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 [decorative delimiter] Class of 1853

Vol. II

(Born N. Y.)

Alexander Chambers

(Ap'd N. Y.)


Born Aug. 23, 1832, Great Valley, NY.

Military History. — Cadet at the Military Academy, Jul. 1, 1849, to July 1, 1853, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to

Bvt. Second Lieut. of Infantry, July 1, 1853.

 p566  Served: in garrison at Ft. Columbus, N. Y., 1853‑54; on frontier duty at Ft. McIntosh, Tex., 1854, — Scouting, 1854, — Ft. McIntosh, Tex., 1854‑55, — escorting Capt. Indicates a West Point graduate and gives his Class.Pope's Artesian Well Expedition in New

(Second Lieut., 5th Infantry, Mar. 3, 1855)

Mexico, 1855‑56, being engaged in a Skirmish, near the mouth of Delaware Creek, N. M., June 13, 1855; in Florida Hostilities against the Seminole Indians, 1856‑57, being engaged in Skirmishes in Big Cypress Swamp, Mar. 5‑6, 1856, and Mar. 13, 1857; as Adjutant, 5th Infantry, June 9, 1857, to Aug. 23, 1861; in garrison at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., 1857; on frontier duty on Utah Expedition, 1857‑60, March to New

(First Lieut., 5th Infantry, Jan. 19, 1859)

Mexico, 1860, — Ft. Fauntleroy, N. M., 1860, — and on Navajo Expedition, 1860‑61; and on leave of absence, 1861.

Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861‑66: on Mustering duty in Iowa, Apr. 30, 1861, to Mar. 12, 1862; in the Tennessee

(Captain, 18th Infantry, May 14, 1861)

and Mississippi Campaign, Apr. 4 to Sep. 19, 1862, being engaged

(Colonel, 16th Iowa Volunteers, Mar. 24, 1862)

in the Battle of Shiloh, Apr. 6, 1862, where he was twice wounded, —

(Bvt. Major, Apr. 7, 1862,
for Gallant and Meritorious Services at the Battle of Shiloh, Ten.)

Advance upon and Siege of Corinth, Apr. 9 to May 30, 1862, — guarding railroad at Bolivar, Ten., June to Sep., 1862, — on Reconnoissance from Burnsville, Mis., to Iuka, Mis., Sep. 15, 1862, — and in Battle of Iuka, Sep. 19, 1862, where he was severely wounded; on sick leave of absence,

(Bvt. Lieut.‑Colonel, Sep. 19, 1862,
for Gallant and Meritorious Services at the Battle of Iuka, Mis.)

disabled by wound, Oct. 1, 1862, to Jan. 12, 1863; in the Vicksburg Campaign, Jan. 17 to Aug. 11, 1863, being engaged at Young's Point and Lake Providence, Jan. 17 to Apr. 12, 1863, — Siege of Vicksburg, May 30 to July 4, 1863, — Re-occupation of Jackson, July 16, 1863, — and with

(Bvt. Colonel, July 4, 1863,
for Gallant and Meritorious Services during the Siege of Vicksburg, Mis.)

Army of Observation at Black River Bridge, in rear of Vicksburg, June to Aug., 1863; on Expedition to Monroe, La., Aug., 1863; in command of Brigade in garrison at Vicksburg, Mis., Aug., 1863, to Feb. 1, 1864;

(Brig.‑General, U. S. Volunteers, Sep. 22, 1863, to Apr. 6, 1864)

on General Indicates a West Point graduate and gives his Class.Sherman's Raid on Meridian, and returning via Canton, Mis., Feb.‑Mar., 1864; with his Brigade on Veteran Furlough in Iowa, Mar. 12 to May 12, 1864; as Mustering and Disbursing Officer at Davenport, Iowa, May 12 to Nov. 25, 1864; in command of Battalion of 18th Infantry at Lookout Mountain, Ten., Jan. 15 to Aug. 25, 1865; on detached service

(Bvt. Brig.‑General, U. S. Volunteers, Mar. 13, 1865,
for "Gallant and Meritorious Services in the Battle of Champion Hills, Feb. 4, 1864 and Meridian, Mis., Feb. 14, 1864")

at Nashville, Ten., Sep. 5‑30, 1865; in command of Battalion at Louisville, Ky., Oct. 1 to Nov. 3, 1865; on March to Ft. Kearny, Neb., Nov.‑Dec., 1865; and at Omaha, Neb., as Judge-Advocate of the District of Nebraska, Jan. to June 7, 1866.

Transferred to 27th Infantry, Sep. 21, 1866.

Major, 22d Infantry, Mar. 5, 1867.

Served: as Judge Advocate of the Department of the Platte, June 7, 1866, to July 31, 1867; on frontier duty at Ft. Randall, Dak., Aug. 9,  p567 1867, to Apr. 5, 1869; on leave of absence and awaiting orders, Apr. 5,

(Transferred to 10th Infantry, Mar. 15, 1869)

1869, to Feb., 1870; on frontier at Ft. Fetterman, Wy., Mar. 2,

(Unassigned, June 24, 1869; and Assigned to the 4th Infantry, Feb. 4, 1870)

1870, to Mar. 20, 1871; in garrison at Lexington, Ky., Apr. 4, 1871, to Jan., 1873; on frontier duty at Little Rock, Ark., Jan. to May, 1873, — Ft. D. A. Russell, Wy., to Oct., 1873, — and Ft. Fetterman, Wy., to July, 1874; as Member of Equipment Board, July 1 to Dec. 25, 1874; in settling accounts, Dec. 30, 1874, to Apr., 1875; as Member of Ambulance Board, Apr. to June, 1875; on frontier duty at Ft. Fetterman, Wy., June to July 18, 1875, — Camp Sheridan, Neb., to Nov., 1875, — Ft. Fetterman, Wy., Nov. 4, 1875, to Sep. 28, 1876, being engaged on the

(Lieut.‑Colonel, 21st Infantry, Oct. 22, 1876)

Big Horn and Yellowstone Expedition, May 29 to Sep. 23, 1876; in command of Ft. Columbus Recruiting Depot, N. Y., Oct. 13, 1876, to June 29, 1877; as Military Attaché to the U. S. Legation at Constantinople, Turkey, July, 1877, to Sep. 13, 1878; en route to and at Ft. Townsend, Wash., Nov. 27, 1878, to May 15, 1879; in command of regiment and Vancouver Barracks, Wash., to Sep. 2, 1879, — of post of Ft. Lapwai, Ida. (on sick leave of absence, July 24 to Aug. 24, 1880), to Jan. 24, 1881, — of regiment and Vancouver Barracks, Wash., to Oct. 10, 1881, — and of Ft. Townsend, Wash., to Jan. 26, 1884; en route to and at Ft. Bridger, Wy. (on leave of absence, July 26 to Aug. 24, 1884), to Apr. 13, 1885; on sick leave of absence to July 4, 1886; in command of regiment

(Colonel, 17th Infantry, Mar. 1, 1886)

and Ft. D. A. Russell, Wy., to Oct. 10, 1886; sick in quarters to Feb. 1, 1887; in command of regiment and Ft. D. A. Russell, Wy., to Mar. 26, 1887; and sick in quarters and on leave of absence, to Jan. 2, 1888.

Died, Jan. 2, 1888, at San Antonio, Tex.: Aged 55.

Buried, Forest Hill Cemetery, Owatonna, MN.

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Page updated: 27 Aug 14
