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 [decorative delimiter] Class of 1846

Vol. II

(Born Mas.)

George H. Derby

(Ap'd Mas.)


George Horatio Derby: Born 1823.

Military History. — Cadet at the Military Academy, July 1, 1842, to July 1, 1846, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to

Bvt. Second Lieut., Ordnance, July 1, 1846.

Transferred to Top. Engineers, Aug. 12, 1846.

Served: as Asst. Top. Engineer on Survey of New Bedford Harbor, Mas., 1846; in the War with Mexico, 1846‑47, being engaged in the Siege of Vera Cruz, Mar. 9‑29, 1847, — and Battle of Cerro Gordo, Apr. 17‑18, 1847, where he was severely wounded; on sick leave of

(Bvt. First Lieut., Apr. 18, 1847,
for Gallant and Meritorious Conduct in the Battle of Cerro Gordo, Mex.)

absence, disabled by wound, Apr. 18 to Oct., 1847; as Assistant in the Topographical Bureau at Washington, D. C., 1847‑48; on Explorations in Minnesota Territory, 1848‑49, — in the Department of the Pacific, 1849‑52, — and in the Department of Texas, 1852; in charge of the

(Second Lieut., Top. Engineers, Aug. 4, 1851)

Survey and Improvement of San Diego harbor, 1853‑54; on the Staff of the Commanding General of the Department of the Pacific, 1854‑55;

(First Lieut., Top. Engineers, Oct. 2, 1855)

in charge of Military Roads in the Department of the Pacific, 1855‑56; on Coast Survey, Apr. 30 to June 9, 1856; as Light-house Engineer, May 15, 1857, to Nov. 2, 1859; and on sick leave of absence, Dec. 20,

(Captain, Top. Engineers, July 1, 1860, for 14 Years' Continuous Service)

1859, to May 15, 1861.

 p262  Civil History. — Author, under the nom de plume of "John Phoenix," of "Phoenixiana; or, Sketches and Burlesques," 1856, — and of "Squibob Papers," 1860.

Died, May 15, 1861, at New York city: Aged 38.

Buried, West Point Cemetery, West Point, NY.

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Page updated: 15 Feb 13
