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Vol. II |
(Born Pa.) |
Andrew W. Bowman |
(Ap'd Pa.) |
Military History. — Cadet at the Military Academy, July 1, 1837, to July 1, 1841, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to Bvt. Second Lieut., 1st Infantry, July 1, 1841. Served: in garrison at Ft. Crawford, Wis., 1841‑42; in the Florida (Second Lieut., 3d Infantry, Apr. 30, 1842) War, 1842; in garrison at Ft. Stansbury, Fla., 1842‑43; on frontier duty at Ft. Leavenworth, Kan., 1843‑44, 1845, — and Ft. Jesup (Camp Wilkins), La., 1845; in Military Occupation of Texas, 1845‑46; in the War with Mexico, 1846‑48,a being engaged in the Battle of Palo Alto, May 8, 1846, — Battle of Resaca-de‑la‑Palma, May 9, 1846, — Battle of Monterey, Sep. 21‑23, 1846, — Siege of Vera Cruz, Mar. 9‑29, 1847, — Battle (First Lieut., 3d Infantry, Sep. 21, 1846) of Cerro Gordo, Apr. 17‑18, 1847, — and Assault and Capture of the
(Bvt. Captain, Apr. 18, 1847,
City of Mexico, Sep. 13‑14, 1847; as Quartermaster, 3d Infantry, Mar. 28, 1847, to Apr. 30, 1852; on frontier duty near San Antonio, Tex., 1848‑49, — March to El Paso, 1849, — Ft. Bliss, Tex., 1849‑52, — and Ft. Fillmore, N. M., 1852; on Recruiting service, 1852; on Detached service at (Captain, 3d Infantry, June 6, 1852) Washington, D. C., 1852‑54; on frontier duty at Ft. Fillmore, N. M., 1854‑55, — Ft. Stanton, N. M., 1855‑56, — Ft. Massachusetts, Col., 1856, — Ft. Garland, Col., 1857, — on March to Utah, 1858, — and Ft. Garland, Col., 1858‑59; on leave of absence, 1859‑60; on frontier duty at Ringgold Barracks, Tex., 1860‑61, — Ft. Brown, Tex., 1861, — Camp Wetherill (mouth of the Rio Grande), Tex., 1861, — and Indianola, Tex., where (Major, 9th Infantry, June 7, 1862) he was captured by Texas Rebels, Apr. 25, 1861, and not exchanged till Aug. 27, 1862; and in garrison at Ft. Columbus, N. Y., 1862. Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1863‑66: in command of Ft. Vancouver, Wash., Feb. 14 to Aug., 1863; in command of Regiment at the Presidio, San Francisco, Cal., Sep. 8, 1863, to Jan. 25, 1864; as Acting Inspector-General of the Department of the Pacific, Feb. 13, 1864, to Apr. 5, 1865; and in command of Regiment at Point San José, Cal., Apr. 5, 1865, to Mar. 20, 1866. Served: in command of District of Humboldt, Cal., Mar. 20, 1866, to (Lieut.‑Colonel in 31st Infantry, June 6, 1867) Aug. 9, 1867, — and at Camp Gaston, Cal., to Oct., 1867; on leave of p103 absence, Oct., 1867, to Apr., 1868; and in garrison at Ft. Buford, Dak., May 14, 1868, to Jan. 29, 1869. Died, July 17, 1869, at Omaha, Neb.: Aged 50. |
a In his diary, Philip Barbour gives us half-glimpses of Lt. Bowman's court-martial in the entries for July 19 and July 25.
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Page updated: 28 Apr 15