues of Hawaii's lovely island of Oahu, whilst from —

the vast white dome of Manuaº Loa.

Adown a mighty steep, a Niagara

Of gory-red lava rolled into the sea.

But no scene of fracture, violence and fire disturbed his parting hour; no sound save "soft vowels and laughter" of a kindly, gentle race; whose music "soothed the dull, cold ear of death."

G. H. Gibson

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Page updated: 18 Dec 14
