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100th Night

This webpage reproduces a section of
The Collected Works
of Ducrot Pepys

Ronan C. Grady

Newburgh, N. Y., 1943

The text is in the public domain.

This page has been carefully proofread
and I believe it to be free of errors.
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April 25

This site is not affiliated with the US Military Academy.

 p22  April 11, 1941 . . . .

Monday. My other wife has been having quite a time lately. It is so light at reveille that he has been waking up early and then getting in a frenzy of fear that he has missed formation. My sane wife took it upon himself to explain about the solstices and how the sun rises earlier at some times than at others. He made no headway but I finally told my other wife the brownies did it, which explanation did content him. I fear me that when we go on daylight saving time there is going to be trouble.

Tuesday. In drawing today my other wife found out that the cross hairs were in the transit for a purpose and were not just dirt. After this discovery he reduced his error by a half and said he was thinking of making a career of surveying. Lately my sane wife has been sitting around telling us in a hearty voice that parades are not far off, ha, ha. Tonight he was calling imaginary batts to and shining his breastplate when my other wife bit him. This biting is another unpleasant habit my other wife has picked up; no one can now go into his alcove without being snapped at.

[image ALT: A drawing of a young man in a uniform — belts crossed over his chest, military cap, trousers with a wide stripe down the left leg — examining a large squarish metal object that shines resplendently: it is the breastplate to those belts. Behind him a second man is creeping up, wearing a towel, holding his hands in front of him like claws, and prominently baring his teeth. It is a cartoon of a West Point cadet about to be bitten by one of his roommates.]

"He was calling imaginary batts to. . ."

Wednesday. I thought that everything that possibly could have, had happened to me, but I was in error. At present we are being taught life saving. My other wife is very poor at this. As far as I can see the only thing that keeps him up is surface tension, as once he goes under, he stays under. My sane wife was practi­cing the carries on me today and as usual overdid it. After he tried the hair carry he had enough of my scalp to make any Indian jealous. Sometimes I sit for hours wondering how I stay alive. And sometimes I wonder if I have, or if I am reaping the rewards for a misspent life.

Thursday. Spring vacation starts tomorrow. For the past few days my other wife has been saying spring vacation and then making a nasty hacking noise which from him means ironic laughter. I have been chiming in with him at times.

Friday. Long week‑end is here. I know because somebody told me. Gazed about the house today.

Saturday. My sane wife at loose ends today because of no S. I. An exceptionally amusing Donald Duck cartoon was shown tonight. My other wife was so taken by it he gave tongue like a howling dog and had to be led out.

Sunday. I love Sundays. My wives love Sundays. Everybody I know loves Sundays.

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Page updated: 16 Aug 12
