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This site is not affiliated with the US Military Academy.

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[image ALT: A head‑and-shoulders photograph, three-quarters left, of a man in early middle age. His face is long and rectangular and he has a high forehead and wavy hair; he sports a fairly unobtrusive drooping moustache. He wears a plain United States Army uniform tunic with a low‑rising collar; on his shoulders epaulets of rank. He is Albert Blackstone Scott, a West Point graduate and Army officer whose career is detailed on this webpage.]

Albert Blackstone Scott

The preceding image, and the text that follows, are reproduced from (the report of the) Thirty-Eighth Annual Reunion of the Association of the Graduates of the United States Military Academy, June 13th, 1907.

 p47  Albert B. Scott
No. 2859. Class of 1880.
Died, January 10th, 1906, at Milledgeville, Ga., aged 48.

Major Albert Blackstone Scott was born at the arsenal, in San Antonio, Texas, on October 29, 1858, in the quarters of his grandfather, General Indicates a West Point graduate and gives his Class.R. H. K. Whitely, U. S. Army, who was at that time in command at that post. Major Scott's father was Judge Scott, of New Orleans.

He was reared by his grandfather in the State of Pennsylvania and was appointed to the Military Academy at West Point in 1876 by General Indicates a West Point graduate and gives his Class.U. S. Grant and graduated from said Academy in 1880. He was assigned to the Thirteenth U. S. Infantry, then stationed at Fort Wingate, New Mexico, and served with this regiment until his retirement. He spent eight years on the frontier.

From 1888 to 1891 he was Commandant of Cadets at the Maryland Agricultural College, and from 1891 to 1894 was with his regiment in Oklahoma. In 1894 he was detailed as Commandant of Cadets at the Georgia Military College at Milledgeville, Georgia, and served in this position until 1898, when his regiment was ordered to Cuba to take part in the Spanish-American War.

In the battle at San Juan Hill, on July 1, 1898, Major Scott, then Captain, was severely wounded, a bullet entering the neck, just in front of the angle of the jaw, in the right side, passed entirely through the neck and came out on the left side of the spine, breaking the tip off of the fifth vertebrae. He was reported killed, and it was several days before his friends and relatives knew to the contrary. He was brought to the United States, and for a year he lay on his bed unable to speak aloud. At the end of a year he rallied somewhat and was able  p48 to move about with the aid of a crutch. His right arm was entirely paralyzed and his right leg partially so. He was unable to walk without assistance, a body servant being always within arm's length.

In 1900 Major Scott was ordered to Fort McPherson, Georgia, for light duty, and while serving with the greatest difficulty and always suffering severe pain, he took great pride in performing all the duties that came to him.

In 1902 Major Scott, at the request of the Military College and the citizens of Milledgeville, Georgia, was detailed for the second time as Commandant of Cadets of the Georgia Military College, and served until he was relieved in 1905. He was promoted to Major and retired July 28, 1905.

Major Scott was admitted to the bar at Milledgeville, Georgia, at the July term, 1895, of Baldwin Superior Court. It was his ambition, after retirement, to enter into the active practice of law, and he did open an office in Milledgeville, Georgia. He was terribly handicapped in following any profession, owing to the awful wound received in the Spanish-American War, and which rendered him almost helpless, but whenever his physical condition would permit he was a regular attendant upon the Courts of Baldwin County until his death.

Major Scott died in Milledgeville, Georgia, January 10th, 1906, from the effects of the wound received at San Juan Hill. He is buried in the cemetery at Milledgeville, Georgia.

Major Scott was a born soldier, having been born and reared in army posts and educated in the U. S. Military Academy. He was patient and kind, retiring in disposition, never seeking notoriety.

He was a great sufferer and bore his sufferings patiently. He was a loyal friend, a scholar­ly gentleman, and he died a soldier and a Christian. Major Scott was recommended for Brevet Major for gallantry in action at San Juan Hill in 1898 by General Indicates a West Point graduate and gives his Class.Kent.

 p49  General R. H. K. Whitely, Ordnance Corps, U. S. Army, grandfather of Major Scott, graduated from West Point in 1830, and served with distinction, until retired from age.

Major Scott was twice married. His first wife was Miss Agnes Newell, of Baltimore, Md., whose father was M. A. Newell, President of the Maryland Normal School of Baltimore. From this union there was one child, A. Newell Scott, who is now living at Elizabeth, Pennsylvania.

Major Scott married Miss Mary Howell, of Pennsylvania. She was a daughter of Brigadier-General J. B. Howell, U. S. Volunteers, who at the beginning of the Civil War, raised his own regiment, Fifty-eighth Pennsylvania Volunteers, became its Colonel, served with brilliant record and was killed before Petersburg, Va., in September, before the War closed, this daughter being then in infancy. Of this union two children were born, who are living with their mother in Milledgeville, Georgia.

Katherine Scott is now 12 years of age and Agnes Scott is 10 years of age.

Major Scott's mother, Mary M. Scott, who is now 76 years of age, lives with her daughter-in‑law, Mary H. Scott, in Milledgeville, Georgia.

Major Albert B. Scott was an only child.


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Page updated: 22 Apr 16
