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April 25

This webpage reproduces a section of
The Collected Works
of Ducrot Pepys

Ronan C. Grady

Newburgh, N. Y., 1943

The text is in the public domain.

This page has been carefully proofread
and I believe it to be free of errors.
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May 23

This site is not affiliated with the US Military Academy.

 p24  May 9, 1941 . . . .

Monday. This day we did have tests in life saving. There is now such a quantity of water in my ears that a heavy surf prevents me from hearing anything. My other wife is in a bad way too, he ripples when the wind blows on him. I myself think that if a person is so foolish as to venture into water over his knees he deserves all that could happen to him and the less fuss made over saving him the better. My other wife also has a new hobby. He is trying to start a termite colony on the Plain. With what dark end in mind I can not say.

Tuesday. We removed our Full Dress Hats from the trunk room today. My sane wife is overjoyed. He told me he thought he was going stale on just waist plates, breast plates, the alcove books, and the frogs on his rifle: but now that he has something worthy of him he feels like a new man. In tactics today we made triangles. My other wife did very poorly but as he made his by removing his bolt and peering through the barrel, the theory of sights being beyond him, he is not really to blame.

[image ALT: A drawing of a young man, wearing trousers held up by suspenders over his T‑shirt: he is standing at a desk, on which, on a blotter, are spread out a tall more or less cubical hat with a plume, and an assortment of tins and rags. He is rubbing his hands together at face height, and wears an expression something like the one we have for a small cute child who has just done something funny. It is a cartoon of a West Point cadet about to polish his dress hat.]

"My sane wife is overjoyed . ."

Wednesday. My sane wife has lately taken to biting off his snores in a military manner. It is very hard on us. I shot some Skeet this afternoon. It is a sport analogous to throwing rocks at humming birds. Which is something I have also tried although I at least gave some humming birds a few bad moments.

Thursday. We have taken to the field in Surveying. The equipment we drew was most interesting. The rods fold in the middle, a phenomenon that stopped my other wife cold. He finally learned to open a rod out but never learned how to lock it in place. As a result, he was continually scampering away from his rod shrieking "timber". He was a little slow once and as the rods are long and heavy he boomed like a beaten drum. It was the only good moment in an otherwise harrowing two hours.

Friday. My other wife had to go to the dentist's this morning. He came back and told us he expected that he would not have to go again. From the way he sat around picking his teeth and saying the best dentist I ever tasted I will give odds on it. Things were bad in this room for a while until I told him I had a silver bullet; I also sharpened one end of a window stick in a meaning manner, so he has behaved with us.

Saturday. My other wife had his usual trouble at S. I. I think he would do well to change his way of putting on his belts. He just bangs them on the alcove rail and then runs blindly through them. It is very inefficient.

Sunday. Bah. Humbug.

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Page updated: 16 Aug 12
