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Bill Thayer

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[decorative delimiter]

 [decorative delimiter] Class of 1841

Vol. II

(Born La.)

Smith Stansbury

(Ap'd Md.)


Military History. — Cadet at the Military Academy, July 1, 1837, to July 1, 1841, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to

Bvt. Second Lieut., Ordnance, July 1, 1841.

Served: as Asst. Ordnance Officer at Ft. Monroe Arsenal, Va., 1841‑42, — at Washington Arsenal, D. C., 1842‑43, — at Ft. Monroe Arsenal, 1843, — and at Mt. Vernon Arsenal, Va.,º 1843‑44.

Resigned, May 31, 1844.

Civil History. — Banking-house Clerk, Baltimore, Md., 1848‑61.

Joined in the Rebellion of 1861‑66 against the United States.​a

Died, Apr. 26, 1864, at St. Johns, N. B.: Aged 44.

Buried, Camp Hill Cemetery, Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Thayer's Note:

a As with other Confederate officers, Cullum's Register omits his war record. According to Greg Marquis, In Armageddon's Shadow: The Civil War and Canada's Maritime Provinces — my source also for the exact day of his death — he kept on serving in the Ordnance: in 1862 he commanded the Richmond Arsenal on Byrd Island, was promoted Major that year and was appointed to a board to examine officer candidates; he was afterwards posted to Bermuda to oversee ordnance procurement thru the Union naval blockade; he arrived in Canada on sick leave in the spring of 1864, where he died: in Halifax according to Marquis, not at St. Johns as stated by Cullum.

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Page updated: 11 Oct 13
