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Bill Thayer

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December 20

This webpage reproduces a section of
The Collected Works
of Ducrot Pepys

Ronan C. Grady

Newburgh, N. Y., 1943

The text is in the public domain.

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and I believe it to be free of errors.
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January 17

This site is not affiliated with the US Military Academy.

 p15  January 3, 1941 . . . .

Monday. Only three more days of freedom and then back in our alcoves. Went to the Hop tonight and enjoyed myself very much. Detected a strained, hectic note in the gaiety though. A sort of "Eat, drink punch, and be merry, for tomorrow we die" attitude. Home, slightly distressed as to mind, and to bed. Up again to club my sane wife into silence as it appears that in a moment of weakness he offered his rifle to his young lady as a souvenir and she accepted. He was a bit worried as to what was the proper course to pursue, and was complaining his lot bitterly and at the top of his voice.

Tuesday. The Hop this night was excellent though the festivities were marred somewhat by my other wife who brought his bayonet with him to ensure himself a safe passage to the boodle. My sane wife has persuaded his young lady to wait until he is issued a Garand​a before he gives her his rifle.

Wednesday. Today is the end. The upperclassmen came back this evening. The only ones that had open eyes were those whose lower eyelids were dragged open by the weight of the bags underneath them. Supper this evening not as bad as I expected. Everyone seemed stupefied. The table com. fell asleep in his chops.

[image ALT: A drawing of the face of a man of indeterminate age, who wears a military hat sideways, has loosened his high collar, and looks much the worse for wear: very wrinkled, disheveled, and prominent bags under his eyes. He wears a card hanging by a string around his neck, reading 'I C'. It is a cartoon of a West Point upperclassman back from Christmas leave.]

Thursday. This morning at breakfast a cow at my table opened both eyes, looked around, and screamed "Oh God, I'm back"; he spent the rest of the meal sobbing and bra­cing us. Gym again and more rigorous than ever. I was three years old before I took my first toddling steps and even now I have to exercise constant care that I do not fall over on my face while marching. Therefore it is a great strain on me to be taught tumbling. I fear me I shall break my bones with these flying rolls and what not. My other wife spun in to a landing today and virtually erased one ear.

Friday. My other wife this morning was gunner. The oaf gave the days since Christmas. The upperclassmen at his table now match for the right to correct his posture.

Saturday. S. I. today, my sane wife slightly cheered up. The Tac's face was the only happy one. The cows all seem to have acquired hunched shoulders and long eyeteeth and extremely evil dispositions. They also seem only to come out from under their red comforters for formations.

Sunday. Five months is a long time.

Thayer's Note:

a The M‑1 Garand rifle, more often just referred to as the M‑1.

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Page updated: 16 Aug 12
