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September 25

This webpage reproduces a section of
The Collected Works
of Ducrot Pepys

Ronan C. Grady

Newburgh, N. Y., 1943

The text is in the public domain.

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and I believe it to be free of errors.
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October 23

This site is not affiliated with the US Military Academy.

 p56  October 9, 1942 . . . .

Monday. Early graduation is still developing. Also I note that a spirit not only martial but marital is developing among my classmates. They are continually bedecking some comely young lass with gems and making promises which, Lord help them, they intend to keep. This can lead only to unhappiness, Army brats, and someone's getting trampled to death on the Chapel steps. One of my more feckless friends has already asked me to his wedding. A charming girl but I have doubts as to her abilities as a cook and I have none concerning his. There are probably compensating factors about which I know little but to a practical eye the outlook is gloomy. Nevertheless, I shall attend the wedding and choke down my fears and oceans of champagne and incidentally wish them joy. My other wife, praise be to Allah, has not shown any tendencies in the marrying line. This does not redound to his credit, however, as it is due less to his reasoning powers than to blunted reflexes. At any rate it's comforting to think that he will not be perpetuating his kind.

[image ALT: A drawing of a young man and a pretty young woman with very long eyelashes. He wears a jacket distinctive by a wide stripe down the center. He holds her by the shoulder, and she gazes at a ring on her outstretched hand. It is a cartoon of a West Point cadet and his intended bride.]

"To a practical eye the outlook is gloomy."

Tuesday. After several weeks of eating at a thirty‑man table I am thankful that carbon dioxide poison is not accumulative.

Wednesday. My other wife is continually casting longing looks at passing airplanes and blondes. The poor oaf does not realize how fortunate he is. If the authorities had not interfered, by now he would certainly have joined the ranks of the Under Ground Cadets, but as they short-sightedly did interfere he is still messily alive. However both he and I were comforted by the order sending the Air Cadets back to Drill and Parade. The picturesque screams of the Air Cadets were very amusing. Let us hope they will take these lessons to heart and use them in the air. I devoutly pray that some of my aerial friends will absent-mindedly attempt to form for shelter tents to the left. I hope I can see his face as he places his propeller beside his left foot.

Thursday. The Blue Book, what with interpolations and all, has been bulking large in the public eye lately. History will certainly give the Blue Book an important and appropriate place — beside the Prescription Lists of Sulla and the Field Manual for the Gestapo.

Friday. My other wife has lately been complaining that it is always cloudy. It is really only that his eyebrows have grown amazingly the past few weeks but I do not feel that it is my place to tell him.

Saturday. Bah.

Sunday. As if my corpuscles were not enough trouble I am now supporting a few old ulcers who have evidently lost both ambition and pride.

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Page updated: 16 Aug 12
