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 [decorative delimiter] Class of 1846

Vol. II

(Born N. H.)

Charles E. Blunt​a

(Ap'd at Large)


Charles Edward Blunt: Born Feb. 1, 1823.

Military History. — Cadet at the Military Academy, July 1, 1842, to July 1, 1846, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to

Bvt. Second Lieut., Corps of Engineers, July 1, 1846.

Served: as Asst. Engineer in the construction of Ft. Winthrop, Boston harbor, Mas., 1846‑52 and 1853; and as Superintending Engineer

(Second Lieut., Corps of Engineers, Feb. 28, 1848)

of Survey of East Dennis Breakwater, Mas., preservation of Woods Hollº and Provincetown Harbors, Mas., and repairs of Hyannis Breakwater, Mas., 1852, — of preservation of Plymouth Beach, Mas., 1853, — of the construction of Ft. Montgomery, Rouse's Point, N. Y., 1854‑61, — and of

(First Lieut. Corps of Engineers, Feb. 2, 1854)

(Captain, Corps of Engineers, July 1, 1860,
for Fourteen Years' Continuous Service)

the repairs of Ft. Wayne, Detroit, Mich., and Fts. Porter, Niagara, and Ontario, N. Y., 1854‑61.

Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861‑66: as Asst. Engineer in the construction of the Defenses of Washington, D. C., south of the Potomac, May 4 to Nov. 20, 1861; as Superintending Engineer of the construction of the Defenses of Boston harbor and Massachusetts Bay, Nov. 20, 1861, to Jan. 16, 1865; in general charge of Fts.

(Major, Corps of Engineers, Mar. 3, 1863)

Porter and Niagara, N. Y., Nov. 20, 1861, to May 21, 1863; as Superintending Engineer of the modifications of Ft. Independence, Mas., June 17 to Sep. 6, 1865, — and of Ft. Warren, Mas., June 17, 1865, to Apr. 1, 1867; and as Member of the Board of Engineers, Jan. 20, 1865, to

(Bvt. Lieut.‑Colonel, June 30, 1866,
for Long and Faithful Services during the Rebellion)

(Bvt. Colonel, June 30, 1866,
for Meritorious Services during the Rebellion)

(Lieut.‑Col., Corps of Engineers, Mar. 7, 1867)

May 18, 1867, to carry out in detail the modifications of the Defenses in the vicinity of Boston, Mas., as proposed by the Board of Jan. 27, 1864.

Served: as Superintending Engineer of Ft. Montgomery, N. Y., Nov. 20, 1861, to Jan. 10, 1868, — of Harbor Improvements on Lake Champlain, 1865, to Feb., 1868, — of Ft. Ontario, N. Y., Nov. 20, 1861, to Nov., 1868, — of the Harbor Improvements on the St. Lawrence and Lake Ontario, 1865 to Nov., 1868, — of Ft. Niagara, N. Y., Jan. 22 to Nov., 1868, — of Surveys of Niagara Ship Canal, 1867‑68, — of Seventh Light-house District, Dec., 1868, to Mar. 21, 1870, and Sep. 1, 1870, to Jan., 1874, — of Fts. Taylor and Jefferson, Fla., Dec., 1868, to Feb. 26, 1870, and Sep. 1, 1870, to Jan., 1874 (suspended, Feb. 26 to May 26, 1870), and on leave of absence, June 3 to Nov. 25, 1872), — of Defenses of Portsmouth Harbor, N. H., Feb. 28 to May 30, 1874, — of River and  p256 Harbor Improvements on Lake Erie, west of Cleveland, O., July 1, 1874, to Dec. 1, 1876, and east of Cleveland, July 1, 1874, to Dec. 31, 1877, — of Tenth Light-house District, July 1, 1874, to Dec. 30, 1876, — and of Fts. Porter, N. Y., and Wayne, Mich., July 1, 1874, to Dec. 31, 1877; as Member of Board on Improvement of Buffalo Harbor, N. Y., and Harbor of Refuge, at New Buffalo, Lake Michigan, Jan., 1868, — on Improvement of Erie Harbor, Pa., Mar. 5‑18, 1868, and Aug. 18 to Sep. 3, 1874, — on Improvement of Ogdensburg and Oswego Harbors, N. Y., May, 1868, — and on Cleveland Breakwater, O., Apr. 21 to June 14, 1875; and suspended from rank and command, with forfeiture of $150 per month, from Mar. 6, 1878, to Mar. 6, 1879; in charge of Fortifications in Maine and New Hampshire, May 31, 1879, — and of certain River and Harbor Improvements and Surveys in Maine and New Hampshire, Jan. 16, 1883, to Mar. 1, 1886; as Engineer of the First

(Colonel, Corps of Engineers, June 30, 1882)

Lighthouse District, July 1, 1879, — and of the Second District, June 30, 1881, to Jan. 31, 1883; in charge of the Defenses of Boston Harbor, and fieldworks on the Massachusetts coast from Provincetown to Gloucester, July 12, 1882, to Jan. 19, 1883; as Superintending Engineer of certain districts in charge of junior officers, Mar. 1, 1886, to Jan. 10, 1887; and on leave of absence, Sep 10, 1886, to Jan. 10, 1887.

Retired from Active Service, at his own request, Jan. 10, 1887, after 40 Years' Service.

Vol. IV
[Supplement, Vol. IV: 1890‑1900]

Military History. — Retired officer.

Died July 10, 1892, at Boston, Mass.: Aged 69.

Buried, Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, VA.

Thayer's Note:

a Father of Indicates a West Point graduate, Class of 1872: a link to his biographical entry in Cullum's Register.Stanhope E. Blunt, Class of 1872.

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Page updated: 11 Oct 13
