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The preceding image, and the text that follows, are reproduced from (the report of the) Sixty-fifth Annual Reunion of the Association of the Graduates of the United States Military Academy, June 11, 1934.
Military History
Cadet at the Military Academy, June 14, 1876, to June 11, 1880, when he was graduated, and, availing himself of the provisions of Section 5 of the Act of Congress approved June 23, 1879, was
Honorably Discharged, June 11, 1880.
Captain, Q. M. C., Officers Reserve Corps, July 16, 1917; Transport Quartermaster on board U. S. Army Transport Neches, July 20, 1917; fitting out at Newport News, Va., to Oct. 7, 1917, and making two round trips to France, to Feb. 20, 1918; at Hoboken, N. J., in charge of School for Quartermasters, to Mar. 1, 1918; on board of U. S. S. Leviathan, making one trip to Liverpool, to Apr. 1, 1918; sick Apr. 18, to May 17, 1918; at New York City with Transport service, May 17, 1918, to –––––
(Cullum Register)
Honorably discharged after World War with rank of major.
p107 Civil History
At New York City, practicing law and teaching to June 5, 1917; Degree of L.L.B., Columbia, 1882; member of the Bar of State of New York; member of the Board of Selectmen, Franklin, Mass., 1889; Trustee Benjamin Franklin Savings Bank, 1894‑1902; Chairman Board of Education, Franklin, Mass., 1901‑1902; Teacher and Principal in Public School System, New York City, 1903 to 1909; joint author of Elementary Civics.
(Cullum Register)
Charles Stewart was born March 31, 1858, at Farmington, Connecticut, where he passed his childhood and early life and where he attended the public schools. He was given an appointment to the Military Academy in 1876; and he reported in April of that year, with most of the Class of 1880, in order to accompany the Corps of Cadets to the Centennial Exposition at Philadelphia.
At the Academy Stewart was a studious cadet, with many warm friends in his class and with the liking and respect of all. This same liking and esteem he had from his associates in civil life to the day of his death. At the time the class graduated the vacancies in the army could not absorb all its members; and Congress, in 1879, passed a law giving an honorable discharge to those who might choose to leave the service, for a professional or business career. Stewart took advantage of this law and was discharged on the day he graduated. Most of those who left the service in this way did so with opportunities already at hand to make a good start in civil life, but Stewart had nothing of the sort; and, for the first years, he encountered difficulties and hardships which were little realized by his classmates. One of his outstanding characteristics was a bulldog determination to succeed in anything he undertook, and this characteristic was never more evidenced than in his subsequent career in civil life. He entered the law school of Columbia University, was given a degree, and was admitted to the Bar of the State of New York in 1882. During these two years he helped support himself by teaching in a night school, and after admission to the bar he continued teaching when not actively engaged in law practice. He was a born instructor, and he later attained a prominent position in the public school system of New York City which he held for many years. One of his pupils at that time, now a member of the faculty of the Ohio State University, states that he was much liked by his classes for his ability and his sense of justice.
Because of failing health he later moved to Franklin, Massachusetts, where he engaged in manufacturing. Here he remained for several years, becoming a prominent and respected member of the community. He was made a Selectman, became President of the Board of Education, and served as Trustee of a local bank. Returning to New York he again entered the public school system and continued his success as a teacher and as a principal until he finally retired.
p108 At the outbreak of the World War Stewart volunteered his services to the War Department. The summary of this service, taken from the Cullum Register, does not indicate the importance of his work, aside from Transport Quartermaster. He was, after such service, kept in New York for work on boards where questions of supply and large property interests were involved, and was so employed until after the war when he was discharged as major.
During all these years his classmates, or most of them, saw or knew little of him except as they met him at class reunions. Like most cadets who leave the service before or after graduation he retained his affection for the Academy, for his classmates, for his West Point friends, and he had the vivid recollections of cadet days that these former members have, to a greater extent, perhaps, than those who continue in the service. He never failed to attend the graduation exercises and the reunions in New York, and he enjoyed them to the utmost. It was at such time that the others saw that he was the same "Stewart, C." as in the four years of close contact at the Academy, and all realised that the reunions would not have been the same without his genial presence.
Charles Edward Hewitt, whose obituary is published in this Annual Report of the Association of Graduates, was the only member of the Class of 1880 who resigned with Stewart. They were together in New York for many years and kept up their old‑time friendship. Both died during the latter part of 1933. Both of them had lived long and successful lives; and both carried out, as best they could, the ideals that West Point instills in its sons.
Charles Stewart married Estelle Mae McIntyre of New York City in July, 1882. Two children were born to them: a son, Charles Arthur Stewart, who became a geologist, took his degree as Ph. D., and died in September, 1914, while a member of the faculty of a Western University; and a daughter, Mrs. C. W. Niles, of Scarsdale, N. Y. Mrs. Stewart and the daughter survive him. His home life was an ideal and happy one for more than fifty years.
The writer last saw Stewart at the funeral of their classmate, Charles Edward Hewitt, at West Point in August, 1933. He was then none too well, but he retained the same geniality and cheerfulness as of old. To the members of '80 who were present the lasting memory of the Stewart all had known so many years ago is what he would have wished most — a happy one.
He is buried in Greenwood Cemetery, Brooklyn, New York.
A Classmate.
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