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Bill Thayer

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[decorative delimiter]

 [decorative delimiter] Class of 1855

Vol. II

(Born Mo.)º

Frederick L. Childs​1

(Ap'd at Large)


Military History. — Cadet at the Military Academy, July 1, 1851, to July 1, 1855, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to

Bvt. Second Lieut. of Artillery, July 1, 1855.

Served: in garrison at Ft. Monroe, Va., 1855‑56, 1856; in Florida

(Second Lieut., 1st Artillery, July 14, 1855)

Hostilities against the Seminole Indians, 1856‑57; at the Military Academy as Asst. Professor of Geography, History, and Ethics, Sep. 14, 1857, to Jan. 31, 1859; in garrison at Ft. Moultrie, S. C., 1859; on frontier duty at Ft. Clark, Tex., 1859‑60, — and Ft. Duncan, Tex., 1860‑61; and on leave of absence, 1861.

Resigned, Mar. 4, 1861.

Joined in the Rebellion of 1861‑66 against the United States.​a

Civil History. — Farmer, [An empty space], 1866‑70. Purser, New York and Charleston Steamship Company, 1870‑78. Civil Engineer in the service of the United States, 1878‑86, and since 1889. Inspector of Customs, U. S. Treasury Department, [An empty space], 1886‑89.

Vol. IV
[Supplement, Vol. IV: 1890‑1900]

Died June 10, 1894, at Statesburg, S. C.: Aged 63.

See Annual Association of Graduates, U. S. M. A., 1894, for an obituary notice.

The Author's Note:

1 Son of Bvt. Brig.‑General Indicates a West Point graduate, Class of 1814: a link to his biographical entry in Cullum's Register.Thomas Childs, Major 1st Artillery.

Thayer's Note:

a As with other Confederate officers, Cullum's Register omits his war record: according to the Southern Historical Society Papers he was appointed Captain of Artillery on Mar. 16, 1861, preparing North Carolina coast defenses under Indicates a West Point graduate, Class of 1845: a link to his biographical entry in Cullum's Register.Whiting; commanded Charleston Arsenal, July, 1861; was promoted Major, Nov., 1862; Augusta Arsenal, Feb., 1863; commanded the armory at Fayetteville, N. C.; and was promoted Lieut.‑Colonel, Nov. 19, 1863.

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Page updated: 22 Oct 13
